
  • 网络logically;logic ground;GND
  1. 因此,争论断定那个上帝和全能是逻辑地不兼容的

    Thus , the argument concludes that omniscience and omnipotence are logically incompatible .

  2. 在古典存在论(是论)中,真理异变为真知,逻各斯成为思“它是”(逻辑地说),而存在则被做成是者。

    In the classical ontology , aletheia changed into true knowledge , logos changed into contemplating " it is "( logically speaking ), and physis changed into Being .

  3. 就像小船失去了锚,她的思绪毫无逻辑地四处漂浮,一会为这个想法难受,一会为那个念头生气

    Her mind was shaken loose from the little mooring of logic that it had .

  4. VLAN(VirtualLocalAreaNetwork)又称虚拟局域网,是一种通过将局域网内的设备逻辑地而不是物理地划分成一个个网段从而实现虚拟工作组的新兴技术。

    VLAN ( Virtual Local Area Network ) , is a new technology that realizes virtual workgroup by dividing the logical address rather than physical address into network segments .

  5. 由于ARM的性质,性能统计信息逻辑地相互联系在一起,从而可以更好地检测SCA调用中的瓶颈。

    The performance statistics are logically interlinked due to the nature of ARM , thus the bottleneck in the SCA invocation can be better detected .

  6. NIS域是逻辑地分组在一起的系统的集合。

    The NIS domain is a collection of systems that are logically grouped together .

  7. XSLT连结每起盗窃事件及其关联的位置、车型、失主和证人,以符合逻辑地显示数据。

    The XSLT joins each theft with its associated location , vehicle , victim , and witness to present the data logically .

  8. 最主要的,您需要知道,在EntityAPI域中名称变为kind类型即User会逻辑地映射到一个Userkind这类似于关系术语中的一个表。

    The main thing you need to know is that in the Entity API domain names become the kind type that is , User will logically map to a User kind which is similar to a table in relational terms .

  9. 这个文件还可能包含一个或更多的文件夹(用来逻辑地组织各种形状),并且在每个文件夹内是一些placemark。

    The file may also contain one or more folders ( used to organize shapes logically ), and inside each folder are placemarks .

  10. 我觉得他们一步步有逻辑地展开了自己的观点。

    I think they developed their ideas step by step logically .

  11. 她不合逻辑地希望有奇迹的解决方案出现。

    Illogically , she had expected some kind of miracle solution .

  12. 禅易的特质逻辑地决定了其融合的历史必然性。

    Their peculiar logic determines the historic inevitability of their fusion .

  13. 重命名操作不再不合逻辑地尝试创建链接。

    Rename operations no longer spuriously try to create links .

  14. 其范围应逻辑地列出,且应进行细分。

    The scope shall be listed in a logical manner and sub-divided .

  15. 要是你不符合逻辑地思索题目,你会得出毛病的结论。

    If you think other than logically , you will draw a wrong conclusion .

  16. 列宁的马克思主义观就是在这四个时期逻辑地发展和升华的。

    Lenin 's view on Marxism develops and distills logically in these four periods .

  17. 两者都被定义为逻辑地继承另一个,解决方案就会失败。

    And both are defined to logically extend the other , the solution will fail .

  18. 唯物史观逻辑地推演出教育含量与政治参与的统一性;

    The Materialist conception of History induced logically the unity of educational concentration and political participation .

  19. 并非是我故意缩衣节食,而是知道怎样有逻辑地用钱。

    Not that I consciously save , but I just know logically how to keep the money .

  20. 科学的经济学必须在科学的政治学可以逻辑地系统化之前发展。

    A science of economics must be developed before a science of politics can be logically formulated .

  21. 企业治理结构的缺陷、会计准则的不完善和会计信息的不对称为企业会计政策的自由选择提供了可操作的空间,相应的,它们也逻辑地构成了盈余管理的前提条件。

    The asymmetry of information and the shortcomings of accounting principles are direct reasons of earnings management .

  22. 有逻辑地组织你的文章,包括要点,标题和用于说明的副标题。

    Organise the content of your message logically and include bullet points , headings and subheadings for clarity .

  23. 作为人的实践的最新形态,虚拟实践合乎逻辑地延续着实践的双重品格。

    As the latest form of human practice , virtual practice is continuing the dual characters of practice logically .

  24. 人是自然存在物并不能够合乎逻辑地推论出人是道德存在物。

    From " Man is natural being ", we cannot logically infer that " Man is moral being " .

  25. 当其自然流畅展现,一个句子符合逻辑地导出另一句,段落就是连贯的。

    A paragraph is coherent when it develops naturally and smoothly , and one sentence leads logically to another .

  26. 建议?这一部分必须有逻辑地依靠结论得出,具体,易操作并且可行。

    Recommendations ? These should follow logically on from the conclusion , and be specific , measurable and achievable .

  27. 我们其它人能做的事她都做不到:行走、连贯地说话、有逻辑地思维。

    She could not do anything that the rest of us could : walking , talking coherently , thinking cogently .

  28. 剧迷认为“sharknado”这个词虽很不合逻辑地甚至是可笑地将两个最原始的恐惧结合在一起——鲨鱼和龙卷风。

    The cult hit " Sharknado " illogically ( and hilariously ) combines two primal fears - sharks and tornados .

  29. 人工智能往往可以井井有条地解决问题,但是人类大脑在有逻辑地发挥想象力、进行跳跃性思维方面要出色得多。

    Artificial intelligence tends to solve problems methodically but the human brain is far better at making logical leaps of imagination .

  30. 本文所要考察的在于:古代正义如何合乎逻辑地走向近现代正义。

    I want to say that how the ancient justice walk up to the modern justice logically and rationally in my essay .