
  • 网络multiple values;Weight;Max-weight
  1. 液体培养时,以果糖为碳源时菌丝干重值最大,麦芽糖次之。

    The more suitable carbon sources for mycelial growth in liquid medium ( mycelial dry weight ) were fructose and maltose .

  2. 指标体系中评价指标对系统安全的贡献大小和重要程度不同,对评价指标间的差异可通过赋以不同权重值的办法表示。

    In the index system , due to different contributions of indexes to the system safety , the method for evaluation indexes can be given different weight value .

  3. 零级代数体函数涉及重值的Borel点

    The Borel Point for Zero-Order Algebroidal Function with Multiple Values

  4. 代数体函数及其导数的涉及重值的Borel方向

    On the Borel Direction Dealing with Multiple Values of Algebroidal Functions and Their Derivatives

  5. 得到一个亚纯函数的正规定则,推广了Bloch-Valiron关于重值的正规定则。

    Obtains a normality criterion of meromorphic function , which is an extension of Bloch-Valiron normality criterion .

  6. 研究了单位圆内ρ(0<ρ<+∞)级亚纯函数涉及导数、重值及小函数的Hayman方向的存在性问题,证明了类似于平面上的亚纯函数辐角分布的结果。

    In this paper we study the existence problem of Hayman direction of meromorphic function with order ρ( 0 < ρ < ∞) concerning derivatives , multiple values and small functions in the unit circle and we prove two theorems which are similar to the results in the plane .

  7. 亚纯函数涉及重值的三值定理

    Three Values Theorem of Meromorphic Functions Relative to Multiple Values

  8. 这样的图件一般认为只代表原始的重值。

    Such maps are commonly considered to represent " raw gravity " .

  9. 涉及重值的亚纯函数的唯一性象集的注记

    Further Results on the Unique Range Sets of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Multiple Value

  10. 涉及重值的多个亚纯函数的分担值与唯一性

    On the Uniqueness and Shared Values for Several Meromorphic Functions Concerning Multiple Value

  11. 微分多项式具有重值的亚纯函数的奇异方向

    On the singular direction of meromorphic function with differentia polynomial and multiple value

  12. 代数体函数涉及重值的奇异方向

    The singular direction of algebroidal function with multiple values

  13. 关于代数体函数的重值

    On the multiple values of algebroid functions

  14. 亚纯函数族与其导数分担重值的正规定则

    Sharing Multiple and Normality of Meromorphic Functions

  15. 关于无穷级亚纯函数结合导数涉及重值的奇异方向

    On the Singular Direction of Infinite Order Meromorphic Function with Their Derivative and Multiple Values

  16. 单位圆内拟亚纯映射的重值

    About the Multiple Values of Quasi-conformal Mappings

  17. 本文给出了多复变量亚纯函数的第二基本定理的一个改进形式,并进一步得到了一个关于重值的唯一性定理(详见文[1-16])。

    In this paper , we give an improved second main theorem and a unique -

  18. 亚纯函数结合于导数和重值的辐角分布

    The angular distribution of Meromorphic Functions

  19. 零级整函数结合导数与重值的辐角分布

    The argument distribution of entire function of zero order relate to their derivatives and multiple values

  20. 重值与唯一性

    Overlapped Value and Uniqueness

  21. 本文证明了单位圆内涉及导数与重值的全纯函数的奇异点的存在性。

    The present paper proves the existence of the singular point of holomorphic function with derivative and multiple value in the unit circle .

  22. 本文主要在涉及重值的情况下得到亚纯函数及其导数具有三个公共值时的一个唯一性定理。

    In this paper , we obtain a unicity theorem of meromorphic function 's and their derivatives that share three values relate to the multiple values .

  23. 第二章,我们研究了迭代级整函数结合于导数与重值的辐角分布,得到了相应的结果。

    In chapter 2 , we investigated the argument distribution of the multiple value and the derived functions of integral functions with iterated order , and gain similar result .

  24. 自然景观的知名度比较高,汉重值为0.315,但是观赏性和科普性则较低权重值仅为0.092和0.059,说明自然景观资源开发比较粗糙,特色不突出。

    Visibility of the natural landscape is relatively high , weight values to 0.315 , but appreciative value and popular science lower weight value are only 0.092 and 0.059 .

  25. 结果发现,白眉长臂猿取食36种食物的40个部位,其果实的食物单元、取食速度、单个鲜重值等取食特征不同于嫩叶。

    The results showed that gibbons ate 40 parts from 36 botanic species . The feeding characteristics about food unit , feeding speed and weight of one food unit were different between fruits and young leaves .

  26. n重B值多随机Dirichlet级数的收敛性

    On the Convergence of the n-Tuple B-Valued Multi-Random Dirichlet Series

  27. 鲜重预测值和实际值间相关系数R为0.93。

    For weight prediction , the correlation coefficient between predicted and real weight was 0.93 .

  28. 结合多项式方法和QR方法各自的特点,提出了一种计算矩阵重特征值的方法。

    There are two kinds of method to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix : characteristic polynomial method and QR method .

  29. 首先计算实际航迹信号的功率谱密度,得到航迹的频谱范围,依据Shannon定理初步确定激光重频值。

    In analyzing flight path data , power spectral density is computed to obtain the frequency range and times of LFR using the Shannon theorem .

  30. 文章叙述数字语音信号的基于FFT的非均匀重采样值重构的技术实现问题,并对实际的WAV格式的数字语音文件的重采样值用VC++6.0编写的程序实现了基于FFT的重构;

    Implementation of recovery of nonuniform resampling for speech signal stored in WAV format is described based on Discrete fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) in the paper .