
  1. 如果他不打算接受这笔钱,那他就亏了。

    If he isn 't prepared to accept this money , then that 's his loss .

  2. 如果他存心要让你不得安宁的话,那他是得逞了。

    If he 's trying to rattle your cage , it 's working .

  3. 如果他认为可以通过武力继续掌权,那他就是在自寻死路。

    If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster

  4. 总统如果认为这样的行为不会威胁到他,那他就是在自欺欺人。

    The President was deluding himself if he thought he was safe from such action

  5. 如果他还有另一个储备如此充足的藏身之所,那他可以躲起来几个月不露面。

    If he had another well-stocked hideaway like this , he could stay holed up for months

  6. “他希望有警卫护送。”——“那他是指望不上了。”

    ' He wants a police escort . ' — ' Well , he can whistle for that . '

  7. “那他为什么突然感兴趣了?”——“我怎么知道。”

    ' So why did he get interested all of a sudden ? ' — ' Search me . '

  8. 如果他落败,那他在那些投票支持他的人眼中基本就没有什么借口了。

    If he fails , then he will have little excuse in the eyes of those who voted him in

  9. “如果他杀过一次人,那他一定已经杀了萨拉吧?”她说得有道理。

    ' If he 'd already killed once , surely he 'd have killed Sarah ? ' She had a point there

  10. 如果他得罪了你,那他是有嘴无心。

    If he has offended you , he does not mean it .

  11. 如果确实是那样,那他倒可真算是饱经沧桑的了。

    If that was so , he had really been around .

  12. 如果我们在琼斯的两三份卷子上拉一些分,那他会勉强及格。

    If we mark up Jones on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass .

  13. 不要误解他;如果他说他将帮助你,那他会这样做的。

    Don 't mistake him , if he says he 'll help you , he 'll do so .

  14. 在早先如果有地位的男人同地位低下的女子结了婚,那他就要丢掉自己应得到的那份家产。

    In former times , if a gentleman married beneath himself , he would lose his share of the family fortune .

  15. 如果读者选择了延迟奖励的新闻,那他就将自己拉近了一个被真实环绕的世界,而他只有通过努力才能适应这个世界。

    When a reader selects delayed reward news , he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work .

  16. B:那他一定很有趣。听起来是个不错的家庭。

    B : Then he must be very interesting . Sounds like a nice family .

  17. 那他为什么这么幸运呢?

    Then what made him lucky ?

  18. 女王:那他一定和人们说得一样聪明善良。

    Queen : Then he must be as wise and as kind as people say he is .

  19. 如果面包师有一匹马,那他就可以把他的面包销往全国各地了。

    If the baker had a horse , he could sell his fine breads from one end of the kingdom to the other .

  20. 那他一定很傻。

    He must be really stupid .

  21. 如果上帝想让我弯弯腰,那他必须在地上铺满钻石。

    If God had wanted me to bend over , he would have put diamonds on the floor .

  22. 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。”

    Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son , my mother-in-law told me , " Michelle , if a man can 't make himself a sandwich , he should starve . "

  23. 有人在梁王面前嘲笑惠子:“这个惠子说话爱用比喻,假如不准他用比喻,那他一定什么也说不清楚了。”

    Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors1 when he speaks . If he is not allowed to use metaphors , he surely won 't be able to explain anything at all . "

  24. 若他回到你身边,那他便是你的。

    If it comes back to you , it is yours ;

  25. 那他怎么付租金和学费?

    How did he pay for his rent and his tuition ?

  26. 那他就能去泰国品尝油炸蝙蝠。

    So he can visit Thailand and eat deep-fried bat .

  27. 如果他真是小偷,那他现在已经是被逮住了。

    If he was a knave , he was caught .

  28. 如果卡梅伦是一名孤立主义者,那他也是一名蹩脚的孤立主义者。

    If Mr Cameron is an isolationist , he is a lousy one .

  29. 2-羟丙基-β-环糊精对那他霉素的增溶作用

    The solubilization and stabilization effect of 2-hydroxypropyl - β - cyclodextrin on natamycin

  30. 如果中国是一个人的话,那他就需要去看看心理医生。

    If China were a person , he needs to see a psychologist .