
  1. 迈向卓越之路并无速度限制。

    There are no speed limits on the road to excellence .

  2. 香港城市大学迈向卓越新纪元

    City University of Hong Kong Advancing Toward Her New Era of Excellence

  3. 我们要在学习中超越自我,在探索中迈向卓越。

    We need to go beyond self-study , in the course of explorations Pursuit of Excellence .

  4. 一直以来,如何激发员工忠于事业的精神,帮助员工从优秀迈向卓越是每个领导者在人力资源管理方面十分注重的问题!

    All this time , how to inspire the employee 's spirit of be loyal to their career , and every leader pay attention to help their employee from distinction to outstanding in human resources management .