
  • 网络zhenhai district
  1. 宁波市镇海区社区居民高血压干预前后KAP调查

    A before and after Investigation on KAP in Residents about Hypertension Intervention in Zhenhai District of Ningbo City

  2. 宁波镇海区生态隔离林带净化大气的生态效益

    Study on ecological benefits about air purification of ecological forest belts in Zhenhai district , Ningbo

  3. 镇海区中小学校教育条件装备工作的调查

    Investigation of Educational Condition Equipment Work for the Elementary and Middle Schools at Zhenhai Borough

  4. 1985~2007年宁波市镇海区伤寒流行趋势分析

    Analysis on spreading trend of typhoid in Zhenhai district of Ningbo in 1985 to 2007

  5. 宁波市镇海区城市生态公益林生态服务价值研究

    Study on Ecological Service Value of the Urban Ecological Forest in Zhenhai District of Ningbo City

  6. 宁波市镇海区作为浙江省乃至华东地区重要的重化工产业基地,在经济发展的同时,积累了一些亟待解决的生态环境问题,重化工业的发展与环境保护之间的问题日益显著。

    As one of the most important heavy chemical industry bases of Zhejiang province , as well as the eastern region of China , Ningbo Zhenhai has accumulated serious ecological and environmental problems with the development of the economy .

  7. 镇海化工区应急指挥系统的建设

    Construction of Emergency Chain of Command in Area of Chemistry in Zhenhai

  8. 镇海经济开发区所处的无与伦比的经济地理优势,使开发区货畅其流,人畅其行,让投资者随时随地与世界保持着最直接的联系。

    The unequalled economic and geographic advantage with Zhenhai Economic Development Zone result in facile flow of cargo and people in the zone , where investors maintain direct interaction with the world whenever and wherever .

  9. 宁波镇海液体化工仓储区的发展研究

    The Research of Ningbo Zhenhai Liquid Chemicals Storage Area Development