
luó ji fú hào
  • logical symbol
  1. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  2. 用简单的逻辑符号来代表复杂的电气电路和电子电路。

    A representation of complicated electrical and electronic circuits by simple symbols called logic symbols .

  3. 熟练于逻辑符号的人。

    A person skilled at symbolic logic .

  4. 因此,当一条线路被破坏时,这条线路中的组合逻辑符号必须重新组合。

    Therefore , when a bar is broken , the terms underneath it must remain grouped .

  5. 乔治布尔是一名曾帮助建立数学邻域中逻辑符号的英国数学家。

    George Boole was an English mathematician who helped establish the field of mathematics called symbolic logic .

  6. 使用逻辑符号来定义与厘清基础数学概念,例如集逻辑例如定义合、关系式、函数和整数。

    Use logical notation to define and reason about fundamental mathematical concepts such as sets , relations , functions , and integers .

  7. 从语义上看,当用来解释非逻辑符号的结构被确定,个体常元的解释也就随之确定,而个体变元需要赋值。

    In semantic perspective , the interpretation of individual constants is determined if the structure used to interpret non-logical symbols is given , yet interpretation of individual variables is determined by value-assignments .

  8. 它的卦爻符号系统既是一种有着象征意义的逻辑符号系统,又是一个开放的系统,所以在当今世界还散发着它神秘的魅力。

    Since a kind of logic symbol system with symbolic meaning of its divinatory symbol Yao s symbol system , it is an open system , so is still distributing its mysterious glamour in our times .

  9. 蒙太格语法把逻辑符号学关于语形、语义和语用的划分推广到自然语言领域,本文揭示了蒙太格语法最基本和核心的内容。

    Montague Grammar popularize logic Semiology to the natural language field the shape of the language , semanteme and language , this text has been announced and covered with a dose of grammars too with central content most basically .

  10. 采用模糊控制逻辑取代符号切换函数,提出了模糊Terminal滑模变结构导引律,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论对模糊Terminal滑模变结构控制器的稳定性进行了分析与证明。

    Replacing the sign function with fuzzy control logic , the fuzzy terminal variable structure guidance law is proposed . The stability of fuzzy controller is analyzed and proved by Lyapunov stability theory .

  11. 数学家一直与逻辑和符号,但数百年来的基本法律逻辑被认为是理所当然的,从来没有表示象征。

    Mathematicians have always worked with logic and symbols , but for centuries the underlying laws of logic were taken for granted , and never expressed symbolically .

  12. 信息生产力不是一种抽象的逻辑思维符号,而是一种现实性过程和创造性的社会劳动实践活动,它的形成与发展必然要在一定的社会、经济、政治和文化环境下才能实现。

    The information productivity is not a kind of abstract logical thinking sign , but realistic proceedings and activities of creative social practices in a sense . The developments of information productivity could be realized under the foundations of social economic , political and cultural environments .

  13. 提出了一个关于时态逻辑CTL的符号化模型检测算法。

    This paper gives a symbolic model checking algorithm for the temporal logic CTL ~ .

  14. 针对传统ESD方法符号表达能力的不足,增加了冷贮备门、热贮备门、相似转移符号等新的逻辑建模图形符号,丰富完善了ESD的建模元素;

    To overcome the insufficiency of traditional ESD symbol dictionary , this thesis adds new logic modeling graphic symbols , such as CSP , WSP , similitude transition symbol , etc. , enriching and perfecting the modeling elements of ESD .

  15. 符号的存在意义、实用意义和形式逻辑意义构成符号的完整意义。

    The complete meaning of semiotic consists of its existing meaning , pragmatic meaning and logical meaning .

  16. 数理逻辑的延伸符号逻辑到其他领域,特别是研究模型理论,证据理论,集理论,并递归理论。

    Mathematical logic is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas , in particular to the study of model theory , proof theory , set theory , and recursion theory .

  17. 半个多世纪以来,人工智能的发展经历了基础逻辑判断及符号处理模拟、特定领域智能模拟以及日常智能模拟三个发展阶段。

    Over half a century , the development of artificial intelligence goes through three stages , simulation of a basic logic judgement and symbol processing , simulation of specific areas intelligence and simulation of common daily intelligence .

  18. 在这些分析与解释中,《周易》的逻辑世界或符号世界变成了语义的价值世界,或者说,作为数理世界的《周易》变成了价值论的道德世界。

    And The Book of Changes world of logic or world of symbols became a semantic world of axiology or The Book of Changes as a numerical and physical world became a moral world of axiology in his analyses and interpretations .

  19. 扩展时序逻辑的推理及符号化模型检验技术

    Reasoning and Symbolic Model Checking of Extended Temporal Logics

  20. 众所周知,数理逻辑的特点在于符号化和形式化,它和计算数学有着截然不同的风格。

    As is well known , symbolization and formalization are the essential characteristics of mathematical logic , which is quite distinct from computational mathematics .

  21. 由于传播者与受众之间的结构性错位,从广告文本的表层结构到深层逻辑都存在着符号不对称性。

    Due to the structural dislocation between the transmitter and the audience , there exists a semiotic dissymmetry in the advertising text from the surface framework to its deeper logic .

  22. 数理逻辑,也称为符号逻辑,是当人们终于认识到,数学的工具可以用来研究的结构,逻辑本身。

    Mathematical logic , also known as symbolic logic , was developed when people finally realized that the tools of mathematics can be used to study the structure of logic itself .

  23. 每个社会都发展一套符号系统,反映特殊的文化逻辑,而且每个符号使用的功能在文化的成员之间传播信息,方式很像普通的语言,但是更为巧妙。

    Every society has evolved a symbol system that reflects a specific cultural logic ; and every symbolism functions to communicate information between members of the culture in much the same way as , but more subtly than , conventional language .

  24. 具体来说,本文取得了下面一些成果:(1)给出了新逻辑的构成,包括新逻辑的符号、新逻辑的推理规则和新逻辑的合成规则。

    Loosely speaking , the paper has made some achievements below . ( 1 ) The paper presents the components of the new logic , including logic symbols , reasoning rules and synthetic rules .

  25. 本文试图变上述繁杂语言逻辑推证过程为采用逻辑运算符号,并建立公式化的逻辑方程(组)进行运算,使破案过程程序化。

    Paper , tries to change the troubled language logical prove process into the logical operation marks , set up a formula group logical equation for operating and make the process of solving the case procedure .

  26. 还论述了部分图形管理功能的实现方法,针对逻辑图的特点,提出了将矢量存储与逻辑符号图形库相结合的存储策略,解决了逻辑图存储中占用空间大、不易存彩色等问题。

    The implementation of graphics management is also discussed . Combining the vector storage with graphics library of logic cell can save the storage space and reserve the color .

  27. 本文首先讨论了正、负逻辑体制的缺点,然后阐明混合逻辑的概念、符号系统及其应用,着重指出混合逻辑在实用中的清晰性和灵活性以及形成这些优点的原因。

    Then , it demonstrates the concepts , notation and symbol systems of mixed logic convention and their applications , emphasizing its usefulness in clarity and flexibility of logic design and demonstrates why it possesses these advantages based on the related material published abroad and the experience in teaching .