
  • 网络Metallized pellet;DRI
  1. 本文通过用焦炉煤气对金属化球团进行冷却试验表明:在焦炉煤气中加入定量的水蒸汽,可避免煤气中的有机硫由于转化成H2S而造成对产品质量的影响。

    The results of cooling test of metallized pellets conducted with coke-oven gas has indicated that adding a certain quantity of water steam into the coke-oven gas could prevent the effect of H_2S converted from cooling gas on the quality of metallized pellets .

  2. 还原后的球团为半金属化球团,其全铁(TFe)含量为67%左右,最高达69.8%;

    The treated pellets are semi-metallic pellets , total ferrum content in the treated pellets is about 67 % , the highest content of TFe will reach up to 69.8 % ;

  3. 新工艺核心为弱还原焙烧脱锡、锌和砷,以及强还原焙烧制备金属化球团(DRI)。

    The cores of the new technology were selective separation of tin , zinc and arsenic by weak reduction roasting , and preparation of metallic pellets ( DRI ) by strong reduction roasting .

  4. 应用环转炉生产金属化球团的半工业性试验

    The pilot test of metallized pelletizing using rotary hearth furnace

  5. 台车连续炉生产镍铁金属化球团的实验研究

    Study on metallization pellet production in car bottom continuous furnace

  6. 利用高炉瓦斯泥制备金属化球团工艺实验研究

    Study on the process of preparating metallic pellets with BF Gas Slime

  7. 以冶金废料为主要原料生产低品质金属化球团的探索

    Development to produce low-grade metallized agglomerate with metallurgical waste as main raw material

  8. 半金属化球团工艺的研究及开发

    The study and development of semi - metallized pellets

  9. 含锌铅粉尘金属化球团的固结机理

    Bond Mechanism of Metallic Pellet Produced from Zn-Pb-Bearing Iron and Steel Plant Dust

  10. 焦炉煤气冷却金属化球团对产品质量的影响

    Influence of coke - oven gas as cooling medium on metallized pellet quality

  11. 用高含碳金属化球团处理焦化废水的研究

    Study on Cocking Waste Water Treatment by Using Metallization Pellets with High Carbon Content

  12. 首先介绍了高含碳金属化球团的用途和制备方法。

    The usage and preparation of high carbon-bearing pellets are firstly introduced in this article .

  13. 介绍了高含碳金属化球团的制备过程及其处理废水的机理-铁碳内电解法。

    The preparation of high carbon-bearing pellets and mechanism of the iron inner electrolysis treatment are introduced .

  14. 介绍了一种利用台车连续炉,以红土镍矿为原料,煤粉为还原剂,生产镍铁金属化球团的方法。

    This paper introduces a method of producing metallization pellet with laterite nickel ore as raw material and coal as a reductant in car bottom continuous furnace .

  15. 结果表明,印度赤铁矿可以任意配比与磁铁精矿混合,采用一步法直接还原法生产金属化球团。

    It is shown that Indian hematite can be used to produce metallic pellets by one-step direct reduction process when mixing with magnetite concentrate at any ratio .

  16. 矿壳球团在带式焙烧机上焙烧还原是一种投资少、成本低的生产高炉金属化球团的直接还原法。

    Reduction of enveloped pellets by roasting on the belt roaster in a direct reduction process with less investment and lower cost in producing blast furnace metalized pellets .

  17. 试验表明,此工艺可得到性能优良的冷固球团及金属化率≥95%的金属化球团。

    In this way the cold-bonding pellets with good performance and the metallic pellets with the metallization rate not less than 95 % are obtained .