
  1. 斯巴达将一如既往地为大家提供新鲜、美味的那不勒斯比萨。

    You will always enjoy a fresh , authentic , Neapolitan pizza from Spango .

  2. 那不勒斯的比萨有意大利政府的原产地保护认证标志以证明它的品质。

    The pizza in Naples has a " DOP8 " stamp of approval from the Italian government to authenticate it .

  3. 对你来说,比萨不够“意大利”吗?那不勒斯的比萨有意大利政府的原产地保护认证标志以证明它的品质。

    Pizza not exotic enough for you ? The pizza in Naples has a " DOP8 " stamp of approval from the Italian government to authenticate it .

  4. 尽管如此,当我在那不勒斯最佳比萨店的镜子里睇见自己时,我看到一个眼神喜悦、气色明亮、快乐健康的脸蛋。

    Still , when I look at myself in the mirror of the best pizzeria in Naples , I see a bright-eyed , clear-skinned , happy and healthy face .

  5. 如果你去那不勒斯没吃这种比萨,请骗我说你去吃了。

    If you do not eat this pizza when you are in Naples , please lie to me later and tell me that you did .

  6. 我几乎觉得自己正闯进一个秘密会社。他把住址塞入我手中,悄悄地说:“请去这家比萨饼店。点玛格丽特比萨加双份起司。如果你去那不勒斯没吃这种比萨,请骗我说你去吃了。”

    He pressed the address into the palm of my hand and said , in gravest confidence , " Please go to this pizzeria . Order the margherita pizza with double mozzarella . If you do not eat this pizza when you are in Naples , please lie to me later and tell me that you did . "