
jiāo láng
  • coyote
郊狼[jiāo láng]
  1. 美洲高原印第安人的上帝是郊狼。

    The God of the American plateau Indian was coyote .

  2. 在没有狼的情况下,郊狼的数量也迅速增长。

    In the absence of wolves , coyote populations also grew quickly .

  3. 他们希望狼能控制麋鹿和郊狼的问题。

    They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems .

  4. 麋鹿、鹿和郊狼的数量正在下降,而海狸和红狐的数量有所上升。

    Elk , deer , and coyote populations are down , while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback .

  5. 郊狼杀死了公园里大部分的红狐狸,把公园里的海狸都赶走了。

    The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park ' s red foxes , and completely drove away the park ' s beavers .

  6. 根据这些动物的来源地和对比已被纪录的基因多样性程度,学者们得出少数雌性郊狼和雄性狼在GreatLakes北部有交配过的结论。

    Given where these animals came from and the degree of documented genetic diversity , the researchers can tell that a few coyote females mated with male wolves north of the Great Lakes .

  7. 但是MaxMcGraw野生动物基金会的研究科学家HeidiGarbe却能分辨出这是一种特别的狗的足迹&郊狼,即丛林狼。

    But Heidi Garbe , a research scientist with the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation , can tell that they were made by a special kind of dog : Canis latrans , the coyote .

  8. 狼还杀死了将近一半的郊狼。

    The big canines killed nearly half the coyote population .

  9. 另外郊狼和黑熊也有份。

    Coyotes and black bears take a share as well .

  10. 这种情况在狗和郊狼中也是一样。

    The same holds true for dogs and coyotes .

  11. 在亚利桑那有许多郊狼。

    There are many coyotes in Arizona .

  12. 在郊狼的嚎叫时静静聆听

    And listen while the coyotes howl

  13. 那里还有一些熊、少量的狼和郊狼,几乎没有山狮。

    we have some bears , few wolves and coyotes , and virtually no mountain lions .

  14. 而它们跑得最快的捕食者狼和郊狼在极速时也只能勉强突破每小时56千米。

    Yet its fastest predators , wolves and coyotes , barely break 35 mph in a sprint .

  15. 史丹利·赫特是俄亥俄州立大学的一名野生动物生态学家,他研究的是芝加哥郊狼。

    Stanley Gehrt is a wildlife ecologist at Ohio State University who studies urban coyotes in Chicago .

  16. 一只新的郊狼的声音传了出来

    One more coyote was heard

  17. 在过去20年里,郊狼常常出现在北美各大城市。

    Coyotes . In the last two decades they 've become common in almost every North American metropolitan area .

  18. 这只郊狼不是食腐动物,而是竞争对手,因为它一直在干预苍狼团队的捕猎进程。

    This coyote however is not a scavenger but also a competitor , who 's been interfering with the kills of the pack .

  19. 10月20日,他参加了俄亥俄州哥伦比亚举办的“2014年科学作者”(ScienceWriters2014)会议,并解释了郊狼为什么如此擅于适应各种环境。

    He spoke October 20th at the ScienceWriters2014 meeting in Columbus , Ohio , about why coyotes are so good at adapting to various environments :

  20. 研究显示出当中一些较大的实验动物为郊狼和狼的混种。

    The study , outlined in the latest Royal Society Biology Letters , reveals that some of the largest specimens were indeed coyote and wolf hybrids .

  21. 当黄石公园新引进的狼群发出第一声嗥叫时,这里的麋鹿和驼鹿站立不动,好像只是郊狼在叫唤。

    When the new wolves in Yellowstone first came calling , the area 's elk and moose stood their ground as though they were still dealing with coyotes .

  22. “它看起来像一棵树,让我们叫它树。”在起初郊狼对大地的创造者这么说,它们摸着肚子绕着用根吮吸的树游逛。

    " That looks like a tree , let 's call it a tree ," said Coyote to Earthmaker at the beginning , and they walked around the rootdrinker patting their bellies .

  23. 从长远来看,一些郊狼朋友们都认为唯一的答案是他让出宠物,并出现了信号的方面获得成功,狼的魅力和忠诚克服一切困难。

    In the long run , some coyote friends believe the only answer is to make a pet out of him-and there has been signal success in the regard , the coyote 's charm and loyalty overcoming all difficulties .