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  • to one's heart's content;be given to heavy drinking;soundly
  • 酒喝得很畅快:~饮。半~。~醉。酒~耳热。

  • 尽量,痛快:~畅。~赏(恣意游赏)。~眠。~然。

  • 浓,盛:~春(春色正浓)。


(饮酒尽兴, 泛指尽兴、畅快等) (drink, etc.) to one's heart's content; be given to heavy drinking:

  • 半酣

    half drunk;

  • 酣歌

    sing to one's heart's content;

  • 酒酣耳热

    heated with wine

  1. 他们俩在婴儿床上酣睡着。

    They were both fast asleep in their cots

  2. 他酣睡着。

    He is sound asleep .

  3. 酣豆能坐了,所以可以玩秋千了。

    Handou can sit now , so he can play swing .

  4. 没办法,爸爸只得一直抱着酣豆。

    Therefore , dad can only hold him most of the time .

  5. 无边无际的森林在大自然静寂的怀抱中酣睡着。

    The boundless woods were sleeping in the deep repose of nature .

  6. 在我睡到最酣的时候

    When I clamber to the heights of sleep ,

  7. 他张着嘴,睡得很酣。

    He was fast asleep with his mouth open .

  8. 晚上十二点钟,村人都酣睡着。

    It was eleven o'clock at night , villagers were all in deep sleep .

  9. 因精神疲惫,我睡得很酣。

    My spirits exhausted I slept very soundly .

  10. 比酣豆小三个月的迎迎!好漂漂啊。

    Jane , who is three months younger than the Bean Kid ! Beautiful girl !

  11. 熊市中的债券交易者正在与美联储酣斗,并且成功地将债券的收益推高。

    Bearish bond traders are fighting the Fed and winning at bidding up bond yields .

  12. 酣豆:爸爸要带我去做滑梯,好诶!

    The Bean Kid : Dad 's taking me to the slides . Oh , yeah !

  13. 藏身寒冷的雾山苍莽,沉酣于梦乡的金碧辉煌。

    We lay under the misty mountains cold . In slumbers deep and dreams of gold .

  14. 风常常很大,但不影响酣豆的兴致。

    The wind is usually very strong , but it does not affect his high spirit .

  15. 又到竞争最酣时&山东啤酒市场素描

    Sketch of Shandong Beer Market

  16. 品牌风正急价格战犹酣中国陶瓷怎么了?

    What about Chinese ceramics ?

  17. 突然间,碎骨的大痛楚透到心髓了,他即沉酣于大欢喜和大悲悯中。

    Sudden agnoy from his broken bones shoots through his heart and marrow , intoxicating him with great ecstasy and compassion .

  18. 酣针表现为不喜欢吃饭,小孩子得了一种病,农村叫酣针是什么病?

    Dot got a kind of disease , what disease is the country calls to one 's heart 's content the needle ?

  19. 一会儿瞌睡来了,我就躺在海藻叶制的床上,酣美地人睡,这个时候,诺第留斯号正很快地穿过黑潮暖流,迅速地驶去。

    Then drowsiness overtook me , I stretched out on my eelgrass mattress , and I fell into a deep slumber , while the Nautilus glided through the swiftly flowing Black Current .

  20. 但每每,在我面前对死神的时候,在我睡到最酣的时候,在我纵酒狂欢的时候,总会突然遇到你的脸。

    Yet always when I look at death in the face , when I clamber to the heights of sleep , or when I grow excited with wine suddenly I meet your face .
