
jīn rónɡ jiā
  • financier
金融家 [jīn róng jiā]
  • [financier;gnome] 银行家或理财专家,尤指于国际货币市场从事经营者

  1. 镀金时代的一些名人如金融家J?P?摩根就是在那里避暑的。

    Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan , the financier , summered there .

  2. 金融家J·B·富卡通过电话集中做生意,发了大财。

    Financier J. B. Fuqua has made a fortune putting deals together over the telephone .

  3. 那种不切实际的态度对金融家们根本不起什么作用。

    That sort of romantic attitude cuts no ice with money-men .

  4. 我正在同一些金融家协商,为我最新的风险项目募集种子资金。

    I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture .

  5. 金融家呼吁对这些严厉的措施予以放宽。

    Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures .

  6. 犹太金融家阴谋论成为巴黎沙龙的话题

    Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons .

  7. 他们是掠夺寡妇钱财的金融家

    They are financiers who spoiled widows of their money .

  8. 除了他们,金融家阿瑟洛克(arthurrock)也到场参加了活动他曾帮助该公司筹到资金。

    They are joined by Arthur rock , the financier who helped find funding for the company .

  9. 集团早期的投资者包括亿万富翁金融家乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)。

    Early investors included George Soros , the billionaire financier .

  10. 对整个后共产主义世界来说,来自金融家乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)的资金至关重要。

    As throughout the post-Communist world , money from financier George Soros was vital .

  11. southerncross和四季都是一个反复出现主题的最新例子:为数不多的金融家攫取利润,而随之产生的重大亏损则广泛扩散。

    Southern Cross and four seasons are fresh instances of a recurring theme : profits accrue to a few financiers , consequential losses are widely diffused .

  12. 中国投资有限责任公司(chinainvestmentcorporation,cic)董事长楼继伟将于本周出席达沃斯(davos)的一个小组会议,届时他将引起与会金融家们的浓厚兴趣。

    When Lou Jiwei , the head of the China Investment Corporation , appears on a panel at Davos next week , he will attract a flurry of interest from financiers .

  13. 在维珍理财注资5000万英镑收购英国北岩银行(NorthernRock)时,美国金融家威尔伯罗斯(WilburRoss)投入了约5倍的资金。

    Wilbur Ross , the US financier , put up about five times the £ 50m Virgin Money injected to buy Northern Rock , the British bank .

  14. 一种信奉冥想的佛教方式&正念(mindfulness),正开始在快节奏的金融家中流行。

    Fast-paced financiers are turning to mindfulness , an ancient Buddhist idea that embraces meditation .

  15. 他开车送做完讲座的金融家约翰•缪斯(JohnMuse)去机场,途中抓住机会向他力荐自己的想法。

    He was driving financier John Muse , who had given a lecture , to the airport and seized the chance to pitch his idea .

  16. 2010年初,一位名叫刘特佐(JhoLow)的马来西亚年轻金融家开始在美国做起非常昂贵的房地产交易。

    In early 2010 , a young Malaysian financier named Jho Low began making some very expensive real estate deals in the United States .

  17. 去年,在皮帕·米德尔顿和金融家JamesMatthews的婚礼上,所有的目光都盯着乔治小王子和夏洛特公主。

    All eyes were on Prince George and Princess Charlotte at their aunt Pippa 's wedding to financier James Matthews last year .

  18. 亿万富翁金融家乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)昨日提出一项建议:向穷国提供1000亿美元贷款,以应对气候变化的威胁。

    George Soros , the billionaire financier , unveiled a plan yesterday to lend poor countries $ 100bn to deal with the threat of climate change .

  19. 另一位则是金融家兼慈善家迈克•米尔肯,他的米尔肯研究所(MilkenInstitute)会议于春季在洛杉矶召开。

    Another is Michael Milken , the financier and philanthropist , who offers his Milken Institute conference in Los Angeles in the spring .

