
  • 网络baryon number
  1. 结果表明,在此情况下因为R不再为零也同样可以获得重子数的不对称,从而不同于爱因斯坦宇宙框架下的相关结论。

    We show that R does not vanish in this case and the required baryon number asymmetry can also be achieved .

  2. 在寻找超对称时,可能存在的破坏轻子数和重子数的R宇称破缺耦合受到了充分关注。

    The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .

  3. 根据守恒流是矢介子场的源的概念,讨论了重子数和轻子数所对应的矢介子场Z。

    Assuming that the conserved currents are sources of the vector meson fields , the vector fields Z 's coupled to baryon and lepton number are discussed .

  4. 数阻止和重子数穿透的倩况为可能产生的QGP提供了完全不同的初始条件。

    Baryon number transport and stopping provide entirely different initial condition for the probably produced QGP .

  5. 讨论了Brans-Dicke理论中的辅助性标量φ在宇宙的重子数不对称起源中所扮演的可能角色。

    The role of the auxiliary scalar field φ of BD theory in baryon number asymmetry is discussed in this paper .

  6. 为了拓展相图中高重子数密度区域的研究,德国在其反质子和离子研究中心启动了压缩重子物质实验(CBM)和SIS100/300加速器的建造。

    To exploring the phase diagram in the region of very high baryonic densities , the Compressed Baryonic Matter ( CBM ) experiment and SIS100 / 300of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research ( FAIR ) are planned in Germany .

  7. 质子衰变;衰变寿命;重子数守恒;探测器。

    Proton decay , Decay lifetime , Baryon-number Conservation , Detector .

  8. 在标准模型中重子数是绝对守恒的。

    The baryon numbers are absolutely conserved in the Standard Model .

  9. 宇宙中的光子数、重子数、及反重子数

    The number of photons , baryons and antibaryons in the universe

  10. 重子数守恒对净质子快度分布的影响

    Influence of Baryon Number Conservation on Net-Proton Rapidity Distribution

  11. 对高重子数密度粒子发射源的干涉学分析

    Interferometry for Particle-emitting Source of High Baryon Density

  12. 这些加速器及其实验都专注于极高能量和低重子数密度的研究。

    These accelerators and experiments are focused on the very high energy with low baryonic density .

  13. 而大统一理论则预言在原子核中的核子将衰变,重子数守恒将被破坏。

    However , the nucleons in nucleus will decay and baryon-number conservation may not be absolute according to the Grand unified theory .

  14. 并且发现实验上观察到的净质子数的涨落可以较好的近似表现出净重子数以及净电荷数的涨落。

    And also find that the experimentally observable fluctuation of net proton number could approximately express the fluctuation of net baryon and net charged number better .

  15. p+A作用中入射质子的碎裂一直是一个重要的物理研究课题,这是因为它与核作用中重子数输运机制密切相关。

    Projectile proton fragmentation in p + A interactions has been an interesting physics topic because it is related to the dynamics of baryon number transport in nuclear collisions .

  16. 在任意亚原子结构中的重子数和反重子数之差;在各种粒子的相互作用中守恒。

    A number equal to the difference between the number of baryons and the number of antibaryons in any subatomic structure ; it is conserved in all types of particle interactions .

  17. 一般认为如存在第五种力或非牛顿引力分量,则它必耦合于重子数和轻子数的某种线性组合,而不应耦合于光子。

    It has generally been assumed that if there is a " fifth force " or non-Newtonian component of gravity , it must couple to some linear combination of baryons and leptons , and does not couple to photons .

  18. 不需引入任何其它假定,就自然解释了Υ→3g三胶子碎裂末态重子多重数增高的重要特征。

    The important character of increment of the baryon multiplicity in Υ→ 3g fragmentation is interpreted naturally without any other assumptions .

  19. 目前观测到的重子光子数比10~(-9)可能是由极早期宇宙中的超重玻色子的衰变产生的,在这种衰变中C及CP是破坏的。

    The observed baryon-to-photon ratio of 10-9 could be produced by the decays of superheavy bosons in the very early universe if C and CP are violated in its actions .

  20. 计算了e+e-湮没与pp(p)反应过程的直生介子与重子多重数,与经验公式中的参数完全一致。

    In this paper the multiplicities of directly producted mesons and baryons in e + e - annihilation and pp ( p ) reaction are calculated and are in complete agreement with the parameter in the experienced formula .

  21. 重子不对称和重子光子数比的起源可以用大统一理论加以解释。

    The origin of the baryon asymmetry and the baryon-to-photon ratio may be explained by Grand Unified Theories .