
lián suǒ diàn
  • chain store
  1. 这家连锁店10月份裁员500人。

    The chain store laid off 500 workers in October .

  2. 她成了一家连锁店的采购员。

    She became a buyer for a chain store .

  3. 小商店被大型的连锁店抢了生意。

    Small businesses are losing out to the large chains .

  4. 这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。

    It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples .

  5. 超市连锁店已经稍稍降价。

    Supermarket chains have shaved prices .

  6. 她把那间酒吧当作一个起点,最终计划是经营自己的乡村旅馆连锁店。

    She sees the bar as a starting point and eventually plans to run her own chain of country inns .

  7. 超市连锁店已经把小店铺挤对得无法生存。

    Supermarket chains have crowded out the smaller shops .

  8. 到处都是连锁店,所以各个城镇的商店常常完全一样。

    There are so many chain stores around that the shops in one town are often exactly the same as the shops in another .

  9. "这是一场终极噩梦,"一家知名连锁店的零售主管向《时代》杂志承认。

    " It 's the ultimate nightmare , " a retail executive from a well-known chain admitted to TIME .

  10. 截至2007年8月,瑞典家具连锁店宜家家居在世界范围售掉超过100万个厨具。

    In the year to August 2007 , IKEA , a Swedish furniture chain , sold over one million kitchens worldwide .

  11. 梅西百货报告在11月和12月其营业一年以上的门店销售额下降了5。2%,这一令人失望的假期销售业绩为面临广泛挑战的百货连锁店艰难的一年画上了句号。

    Macy 's   reported   its   sales   plunged   5.2 %   in   November   and   December   at   stores   open   more   than   a year ,   a   disappointing   holiday   season   performance   that   capped   a   difficult   year   for   a department   store   chain   facing   wide-ranging   challenges .

  12. 以其新鲜原料闻名的美国快餐连锁店帕尼罗面包同样表现良好,因为它以比饭店低廉的价格提供了更高质量的食品。

    Panera Bread , an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients , performed well , too , because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants .

  13. 今年美国国会通过的健康改革法案要求拥有20家及以上连锁店的餐馆将它们所供应的食品卡路里含量印制在菜单上。

    America 's health-reform bill , which Congress passed this year , requires restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets to put the calorie-content of items they serve on the menu .

  14. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  15. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  16. 为了适应不同国家人们的口味,麦当劳连锁店的菜单各不相同,则是全球本土化的一个典型例子。

    McDonald 's restaurants ' menus adopted the practice and customized its menus to suit local tastes in various countries .

  17. 不过,如今的“露胸连锁店”升级了这一概念,他们提供风格更清新的就餐环境、更适合今天年轻人口味的菜单如手工食品和精酿啤酒。

    But today 's cleavage chains have updated the concept with fresher-looking spaces and menus better suited to today 's young people who are increasingly interested in artisanal food and craft beer .

  18. Target是这个国家的第二大商品零售连锁店。

    Target is the second biggest merchandise retail chain in the country .

  19. 在我家当地的三明治连锁店eat,寿司真的很倒胃口。

    At eat , my local sandwich chain , the sushi is quite revolting .

  20. 设计心理学在连锁店SI规划中的运用

    Application of Design Psychology in Chain Store SI Planning

  21. 2012年7月,他终于迎来了转折点。当时TheLearningExpressToys连锁店的一家店铺看中了吴昌俊的发明。

    That changed after a single store in The Learning Express Toys chain picked up Ng 's invention in July 2012 .

  22. 此外,由LA健身连锁店进行的另外一项研究则表明,多达一半的英国人认为工作时间过长是令他们无法保持身体健康的“罪魁祸首”。

    Half of Brits blame long office hours for not keeping fit , another study says .

  23. 而公平咖啡亦进驻多间咖啡店,包括大型连锁店星巴克及PacificCoffee。

    Fair Trade coffee is at many cafes , including at the biggest chains , Starbucks and Pacific Coffee .

  24. 区域性电器连锁店P.C.Richardson在东北地区的各大报纸上打出整版广告,恳请挽救感恩节。

    Regional electronics chain P.C. Richard Son took out full-page ads imploring to ' Save Thanksgiving ' in newspapers across the Northeast .

  25. 随着CD从量贩超市和大型咖啡连锁店中消失,看来它的离去已经没有悬念。

    It seems likely that as CDs disappear from big-box stores and coffee megachains , they will be definitively gone .

  26. 超市连锁店熟食卤味销售的HACCP研究

    A HACCP study on the processed food in the chain of supermarket

  27. 阿里巴巴的董事长马云(JackMa)曾经预计,今年该集团销售额将超过这家美国零售连锁店。

    Jack Ma , Alibaba chairman , has predicted it will overtake the US retail chain in sales this year .

  28. 披萨连锁店必胜客(PizzaHut)的销售额需要再加点料了。

    Pizzeria chain Pizza Hut 's sales could use a few more toppings .

  29. 而近些时日最突出的例证,莫过于知名连锁店家得宝(HomeDepot)和塔吉特百货(Target)的信用卡数据接连遭窃了。

    The most salient example these days is the rash of thefts of credit card data from big-name retail chains like Home Depot and Target .

  30. 该公司的市场营销计划是:通过阿迪达斯专卖店以及不同的专业跑步用具连锁店,将EnergyBoost(零售价为150美元)提供给经常从事跑步运动或锻炼的消费者。

    The marketing plan : roll out the Energy Boost , which will retail for $ 150 , to serious runners at Adidas Stores and various running specialty chains .