  20. 一些资深金融家在汉堡的一次会议上表示,德国船东公司还可能会掀起一波上市潮,以弥补散户投资者对传统的KG基金缺乏兴趣导致的资金匮乏。

    There could also be a wave of listings of German shipowning companies to make up for retail investors ' lack of appetite in traditional KG funds , according to senior financiers at a Hamburg conference .

  21. 一位金融家在谈到巴克莱前首席执行官鲍博•戴蒙德(BobDiamond)被迫离职一事时说:“伦敦到底发生了什么?你们在谋杀你们的银行家。”

    One financier , referring to the forced resignation of Bob Diamond , the former Barclayschief executive , said : " What 's going on in London ? You are killing your bankers . "

  22. 传奇金融家吉姆•斯莱特(JimSlater)和电视巨头迈克尔•格林(MichaelGreen)曾同属同一家桥牌俱乐部,而沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)则喜欢跟同为亿万富翁的比尔•盖茨(BillGates)做牌搭子。

    The legendary financier Jim Slater and the television magnate Michael Green both used to belong to the same bridge club , while Warren Buffett enjoys playing with fellow billionaire Bill Gates .

  23. 金融家查尔斯•约翰逊(CharlesJohnson)向耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)捐款2.50亿美元,用于新建建筑,房地产开发商斯蒂芬•罗斯(StephenRoss)也向密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)捐款2亿美元。

    Charles Johnson , the financier , pledged $ 250m to Yale University for new buildings , while Stephen Ross , the real estate developer , pledged $ 200m to the University of Michigan .

  24. 比如法国金融家大卫·大卫-维尔(DavidDavid-Weill,1871-1952),对装饰艺术(ArtDeco)、18世纪家具、印象派画家和早期大师作品、巴洛克雕塑和拜占庭艺术品都有涉猎。

    The French financier David David-Weill ( 1871-1952 ) , for example , had a taste for Art Deco and 18th-century furniture , Impressionist and old master paintings , Baroque sculpture and Byzantine objects .

  25. 拉托日前是在出席由主要国家决策者参加的一次会议上发表上述言论的。会上私人部门金融家敦促美联储(Fed)和欧洲央行(ECB)采取更多行动,以恢复市场信心。

    Mr de Rato was attending a conference of leading policy makers at which private-sector financiers urged the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank to do more to reassure the markets .

  26. 正如英国央行的安德鲁霍尔丹(andrewhaldane)所论述的那样,政府已经“成为银行最后的金融家”。

    As Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England argues , the state has " become the last resort financier of the banks " .

  27. 金融家们表示,科技公司在公开市场的股票发售,将达到自上世纪90年代以来未见的水平,社交公司facebook以及一批其它的互联网和“绿色科技”公司将首当其冲。

    Financiers are talking of public stock sales by tech companies at a level not seen since the 1990s led by social networking company Facebook and a batch of other Internet and " Greentech " companies .

  28. 在我读到身材肥胖、头发蓬乱的金融家盖伊•翰兹(GuyHands)与曲调优美的短发低吟歌手罗比•威廉姆斯(RobbieWilliams)之间的英勇争斗时,我想起了我们的这番谈话。

    I was reminded of our conversation last week as I read about the heroic struggle between Guy Hands , the fat , tousled-haired financier , and Robbie Williams , the toned , close-cropped crooner .

  29. 但是,金融家获得这些证券和其它类型的债券,以一种所谓的“债务抵押债券(cdo)”结构再次对其进行打包。

    But financiers took these securities and other types of debt and repackaged them again in structures known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) .

  30. 尼尔•弗格森(NiallFerguson)为创建了华宝银行(S.G.Warburg&Co)的西格蒙德•瓦尔堡(SiegmundWarburg)撰写的传记《大金融家》(HighFinancier)生动地阐述了美国银行业如何发展成今天的样子。

    High Financier , NiallFerguson 's biography of Siegmund Warburg , founder of the eponymous bank , delivers fascinating insights into why the US banking sector looks like it doestoday .