
  • 网络wire mesh;wire netting;wire cloth;wiremesh
  1. 介绍了欧洲生产针织金属丝网的领头羊Rhodius集团。

    The Rhodius group , the leading producer of knitted wire mesh in Europe is introduced .

  2. 金属丝网减振装置利用内部的金属丝之间相对滑移,产生干摩擦耗散大量能量而起到阻尼作用。

    Wire mesh damping device uses internal slip between the metal wire and produces large quantities of energy dissipation to play a damping effect .

  3. 一只鸟被金属丝网缠住了。

    A bird got entangled in the wire netting .

  4. 结果表明,采用金属丝网与PET膜复合结构可以制备可见光透明的屏蔽性能优良的电磁屏蔽层;

    The results show that the structure can be used as electromagnetic shielding layer .

  5. 以钛酸正丁酯为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法在金属丝网上制备了TiO2薄膜光催化剂。

    Nanometer TiO_2 film photocatalyst on stainless steel wire gauze was prepared by using sol-gel method .

  6. 不锈钢金属丝网上TiO2纳米薄膜光催化剂的研究

    Studies on Nanometer TiO_2 Film Photocatalyst Supported on Stainless Steel Wire Gauze

  7. 在钛金属丝网上采用电泳沉积(EPD)方法沉积上约100μm厚的多孔钛层,加热烧结并通过煅烧处理在其表面上形成TiO2层。

    Electrophoretic deposition ( EPD ) method was used to coat a porous titanium layer with a thickness of about 100 m on wire meshes .

  8. 结果表明Pd含量为0.186%时,Pd/CeZr/TiO2/Al2O3蜂窝状金属丝网催化剂在低温条件下具有较高的催化活性,而且催化活性窗口较宽。

    The results showed that 0.186 % - Pd / CeZr / TiO2 / Al2O3 wire-mesh honeycomb catalyst exhibited high catalytic activity at low temperature over a broad temperature range .

  9. 为实现用NH3对NOx的选择性催化还原,研究了一种V2O5/TiO2/Al2O3/Al金属丝网蜂窝催化剂。

    To realize the selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) of NOx with NH3 , a new type of V2O5 / TiO2 / Al2O3 / Al wire-mesh honeycomb ( WMH ) catalyst was developed .

  10. 在它的顶部有一个由金属丝网纱做的被称为“first-flush”的设备。

    At the top of the tank is a so-called " first-flush " device made of wire screen .

  11. 结果表明,当TiO2的负载量为0.4g时可将8g的金属丝网模件完全覆盖;

    By testing the influence of the parameters on SCR in the course of catalyst preparation , it was found that when the loading amount of TiO2 was 0.4g , the module which weight 8g can be covered completely .

  12. AAW-400型金属丝网减振器是目前较为新型的隔振器,其中的金属网垫阻尼元件因为具有许多显著的优点而在隔振系统中得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    AAW-400 metal-net damper is a new type of vibration isolation , The metal-net has many virtues and gets more and more extensive application in vibration isolator system .

  13. 针对压电陶瓷变压器侧电极的连接问题,本文提出了激光钎焊的焊接方法,采用金属丝网辅助钎膏钎焊工艺,对PECT发电元件的侧电极进行激光钎焊。

    Aim at the joint problem of lateral electrode of PECT , laser soldering method has been brought forward in this paper . The process assisted with wire mesh and soldering paste has been adopted to weld the lateral electrode of PECT .

  14. 对金属丝网波纹填料采用不同的方法进行表面处理,并以乙醇水为物系,对处理前后填料层的压降△P/Z及等板高度HETP进行了测定。

    The surface of corrugated wire gauze packing was treated with different methods respectively and the pressure drop Δ P / Z and the height equivalent to a theoretical plate HETP of packing were determined before and after they had been treated with ethanol water system .

  15. 非线性金属丝网减振器的试验建模和参数辨识

    Experiment Modeling and Parameter Identification of a Nonlinear Metal-net Vibration Isolator

  16. 金属丝网除沫器在硫酸生产上的应用

    Application of Metal Wire - Mesh Demisters in Sulphuric Acid Production

  17. 实际测量了金属丝网的参数,并与传统检测方法比较,效果良好。

    Compared with traditional testing techniques , it has better effect .

  18. 金属丝网波纹填料及其在化工生产中的应用

    Metal Wire Mesh Ripple Packing and its Application in Chemical Production

  19. 高比表面积金属丝网波纹填料的实验研究

    Experimental study on metal gauze corrugated packing with high specific area

  20. 涤纶金属丝网布的制作工艺及其用途

    Making of Polyester - Metal Filament Leno Fabric and Its Uses

  21. 金属丝网填料鼓泡塔中的气液两相接触面积

    The Gas-Liquid Interfacial Area in a Bubble Column with Corrugated Screen Packing

  22. 金属丝网过滤器性能影响因素研究

    Research on the Factors that Influence the Performance of Metal Wire-mesh Filters

  23. 金属丝网波纹填料表面处理对其性能的影响

    Influence of Surface Treatment of Corrugated Wire Gauze Packing on Its Performances

  24. 金属丝网过滤技术在液氦纯化中的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Metal Mesh Filtration Technology in Liquid Helium Purification

  25. 金属丝网透明电磁屏蔽层材料制备与性能研究

    Preparation and properties of transparent metallic mesh electromagnetic shielding structure

  26. 烧结金属丝网除尘技术的研究

    Study of Gas Cleaning with a Sintered Metal Mesh Filter

  27. 金属丝网减振器数学建模与参数识别

    Mathematical Model and Parameter Identification of Metal - Web Damper

  28. 高可靠性烧结金属丝网防爆元件的应用研究

    Research On Applic ɑ tion of High Reliability Synthetic Metal Wire Mesh

  29. 金属丝网过滤器过滤初期阶段压力特性的研究

    Experimental Study on Pressure Characteristics of the Wirework Filter during Beginning Period

  30. 柴油车排气微粒捕集用复合金属丝网的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and performance of complex metal wire - mesh for diesel particulate filter