
  • 网络Walter;Walter Kwok
  1. 斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)的一位医师出具了诊断书,法庭文书上仅证实是马尔多纳多医生(drmaldonado),“郭炳湘过去偶尔咨询过他的参考意见”。

    This diagnosis was made by a doctor at Stanford University , identified in court papers only as Dr Maldonado , whom " Walter Kwok had in the past occasionally consulted for a second opinion " .

  2. 郭炳湘从未公开证实关于那次绑架的事实或细节。

    Walter Kwok has never publicly confirmed the fact or any details of the kidnapping .

  3. 在上周四董事局会议前数日,两位弟弟修改会议议程,纳入终止郭炳湘主席及行政总裁职务的一项动议,并提议任命他们的母亲邝肖卿(KwongSiu-hing)为董事局主席。

    In the days leading up to yesterday 's board meeting , the younger brothers amended the agenda to include a resolution terminating Walter 's appointment as chairman and chief executive , and proposing that their mother , Kwong Siu-hing , be appointed chairman .

  4. 事实证明,郭炳湘和两个弟弟之间休战的愿望维持的时间很短。

    The desire for peace between him and his two younger siblings proved brief .

  5. 郭炳湘是否为调查提供了信息,目前不得而知。

    It is not clear whether Walter was a source of information for the investigation .

  6. 郭炳湘找到三位专家,他们全都得出结论,认为郭炳湘并未患有任何精神紊乱的疾病。

    Walter found three experts , who all concluded he did not suffer from any mental disorder .

  7. 上文提到的香港基金经理表示:你永远无法知道,郭炳湘会不会卷土重来,再搞出一些什么名堂。

    You never know whether Walter will come back and do something nasty , says the Hong Kong-based fund manager .

  8. 进而,他们表示,目前应当撤除郭炳湘的职务,理由是他近来的行为,但没有进一步详述。

    Instead , they said Walter should now be stripped of his title because of his recent behaviour , without being more specific .

  9. 郭炳湘上周还起诉他的两个弟弟诽谤,根据就是他们写给董事局的一封信函。

    Mr Kwok last week also sued his two brothers for defamation on the basis of a letter they sent to the board .

  10. 在会议上,郭炳湘与董事局达成协议,没有放弃自己的职责,而是请3个月的休假。

    At the meeting , Walter brokered a deal with the board to instead relinquish his responsibilities and take a three-month leave of absence .

  11. 一个月后,他的两位弟弟召集了一次董事局会议,投票决定是否终止郭炳湘担任行政总裁及主席的职务。

    A month later , the younger brothers called a board meeting to vote on terminating Walter 's appointment as chief executive and chairman .

  12. 郭炳湘宣称,他被罢免董事长是因为自己希望调查公司某些问题,提高公司治理水平。

    He claimed he was being forcibly removed as chairman because he wanted to investigate certain matters in the company and improve corporate governance .

  13. 这一争吵在上周变得公开化,当时,郭炳湘赢得了一项临时法庭禁令,阻止董事局投票罢免他的主席职务。

    The spat became public last week when Walter Kwok obtained a temporary court injunction to stop the board from voting to oust him .

  14. 郭炳湘还出具一封来自马尔多纳多医生的电邮,称这种情绪失控治愈的可能性很大,3个月的时间足以康复。

    Walter also produced an e-mail from Dr Maldonado saying that the mood disorder was highly treatable and three months would suffice for the cure .

  15. 1月份,郭炳联告诉郭炳湘,他不再适合担任主席和行政总裁职务,因为他患有躁郁症。

    In January , Raymond told Walter he was no longer fit to work as chairman and chief executive because he had bipolar affective disorder .

  16. 郭炳湘的两位弟弟指称,他们的兄长在十多年前遭绑架后,一直受到精神问题困扰,因而不适合担任领导职位。

    Walter was accused by his brothers of suffering from a mental condition after being kidnapped more than a decade ago and therefore unfit to lead .

  17. 郭炳湘向法庭宣称,两位弟弟还发送给董事局另外一份备忘录,称“郭炳湘的健康状况不再有什么关系”。

    The younger brothers also issued a separate memo to the board saying " the medical condition of Walter Kwok was no longer relevant " , Walter claimed to the court .

  18. 现年61岁的郭炳湘当时给这家家族企业董事会写了一封信,信中说:兄弟三人,何必相煎?

    Walter , 61 , then wrote a letter to the board of the family-owned company that said : We three are brothers . Why should we keep fighting each other ?

  19. 在递交法庭的文书中,郭炳湘表示,他与两位弟弟的争议始于一年之前,起因是他努力“整体改革新鸿基地产管理层”。

    In court papers , Walter said disputes with his two younger brothers began a year ago as a result of his efforts to " generally improve the management of SHKP " .

  20. 这是他免职以来首次接受国际媒体采访,在采访中郭炳湘还表示,应任命更为独立的非执行董事,加入董事局并赋予他们更大的话语权。

    In his first interview with the international media since his demotion , Mr Kwok also suggested appointing more independent , non-executive directors to the board and empowering them to have a greater say .

  21. 三人均缺席今年3月份的业绩发布会,主持记者招待会的高级经理遭到了记者们连珠炮般的提问,询问主席兼行政总裁郭炳湘休假一事。

    All three were absent at the March briefing and the senior managers who hosted the press conference were barraged with questions about the leave of absence taken by Walter Kwok , chairman and chief executive .

  22. 郭炳湘表示,董事局还同意根据来自至少另外两位专家的独立医学意见,在3个月内再次举行投票,其中一位专家将由郭炳江和郭炳联指定。

    According to Walter , the board also agreed to vote again in three months ' time based on independent medical opinions from at least two other experts , one of whom was to be nominated by Thomas Kwok and Raymond Kwok .

  23. 然而,一位知情人士称,新鸿基的董事们对郭炳湘越来越不满意,有些项目和投资,他未与董事局磋商便作出商业决策,而其他董事认为这些项目和投资并不妥当。

    A person close to the company , however , said Sun Hung Kai directors grew displeased with Walter Kwok making business decisions on projects and investments that he did not consult the board over , and which the other directors felt were misguided .

  24. 在他递交法庭的文书中,郭炳湘宣称,无视独立医学建议推进董事局投票,相当于违反了他与董事局3个月前达成的协议,因此不应允许投票继续进行。

    In his court filings , Walter claimed that pushing ahead with the vote in spite of the independent medical advice amounted to a breach of the agreement he brokered with the board three months ago , and so the vote should not be allowed to go ahead .

  25. 新鸿基地产是香港最大的上市房地产开发商,拥有450亿美元的市值。该公司董事局原定昨日就郭炳湘的命运进行投票。他也是执掌该公司的郭氏三兄弟中最年长的一位。

    The board of Hong Kong-listed Sun Hung Kai Properties , which has a market capitalisation of $ 45bn , was due to vote yesterday on the fate of Walter Kwok , chairman and chief executive , the oldest of the three Kwok brothers who steer the company .