
táo yì xínɡ wéi
  • Escape behavior;flight behavior
  1. 而后分析了理论界对于交通肇事逃逸行为定义的6种观点及其存在的问题。

    Then six views of the definition on Traffic Accident Flight Behavior and existing problems are analyzed by theory circle .

  2. 文章由三部分构成:第一部分是交通肇事逃逸行为概述。

    The article is composed of three parts : The first part is the summarization of traffic accident flight behavior .

  3. 公路四通八达了,GDP增长了,行驶在公路上的车辆也呈几何倍迅速增长,与此同时交通事故的数量也激增了,肇事后的逃逸行为也越来越普遍。

    Nowadays , we have highway extending in all directions , sustainable growth of GDP , vehicle driving on the highway grow exponentially . And at the same time , the quantity of traffic accident increases heavily , the phenomenon of absconding from traffic accident is fairly general .

  4. 而交通肇事后的逃逸行为无疑更加恶劣。

    And the escape behavior after the traffic accident is undoubtedly worse .

  5. 逃逸行为与责任认定;

    What relation there exists between escaping and the cognizance of liability ;

  6. 第一部分是逃逸行为的概述。

    Part 1 of the paper is the summary of the hit-and-run behavior .

  7. 交通肇事逃逸行为探究

    Research on Escape Behavior of Causing Traffic Accidents

  8. 交通肇事逃逸行为的作为性质

    On the Characteristic of Act in Hit-and-Run Accident

  9. 本部分分三方面:一是逃逸行为的认定。

    This section is divided into three aspects : firstly , identify escape behavior .

  10. 交通肇事逃逸行为及其相关问题研究

    The Study on the Escaping Behavior After Causing a Traffic Accident and Its Relevant Questions

  11. 在这次金融危机中,与美国的责任逃逸行为相反,中国承诺人民币不贬值,并对东南亚国家进行援助。

    China has promised not to devalue the RMB , and assistance to Southeast Asian countries .

  12. 对于交通肇事罪而言,交通肇事逃逸行为无疑是存有各种争议较多的一个方面。

    For traffic offences , the behavior of traffic escapes is undoubtedly one of the various disputes more beings .

  13. 交通肇事后的逃逸行为有如下两个特征:其一,逃避法律制裁的侥幸心态。

    Escape behavior after traffic accident has the following two features : first , to escape the legal sanctions fluke mentality .

  14. 第二部分详细论述交通肇事逃逸行为的概念、性质以及逃逸行为如何认定等问题。

    The second part detailed discusses the concept , nature of the conduct of escaping after causing traffic and confirmation of escaping .

  15. 根据解释,逃逸行为及因逃逸致人死亡的有关问题进一步得到明确。

    According to the explanations , hit-and-run behavior and the related problems of the death caused by escaping have been further confirmed .

  16. 第二,逃逸行为与被害人死亡结果之间存在刑法上的直接因果关系,具有因果关系的序列性和确定性。

    Second ," escape " and the death of the victim results between criminal law of direct causality , causal sequence and certainty .

  17. 作者通过分析逃逸行为的性质和类型,对逃逸致人死亡是情节加重犯进行了论述。

    The author analysis the nature and type of flee , and probes that death caused by fleeing is a plot aggravate element .

  18. 如何正确理解逃逸行为,对交通肇事罪的定罪量刑具有重要意义。

    How to correctly understand the escape behavior , on the conviction and sentencing of the crime of causing traffic casualties has important significance .

  19. 交通肇事逃逸行为既危害被害人的人身、财产安全;又阻碍司法机关对事故责任的认定和追究。

    Such behaviors not only do harm to the victims ' personal and property safety , but also hinder the judicial proceedings of investigation and prosecution .

  20. 交通肇事逃逸行为应独立构成犯罪,并与交通肇事罪实行数罪并罚或按吸收犯处理。

    Escaping behavior after causing a traffic accident crime should be independent and the crime of causing traffic casualties practice or by absorption of commit processing .

  21. 认为处罚交通肇事罪逃逸行为的规范目的是多种的,对其处罚并不违反任何人不得自证其罪的原则。

    Think punishment traffic offences escape behavior of the standard for the purpose is the penalty , does not violate anybody not to incriminate himself principles .

  22. 在交通肇事罪逃逸行为的处罚根据上,采以保障道路通行公共安全为主要法益的折中说。

    In the traffic offences escape behavior of punishment based on the mining , to ensure public security traffic for main legal interests of compromise said .

  23. 我国刑法应借鉴其他国家和地区的做法,使逃逸行为脱离交通肇事罪,实现独立犯罪化。

    We should draw a lesson from other countries : the escaping behavior departs from the crime of traffic trouble and it would be a independent crime .

  24. 在此部分,笔者创造性地利用义务冲突理论来解决逃逸行为的认定问题。

    In this part , the writer creatively makes use of the obligation conflict theory to cope with the problem of confirmation about the conducts of escaping .

  25. 逃逸行为在主观上不可能由过失构成,是一种故意而为的行为,在客观表现上按照不同的标准可以区分为不同的类型。

    In subjective aspect , escaping is composed by willful actions rather than negligence , while objectively , escaping could be divided into several types based on different criterions .

  26. 第二部分通过一个简单的经济学分析,论证交强险在减少恶意逃逸行为以及使驾驶行为更加谨慎的问题上所发挥的积极作用。

    Secondly , through a simple economy analysis it proves that SALI helps diminish malicious escape , as well as exert a positive effect on making the driver careful .

  27. 本文即围绕着交通肇事逃逸行为性质、危险驾驶行为的规制以及交通肇事刑罚的合理配置、以及如何更合理的构建交通肇事罪等问题展开。

    This paper revolves issues around the nature of escape behavior of the traffic accident , dangerous driving behavior and the rational allocation of penalties of traffic accident regulate and so on .

  28. 近年来,在处理交通肇事案时,我们常常为如何对交通肇事者的事后逃逸行为的定性产生分岐。

    In recent years in handling the cases of transportation disturbances , disagreements often crop up concerning the problems of how to conclude the nature of the behaviours of hit and runners .

  29. 但是在理论和实务中对逃逸行为的性质,逃逸行为是否应当独立成罪一直争论不休。

    However , to judge whether the hit-and-run behavior should be done separately according to the property of the hit-and-run behavior in the theory and detailed implementing has been debated all the time .

  30. 最后,作者探讨了逃逸行为与先行行为及不作为故意杀人罪的关系,并且提出应严格限制因逃逸致人死亡构成不真正不作为的故意杀人罪的条件和范围。

    At last , the author probes the relationship in fleeing , action before and homicide of non-action , and suggests limit the extent of not real non-action homicide caused by fleeing causing death .