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  • Naha
  1. 1853年,马休佩里(matthewperry)准将乘坐其黑色战船在那霸停驻,一直呆到吓坏了的冲绳人和其签订条约为止。

    In 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry anchored off Naha in his black ships and stayed until he had a treaty from the appalled Okinawans .

  2. 冲绳,日本Naha(那霸)Makishi市场的一个卖主,正在向消费者推荐她的萝卜。

    A vendor at the Makishi public market in the town of Naha offers a sample of daikon to a potential customer .

  3. 日本海上保安厅周四晚间表示,已将九名活动人士交给冲绳县那霸市羁押。

    The Japan coast guard said Thursday night that they have handed over custody of nine of the activists to immigration officials in Naha , Okinawa prefecture .

  4. 海上保安厅说,在收到台湾相关部门发来的搜寻一名失踪男子的请求后,日本海上保安厅位于冲绳县那霸的地区总部派出两艘巡逻船及一架直升飞机。

    It said that the regional headquarters in Naha , Okinawa Prefecture , sent two patrol ships and a helicopter after receiving a request from Taiwanese authorities to search for a missing man .