
Appropriate debt is an effective way to solve the outstanding capital problem in colleges on their expansive way .
The local government moderate debt can be an effective complement to the needs of public finances , promoting local economic development .
If credit does become more " normally " priced , this will benefit anybody who has not become over - levered in recent years .
Properly allocate fiscal powers and revenues among local governments including setting up a system of tax distribution system between province and city , rent-sharing system between city and county .
The policy-oriented in reform of finance and tax system is : establishing public finance system , improving tax system , accelerating the change of fee into tax , reforming financial expenditure management institution , carrying forward financial legal institutions , adequately issuing government bonds and preventing form financial crisis .
The in-time and moderate contracting of loans helps resolve the bottleneck of capital utilized for the development of colleges and universities , providing financial support for their further development and even producing good effects .