- 名filterability

The primary outcome measure was progression of nephropathy , which was assessed by change in glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) at18 and36 months .
Data on accurate filtering rate indicate that the algorithm can make a good tradeoff between the requirements of system scalability and accuracy .
Simulation results show that fuzzy grouping method not only keeps high and stable data filtering rates in different situation but also greatly reduces matching number compared with existing methods .
Results In normal albuminuria period , average BP and serum β 2MG in treatment group were lower markedly , and GFR lower most markedly while all index in control group were not different markedly .
A distributed simulation system should have a dynamic grid-based method in data distributed management , but not a static grid , thus the system can get a high rate of data filter on a low consume of time .
Under this condition , the filter efficiency is 83.5 % - 91.7 % .
On-line learning for different E-mail testing sets shows that such a classifying network can ensure the classification and filtering efficiently . It practically provides a viable solution by building a supervised Bayesian classifying network to execute relatively complete characteristics learning and improve the accuracy of E-mail filtering .
Put dendritic cell algorithm and the clone selection algorithm based on the traditional artificial immune system together to form a complete second-generation artificial immune system-based dendritic cell algorithm with training ( T-DCA ), to further improve spam filter accuracy .
Experiments show that the recall rate and FP rate of spam filtering get a good result .
Five section filter layer at the initial of filtraion the compression ratio is 46 % , and at the end of filtration is 50 % .
With the development of camouflage technology , spam became more obscure , and lead to higher false positive rate for content-based filtering . For large number of suspected spam , content-based filters also spent so much time on processing .
Raw soy sauce and deposits from soy sauce were filtered by ceramic membrane of 0.4 μ m pore size , the rate of getting rid of microbe reached over 99 % , and the quality of soy sauce was well .
One-pass solid removal efficiency Disposable Infusion Medicinal filter
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Airborne Microbes Filtration Performance of HEPA Filter one-pass solid removal efficiency
Result After filtration , the platelet re-collect rate was 94.9 % , the elimination rate 13.5 % ( mean ) .
The experiments show the algorithm could promote both in the efficiency and accuracy comparing with the traditional methods . 3 .
RESULTS The result of percent recovery showed that automatic sampling device has adsorption to Nifedipine sustained release tablets ( I ) .
Our system integrated feature extraction and neural network techniques which has provided a novel ability to automatically extract and learn the changing features of spam . This approach has improved the accuracy of distinguishing spam from legitimate mails through dynamic adjustment of the traditional static rules .
A pressure drop model of SSNF for the initial filtering stage and a pressure drop increasing rate model of SSNF for the last filtering stage are established .
Hollow fibers can effectively filter bacteria and turbidity , while for heavy metals and organic substances of little molecules , it 's not better than ( polypropylene ) PP colander , which can better purify big particle substances .
Combined the Bayesian classification with the new filtering methods ( including flow testing , sample testing , log analysis ) to ensure the accuracy of junk SMS filtering circumstances , improve the efficiency of message filtering .
Three kinds of filtering technology ( black / white list based , key words based , content based ) are implemented on junk short message filtering method , which increase the efficiency very significantly . The accuracy is also greatly improved compared with a single filtering method .
This system obtained training data set by spam quantity control , and then classified mails using the characteristic patterns extracted from spam . This system can catch 94.2 % of spam and false positive is about 0.04 % .
Text filtration often gets interfered by some disguised words . This paper proposes the utilization of a character coding law which greatly improving the accuracy of filtration through a pre-treatment scan , removing sensitive information and splitting disguised . 3 .