
shuǐ zhōnɡ shēnɡ huó
  • aquatic life
  1. 这种动物已经返祖永久在水中生活了。

    This creature has reverted permanently to the aquatic life of its ancestors .

  2. 人们说,在它黑暗、寒冷的水中生活着一个巨型怪物。

    People say a big monster lives in its dark , cold waters .

  3. 蝌蚪在水中生活三个月的时间,这期间,它们的身体能够发生很多有趣的变化。

    It is very curious to watch the changes that take place in the tadpole during the three months or so that it lives in the water .

  4. 这些各不相同的胡子是设计师弗朗西丝·汉农(FrancesHannon)设计的,在安德森的多部电影中(比如《青春年少》[Rushmore]和《水中生活》[TheLifeAquaticWithSteveZissou]),她都为比尔·默里(BillMurray)设计了面部毛发。

    The various mustaches were conceived by the designer Frances Hannon , who has built a number of facial hair styles for Bill Murray in Anderson films ( " Rushmore , " " The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou " ) .

  5. 因为要在很深的水中生活,要能抵抗水的压力,那就必须有一种不可估计的巨大力量。

    Because it takes incalculable strength just to live in those deep strata and withstand their pressure .

  6. 娜迦们尊重这些灵体,就像其他亚山世界的水中生活的高贵生物一样。

    The Nagas respect this spirit as the most noble creature to swim the waters of Ashan .

  7. 企鹅特别适应水中生活,并被水中的一切所影响。

    Penguins are especially adapted to life in the water , and are affected by everything in it .

  8. 蚌类可以在受污染的水中生活,因为它们天生有净化细菌,真菌和病毒的能力。

    Mussels can thrive in polluted water because of an inborn ability to purify bacteria , fungi , and viruses .

  9. 龟是通常可以在陆上及水中生活,亦有长时间在海中生活的海龟。

    Turtle is on land and water can usually be life , also have long time in living in the sea turtles .

  10. 美西蝾螈属于两栖类动物,能够在陆地和水中生活。

    The axolotl is an amphibian – one of a group of animals that spend their lives both on land and in water .

  11. 有趣的常识:北极熊的学名叫“海洋熊”,因为它是唯一身体能适应水中生活的熊类。

    The polar bear 's scientific name means " sea bear " because it 's the only bear that has a body made for living in water .

  12. 它的尾鳍与鳍状的后肢也同样显示了水中的生活方式。

    Likewise , the animal 's tail fin and flipperlike hind limbs suggest an aquatic lifestyle .

  13. 两栖动物有时生活在水中,有时生活在陆上。

    Amphibians live partly in water and partly on land .

  14. 腿颈嘴都较长,在水中觅食,生活于内陆沼泽的鸟类;鹤;秧鸡;大鸨。

    Inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food : cranes ; rails ; bustards .

  15. 在年代久远的湖泊遗址中,发现的化石是河马,水牛这些在水中长时间生活的生物,还有,牛的化石。

    At older lake sites , their fossil remains from hippopotamuses , water buffalo , animals that spend much of their lives standing in water , and also , fossils of cattle .

  16. 登岸必须水中过,洪灾生活好修行。

    Landing must be pass the water , this is a good practice in flood life .

  17. 明知水中有蛟龙,但却每天仍然在水中讨生活,这就是渔夫的勇气。

    Fishman 's courage is that he knows there is a dragon in the water but he still makes a living on the water .