
  • 网络evasion of repayment of bank loans
  1. 对有效防范企业逃废银行债务的思考

    An Effective Way of Preventing Firms from Dodging Bank Debts

  2. 企业逃废银行债务的制度原因分析与对策研究

    The Essential Reasons for Enterprises to Evade Banking Debts and the Relevant Countermeasures

  3. 企业逃废银行债务;

    The enterprise escapes and abolishes the bank debt ;

  4. 五是社会信用环境差,逃废银行债务严重。

    Fourthly , the social credit environment is unfavorable .

  5. 在企业重组改组中,必须防止国有资产流失和逃废银行债务。

    In restructuring and reorganizing enterprises , we must prevent the loss of state assets and evasion of bank debts .

  6. 在我国,国有体制为主的金融体系对中小企业存在规模歧视和制度歧视,中小企业自身往往不守信用、逃废银行债务。

    In China , the states owned financial system has both scale and system discrimination to SMEs , and the SMEs often default .

  7. 近年,一些企业借改制之机逃废银行债务的现象非常突出,从而造成了国有资产的大量流失。

    In recent years , the phenomenon that enterprises escaping or abolishing the bank debt was very outstanding by taking advantage of the reformation .

  8. 主要表现在:企业间相互拖欠严重,企业合同违约率极高,大量逃废银行债务,财务信息失真等方方面面。

    It lies in every aspect of the social economic life : the debts owed to each other among enterprises are serious , the rate of violation of enterprise 's contract is extremely high ;

  9. 在深化流通企业改革过程中,注意保全银行信贷资产,防止逃废银行债务。

    In the process of further carrying on the reform of circulation enterprises , we should pay attention to preserving the credit assets of banks and preventing any evasion or discarding of bank debts .

  10. 要运用政策、法律等各种手段打击逃废银行债务行为。注意和制止信贷资金违规进入股市。

    Punishment of deliberate credit delinquencies will be enforced with policy and legal measures , and measures will be taken to prevent the use of bank loans for illegal speculation in the stock market .

  11. 国有产权交易主体多元化,不会导致国有资产流失、只要控制到位,也不会逃废银行债务、不会导致国有企业失控、是国有产权退出渠道。

    The multiplication of state-owned property right conveyance main body , is not leading to the drain of state-owned property . As long as controlled properly , it will not cause the wasting of bank debt . It is a withdrawal channel of state-owned property right .

  12. 然而由于上市公司盈余管理现象非常普遍,现有银行债权保护措施的不力,实践中上市公司逃废银行债务的现象屡禁不止,导致了大量银行不良债权的产生。

    However , due to the fact that earnings management of listed companies is widespread , the existing bank debt protection measures are very poor , the practice of listed companies ' evasion of bank debts is common , leading to a large number of bank NPLs .