
  • 网络Sample holder;Sample and Hold;sample & hold;sha
  1. 该谱仪的模数转换器采用带采样保持器的14位高速ADC芯片和带USB接口的16位单片机,简化了电路,提高了性能;

    By taking fast 14-bit ADC with track / hold circuit and 16-bit microcontroller with USB interface , the circuit of the spectrometer analog-digital converter is simplified , and the performance is improved .

  2. 应用采样保持器和低通滤波器控制混沌

    Control Chaos Using a Sampling Holder and a Low Pass Filter

  3. 基于采样保持器的滤波电路研究

    A Study on Filter Circuits Based on Sample-and-Hold Amplifier

  4. 一种25MS/s高精度采样保持器的设计

    A 25 MS / s High Precision Sample-and-Hold Circuit

  5. 但在这种设计中,采样保持器保持误差电压是设计中最为关键的指标。

    But the error hold voltage will be the key factor in this configuration .

  6. 本文提出的方案的特点是不需要采样保持器。

    This paper proposes a new technique where no S / H is necessary .

  7. 完整解决方案:基准电压源和采样保持器。

    Complete solution : reference and track-and-hold .

  8. 一种流水型40MSPS高速采样保持器

    A 40 MSPS Pipelined Sample-and-Hold Circuit

  9. 本文分析了这两种情况下采样保持器的频域特性,并讨论了它们之间的等价条件。

    The frequency domain characteristics of both cases are analyzed and the equivalent substitute conditions are discussed in this paper .

  10. 采用单片集成采样保持器来实现每周波无功电流峰值的采样与保持。

    The peak value of idle current every period is sampled and held by using single-chip integrated sampling and holding .

  11. 通过将采样保持器设置在多路开关的前端,使电路具有同步采样的功能。

    By putting the sample and holding IC in front of the multiplexer , the convertor can also do synchronous sampling .

  12. 介绍了一种正弦波的峰值检测方法,先用正弦波产生一个控制信号,再用此信号控制采样保持器采样。

    This paper introduces a new method of peak value measurement . First , users produce a control signal according to the input sin wave , and then the signal is used to control the sampling holder .

  13. 地震数据采集系统中,采样/保持器(S/H)是一个基本电路器件。

    In the seismic data sample system , the Sampler / Holder is a fundmental electronic device .

  14. 传统电力参数测量基于单片机、采样/保持器和通用A/D变换器,精度和实时性均较差,难以满足高精度实时测控系统要求。

    Based on SCM , sampling-and-holding circuit and general A / D converter , the traditional measurement for electric power parameters has poor precision and real-time capabilities .

  15. 对于这种信号,在接收端用锁相环路恢复标准频率时,不能使用普通的鉴相器,必须用采样保持鉴相器。

    For this signal , a general phase detector can not be used , sample-and-hold phase detector must be used in the phase-locked loop recovering the standard frequency signal .

  16. 在误差分析的基础上,提出选择采样频率、采样分辨率及采样保持器的综合准则。

    Based on the analysis of errors in calculation , criteria to be used to select proper sampling frequency , sampling determination and sampling-holder is put forward .