
  1. 国际通货膨胀理论主要研究通货膨胀的国际传递机制。

    The international inflation theory studies how to transfer inflation from one country to another .

  2. 西方通货膨胀理论评析

    Review on the Western Inflation Theory

  3. 需求拉动通货膨胀理论

    Theory of demand-pull inflation

  4. 凯恩斯不仅是通货膨胀理论大师,更是通货紧缩理论的伟大奠基者和创始人。

    Keynes is not only a master of the inflation theory but also more importantly the great founder of the deflation theory .

  5. 第一章:介绍古典、现代通货膨胀理论的发展以及中国通货膨胀理论的现状。

    Chapter 1 : we introduce the development of classic . , modern inflation theory and conditions of inflation theory in china .

  6. 本文首先介绍了通货膨胀理论的基本问题(包括通货膨胀的定义、性质、度量方法以及和经济增长的关系)。

    The first part of the article introduces the basic theory of inflation including the definition , properties and the means of measurement .

  7. 其中主要从货币的乘数效应、传统通货膨胀理论及新货币经济学方面分析其冲击金融市场的可能性。

    This part is mainly to analyze the possibility that virtual currencies can do impingement to financial market using multiplier effect , inflation theory and exchange mechanism .

  8. 当代马克思主义经济学家应当重视研究市场结构,借鉴预期理论,完善AS&AD模型,创新和发展马克思的通货膨胀理论。

    The contemporary Marxist economists shall focus on the study of market structure , and improve AS-AD model with expectation theory so as to innovate and develop Marx 's inflation theory .

  9. 第二章是文章的理论部分,介绍经典经济学理论包括凯恩斯的半通货膨胀理论、新剑桥学派的理论、货币学派的通货膨胀理论和瑞典学派的通货膨胀理论。

    Chapter 2 will outline classic macroeconomics theory , including Semi-Keynesian theory of inflation , New theory of the Cambridge School , Monetary theory of inflation School and Swedish School of inflation theory .

  10. 文中指出:凯恩斯的通货膨胀理论不适用于发展中国家,文章还以战前的可贷资金理论为基础,建立了一种用于解释发展中国家物价上涨问题的通货膨胀理论。

    Basing himself on the pre-war theory of loanable funds , he formulates an inflation theory of loanable funds , he formulates an inflation theory to explain the price rises in the developing countries .

  11. 第三章依据通货膨胀理论的分析得出诱发我国通货膨胀的四方面因素,并作了进一步地主要因素影响通货膨胀的传导机制分析。

    Chapter 3 will deduce four macroeconomic factors which have induced effect to inflation of China based on inflation theory , and analyze the transmission mechanism that how these factors affect inflation in China .

  12. 需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论

    Theory of excess demand of inflation

  13. 通货膨胀会计理论问题探讨

    Discussion on the Inflation Counting Theory

  14. 论失业与通货膨胀关系理论的分析、比较与综合

    On the Analysis , Comparison and Synthesis of the Theories about the Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation

  15. 首先,整理和归纳国内外有关通货膨胀的理论、文献,分析了影响中国通货膨胀的影响因素。

    To collate and summarize domestic and foreign inflation theory , literature , analyzed the impact of factors affecting inflation in China .

  16. 最早的关于通货膨胀的理论是通胀和失业之间的负相关关系,(即菲利普斯曲线)。

    The early theory that study the inflation is the Philips curve , that is , the inflation rate and the unemployment rate have the negative relationship .

  17. 菲利普斯曲线所表示的失业与通货膨胀关系理论的发展是对西方经济现实的客观反映和合理解释,因此对解释经济现象有一定的作用。

    The relationship between inflation and unemployment illustrated by Phillips Curve theory reflects the economic reality of western countries , so it can explain the economic phenomena to some extents .

  18. 本文首先通过回顾通货膨胀预期理论在经济学说史上的发展脉络,在理论推演中得出了稳定公众预期是控制通货膨胀的有效方法的结论。

    This article traces back to the research approaches about the theory on inflation expectation in the history of economic theory development at first , and have drawn the conclusion that to stabilize the public expectation is a valid method for controlling inflation through theoretical deduction .

  19. 通货膨胀目标制理论与实证研究综述

    A Summary of Literatures on the Feasibility of the Inflation Targeting Regime

  20. 财政赤字的通货膨胀风险&理论诠释与中国的实证分析

    The Inflation Risk of Financial Deficit : Theoretic Explanation and Empirical Analysis of China

  21. 通货膨胀是金融理论研究和金融机构政策操作中的重要问题。

    The inflation is an important question in the financial fundamental research and the financial policy operation .

  22. 第一部分,介绍通货膨胀的相关理论,包括通货膨胀的定义、衡量和影响,以及治理理论。

    In the first chapter , we introduce the definition , measurement , influence , and some theories of inflation .

  23. 本文分析了资本账户开放条件下通货膨胀目标制理论,认承受著人民币资本账户开放度越来越大,我国应该实行通货膨胀目标制,同时汇率制度的选择应该倾向于浮动汇率。

    This paper analyses the theory of inflation targeting regime under capital account convertibility , and argues that with the openness of rmb , China should carry out inflation targeting regime while the choice of exchange rate regime should be inclined to flexible regime .

  24. 我国通货膨胀成因解释的理论模型选择与实证研究

    The Evaluation of Models on Inflation Theories : Evidence from China

  25. 由此进一步的为我国采用通货膨胀目标制提供理论依据。

    This further provide a theoretical basis for inflation targeting in China .

  26. 通货膨胀目标制的理论思考&论我国货币政策中介目标的重新界定

    Inflation Targeting : Rearrangement of the Intermediate Target for China 's Monetary Policy

  27. 财政赤字与通货膨胀的关系是理论界长期关注的问题。

    The relationship between fiscal deficits and inflation is a problem of long-term concern in the theory circle .

  28. 其次,对存在虚拟经济条件下的货币供应量对通货膨胀的影响进行理论分析。

    Secondly , the impact imposed by monetary supply on inflation in fictitious economy is analyzed in a theoretical way .

  29. 因此,对通货膨胀的研究兼具理论与实际的重要意义;通货膨胀给经济生活带来诸多不确定性,使对其的风险测度成为必要。

    Now inflation returns . Therefore , studying inflation matters both theoretically and practically . It is also necessary to measure the risk of inflation as it brings many uncertainties to our life and economy .

  30. 主要回顾了通货膨胀的相关基础理论,包括新古典学派、弗里德曼、凯恩斯、剑桥学派的通货膨胀理论等经典理论,并根据经典理论,对通货膨胀的定义、度量、分类和原理进行了阐述。

    Reviewed the basic theory of inflation , including the classical theory of neoclassical , Friedman , Keynes , Cambridge School of inflation theory , and in accordance with the classical theory , I explain the elaboration inflation definition , measurement , classification and principle .