
ruǎn piàn
  • film;(a roll of)film;cartridge
软片 [ruǎn piàn]
  • [(a roll of)film] 一种用来摄影的柔软透明片,感光乳剂在曝光和显影后形成黑色银影或彩色影像

软片[ruǎn piàn]
  1. 冲洗费与列印费将因软片种类而异。

    Print and processing fees vary according to film type .

  2. 对绿色、蓝色和紫色光线敏感的照相软片。

    A photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light .

  3. PVC透明软片挤出成型工艺

    The Extrusion Moulding Technology for Transparent Soft PVC Sheets

  4. 这个行业的人习惯的情况是,存储格式变了,营收就随之而来,从唱片到8轨软片,从盒式磁带到CD,营收总是水到渠成地跟着而来。

    What you used to have was revenue following format changes : from vinyl to 8 track to cassette to CD , the revenue always followed .

  5. 采用生产PVC硬片的挤出成型设备来开发生产PVC透明软片。主要介绍了工艺流程、成型设备、配方、工艺条件、产品性能及规格。

    Development of extrusion moulding technology transparent soft PVC sheets on equipment for extrusion and forming of rigid PVC plates was described , with emphasis on the flow process , equipment , recipe , process conditions , properties and the specifications of the products .

  6. 文中还比较了全自动航摄软片冲洗仪的试验结果。

    A comparative test by automatic processing machine is also presented .

  7. 放在电唱机的软片上的尖锐的装置。

    A sharp pointed device attached to the cartridge of a record player .

  8. 此种软片显影需20分钟。

    This type of film develops in twenty minuts .

  9. 光学干版和制版软片的应用

    Application of Optical Dry Plate and Plate Making Film

  10. 一种微光刻全息记录新材料:光刻蚀纤维素软片成像机理及其特性研究

    Imaging Mechanism and Characteristics of a Novel Photoetching Holographic Recording Material : PCF

  11. 请给我一卷柯达的软片。

    Please give me a roll of Kodak film .

  12. 新型全息记录软片DC&TAC的光化学刻蚀特性

    The Photochemical Etching Property of a New Holographic Recording Material : Dichromated Cellulose Triacetate

  13. 高质量软片反射全息图拍摄技术

    Technique for Making High Quality Film Reflection Holograms

  14. 这片照相软片用箔纸包裹着。

    The photographic film was wrapped in foil .

  15. 对所有的颜色(包括红色)都敏感的照相软片。

    A photographic film sensitive to light of all colors ( including red ) .

  16. 不要把软片曝光。

    Don 't expose the film to light .

  17. 一种新型叠层光敏全息记录软片

    A Novel Holographic Recording Film with Stratified Sensitivity

  18. 亮氨酸过敏性低血糖症对过敏源不太敏感的;感光性低的照相软片对光的敏感度不强。

    Desensitized to the allergen ; desensitized photographic film is less sensitive to light .

  19. 涂乳胶的玻璃片或软片不完全透明。

    Imperfect transmission is the glass or film upon which the emulsion is coated .

  20. 以机械方式记录声音或其他现象有软片

    Film mechanically recorded with sound or other phenomena

  21. 特制金属或塑料软片,用于对声音或其他现象进行磁性记录

    Film of metal or plastics , prepared for magnetic recording of sound or other phenomena

  22. 颠倒显示图象的照相软片。

    A piece of photographic film showing an image with black and white tones reversed .

  23. 缠在线轴上的照相软片。

    Photographic film wound on a spool .

  24. 检查有否隆起的粒子和保持软片干燥是很重要的。

    It is important to check for protruding particles and to keep the film dry .

  25. 已曝光未冲洗的摄影硬片、软片、纸、纸板及纺织物。

    Photographic plates , film , paper , paperboard and textiles , exposed but not developed .

  26. 光线使软片上起雾翳。

    Light has fogged this film .

  27. 使照象软片暴露在x光下而制作的照片;用于医学诊断。

    A photograph made by exposing photographic film to X rays ; used in medical diagnosis .

  28. 浅谈明室制版软片的使用

    Using Process Film in Light Room

  29. 乳胶涂到软片或玻璃板上之后老化过程即开始。

    Immediately after an emulsion is coated onto its film or glass base it begins to age .

  30. 这张卡片受潮变软了。光线使软片上起雾翳。

    This piece of card has got wet and gone limp . Light has fogged this film .