首页 / 词典 / good

  • oar
  • 划船用具:舟~。~师(船工)。中流击~。

  • 古同“辑”,聚集。

  1. 诚信就像人生航船的楫桨,控制着人生的去向。

    The trustworthiness is like the barge-pole oar of life ship , controlling the direction of life .

  2. 还有更清晰的图象楫档案照片吗?

    Do you have any clearer images , any file photos ?

  3. 语言学研究的逻辑学思考&研海一楫(之三)

    Linguistic Research and Logic : What Helps in the Research ( III );

  4. 康有为的书法艺术思想&《广艺舟双楫》散论

    Kang Youwei 's Artistic Thought on Chinese Calligraphy

  5. 桨轮船把桨楫改为桨轮推进,把桨楫的间歇推进改为桨轮的回旋推进(连续运转)。

    The ship to paddle blade wheel OARS bihan OARS , put the intermittent push to Samuel whirly propulsion ( the OARS wheel for continuous operation ) .