
  • 网络Suburbanization;Suburb Urbanization;suburban urbanization
  1. 美国郊区城市化及其衍生的区域问题

    The american suburbanization and some regional problems arising from it

  2. 上海的郊区城市化与轨道交通发展

    Suburbanization of Shanghai And the Development of Rail Transation

  3. 上海郊区城市化发展的问题与对策研究

    Countermeasures to the Issues in Urbanization Development of Shanghai Suburbs

  4. 上海郊区城市化水平测度及相关探讨

    Discussion on the Measurement of Urbanization Level in Suburban Areas of Shanghai

  5. 郊区城市化机理与发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategies and Mechanism of Suburb Urbanization

  6. 产业集群的发展与郊区城市化

    The Development of Industrial Cluster and Urbanization of Suburbs

  7. 郊区城市化机理及对策研究

    Research on the Mechanism and Countermeasure of Suburb Urbanization

  8. 推进北京郊区城市化进程的战略抉择

    Strategic choice of carrying Beijing suburbs to urbanism

  9. 加速上海郊区城市化进程途径分析

    An Analysis about the Approach of Accelerating Urbanization Course in Suburban Areas of Shanghai

  10. 郊区城市化的发展战略与模式。

    The third part is about the development strategies , models and strategic measures of suburb urbanization .

  11. 郊区城市化就是城市郊区乡村型社会地域组织向城市型社会地域组织演变的过程。

    Suburbanization refers to the evolution process from suburban rural social spatial organization to urban social spatial organization .

  12. 北京郊区城市化发展的背景与新理念&以北京市大兴区为例

    The Background and New Concept of Beijing Suburban Area Urbanization and Developing Plan & Take Beijing Daxing as an Example

  13. 城市、城市化与郊区城市化的一般问题。

    This paper consists of four parts : The first part deals with basic issues of city , urbanization and suburb urbanization .

  14. 主要通过郊区城市化、郊区城镇化、农村现代化三种途径实现。

    Suburb development includes suburbanization and suburban urbanization , and has three achieving ways which are suburbanization , suburban urbanization and agricultural modernization .

  15. 郊区城市化进程中回族文化的变迁与适应&以宁夏银川市为例

    On the Changes and Adaptability of the Hui People 's Culture in the Urbanization of Suburb & A Case Study of Yinchuan , Ningxia

  16. 论文的结论部分指出我国大城市的郊区城市化是一项复杂的社会经济系统工程,面临机遇和挑战并存的格局;

    The conclusion of this thesis is mainly to point out that suburb urbanization in our metropolitan is a complicated system project of economy and society .

  17. 本论文的研究对象是我国大城市的郊区城市化发展。

    The study object of this thesis is the development of suburb urbanization in metropolitan of china . We are developing country with large farmer population .

  18. 在分析了郊区城市化影响因素的基础上,从内在动力和外在动力两个方面来分析了郊区城市化的驱动机制;

    From two aspects of inside and outside motivity , the paper analysed the drive mechanism of suburb urbanization , on the base of analyzing suburb urbanization effective factors .

  19. 但在“均衡发展”模式引导下,上海郊区城市化明显滞后于工业化水平,并出现“大城市、小郊区”的状况。

    Though under the balanced development model , Shanghai'suburbanization lags heavily behind the industrialization , which results in a special phenomenon of " a big city with a small suburb " .

  20. 论文提出了一个全新的适应上海市郊区城市化发展需求的城市化模式:网络组团式发展,构建三级城镇体系的城市化模式。

    This paper proposes a new city to the suburbs of Shanghai requirements for the development of urban model : Network delegation development and construction of four urban system model city .

  21. 北京的郊区城市化,对于北京在全国率先进入全面小康社会,对于把北京建设成为现代化的国际大都市至关重要。

    The urbanization of the suburb of Beijing plays a very important role for being city to enter a society with comparatively well-off living standard earlier and become an international metropolis .

  22. 随着我国特大城市郊区城市化的不断推进,在特大城市边缘地区出现了撤县改区这种行政区划调整模式。

    With the suburban urbanization course in the extra-megapolis fringe in China , a new pattern for the regulation of administrative division have been adopted , that is , turn County into District .

  23. 通过对现阶段上海市郊区城市化进程中的难点问题的研究,找到加速上海市郊区城市化发展的途径。

    Through the suburbs of Shanghai city at this stage in the process of the difficult problems of the suburbs of Shanghai city to find acceleration of the development of ways . 4 .

  24. 论文的第一部分主要界定了郊区城市化的理念,从理论和实践两方面介绍了我国大城市郊区城市化的必然性和重要意义;

    The first part of this thesis is mainly to introduce concept of suburb urbanization , introduce the necessary and important meaning of suburb urbanization in our metropolitan from both theory and practice aspects .

  25. 近年来,随着都市郊区城市化建设的快速发展,征地拆迁项目不断增多,其规模亦不断扩大。

    In recently years , with the acceleration of urbanization process of the suburban areas , the projects of land expropriation and housing removal have been increasing constantly and its ' areas have also been expanding .

  26. 在介绍城市与城市化一般问题的基础上,界定了郊区城市化的内涵、特征以及影响郊区城市化的相关重要因素。

    After the introduction of the study progress being made on city and urbanization , the paper gives the connotation and the characteristics of suburb urbanization , and traverses the factors that have the vital affection to suburb urbanization .

  27. 而随着城市化进程的推进和区域的加速融合,城市人口迅速聚集,郊区城市化的现象日益凸显,城市交通的规模和范围不断扩大,区域交通量亦节节攀升。

    However , along with the rapid development of urbanization and regional integration , the urban population rapidly gathering , the phenomenon of " rural urbanization " is becoming prominent , therefore , the scale and scope of urban traffic is expanding and the regional traffic is also rising .

  28. 从北京市房山区看大城市郊区的城市化及其模式

    On Urbanization of Suburbs of Large Cities and Its Pattern

  29. 推进北京市郊区乡镇城市化进程是贯彻北京市发展规划的必然要求。

    The Urbanization is mandatory to carry out the development plans of Beijing .

  30. 北京郊区农村城市化已经进入了城市化中期的快速发展阶段。

    Beijing outskirts country urbanizing has just come into urbanizing middle rapid developing stage .