
  • 网络energy fluence
  1. 这些N+注入甘草干种子的能量、注量参数可供对甘草进行离子束育种时参考。

    These N + implantation parameters can provide reference for Liquorice breeding with ions beam .

  2. 该参数可以作为沙漠化地区建立甘草植被发挥离子束注入当代效应的N+辐照的能量、注量的参考参数。

    The parameters can be considered as those of energy and dose of N + ion beam irradiation whose M1 mutagenesis effect on liquorice plant vegetation in desert area is to be studied for reference .

  3. 质子和电子综合辐照存在协同效应,在同能量和注量时综合辐照导致透镜的光谱变化不等于质子和电子单独辐照的加和。

    Synergistic effect is found during the combined irradiation of proton and electron on the lens , i.e. the change in spectra due to the complex irradiation of proton and electron is not simply equal to summation of the single irradiation of each species under the same energy and fluence .

  4. 高能量,大注量中子辐照下α-Al2O3中的F3聚集型色心电子结构及其吸收光谱研究

    The electronic structure and absorption spectrum of high-energy and great flux neutron radiation induced f 3 center in α - al 2O 3

  5. 目的研究不同能量E单位中子注量照射人体时产生的全身平均吸收剂量FD(E),为核事故或中子照射事故中的中子剂量评价提供基本数据。

    Objective To prepare whole body average absorbed dose , F_D ( E ), per unit neutron fluence for energy E which can be used for neutron dose assessment in a nuclear accident or neutron exposure accident .