
  • 网络Robert Kuok
  1. 两年前,可口可乐从马来西亚华裔大亨郭鹤年(robertkuok)手中买下嘉里饮料(kerrybeverages),成为其在中国的第三大瓶装公司。

    Two years ago , Coke agreed to acquire its third major China bottler , Kerry beverages , from Robert Kuok , the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon .

  2. 在距离大约一个街区不到点的地方,是中央电视台(cctv)总部和马来西亚华裔大亨郭鹤年的嘉里集团(kerrygroup)旗下房产分公司建造的北京最高楼。

    Just about a block apart are the new headquarters for Chinese state television ( CCTV ) and the tallest building in Beijing , being built by the property arm of the Kerry Group , headed by the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , Robert Kuok .

  3. 郭鹤年曾告诉他,在酒店行业,存在一个“倒金字塔结构”,“员工是公司中最重要的资产”,因为接待客人的不是首席执行官,而是员工。

    Mr Kuok advised him that in hotels there was an " inverse pyramid where the staff are the most important asset in the company " , because they , not the CEO , are the employees who meet the guests .