  • step;stride;pass
  • old
  • mile
  • 抬起腿来跨步:~步。~进。

  • 老:老~。年~。

  • 远行:远~。

  • 豪放:豪~。

  • 超过:“则三王可~,五帝可越”。

  • 英里(用于机动车行车速度):每小时八十~。


(提脚向前走; 跨) step; stride; pass:

  • 迈出重要一步

    take an important step forward;

  • 迈过门坎

    stride [step] over the threshold


(老) old:

  • 老迈

    advanced in years;

  • 年迈

    aged; old


(英里) mile:

  • 这种赛车时速为二百迈。

    This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour.

  1. 我们已向成功迈进一步。

    We have made a step towards success .

  2. 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。

    China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth , and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan .

  3. 她迈着轻快的步伐向前走去。

    She walked along with a spring in her step .

  4. 我听见叫我名字时向前迈了一步。

    I stepped forward when my name was called out .

  5. 他迈着缓慢而匀称的脚步沿着走廊走去。

    He walked down the corridor with measured steps .

  6. 他朝门口迈了一步。

    He took a step towards the door .

  7. 他迈着轻快的步伐出发了。

    He set off with a loping stride .

  8. 他迈着碎步过来招待我们。

    He minced over to serve us .

  9. 一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。

    A family of elephants lumbered by .

  10. 保持70迈的速度。

    Hold your speed at 70 .

  11. 一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。

    A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill

  12. 他匆匆地迈着沉重的步伐绕过湖边向花园走去。

    He tramped hurriedly round the lake towards the garden .

  13. 一辆汽车正在倒车,他看都没看它倒向哪里就一脚迈了出去。

    He stepped without looking into the path of a reversing car .

  14. 她迈着淑女步快速穿过房间。

    She crossed the room with quick , ladylike steps .

  15. 他迈大步追上她。

    He lengthened his stride to keep up with her .

  16. 她在海伦妮前面迈上台阶,进了旅馆。

    She walked ahead of Helene up the steps into the hotel .

  17. 他迈着大步穿过沙滩缓缓向南希跑去。

    He was loping across the sand toward Nancy

  18. 去后舱需要从餐厅的位置略微往下迈一小步。

    Getting into the aft cabin involves a slight step down from saloon level .

  19. 普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。

    By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy .

  20. 我朝他迈了一步。

    I took a step towards him

  21. 他们开始迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。

    They fell into step , walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain

  22. 我们不得不迈着疲倦的步子继续登山。

    We had to plod wearily on up the hill .

  23. 她转身迈着大步走了。

    She turned and strode off .

  24. 这种赛车时速为二百迈。

    This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour .

  25. 快走,别迈方步了。

    Hurry up . Don 't walk with measured steps .

  26. 这卡车一小时走七十迈。

    This truck can go70 miles per hour ( mph ) .

  27. 考完试后,他迈着轻快的步伐回家了。

    After the examination , he went home at a merry pace .

  28. 起初,我们这些城市里的孩子们迈着疼痛的双脚徒步旅行。

    At first all of us city boys hiked on sore feet .

  29. 她迈着轻快的步子走向公园。

    She walked at a brisk pace towards the park .

  30. 我们迈着稳健的步伐走过检阅台。

    We passed by the reviewing stand with firm steps .