
  1. 在市区里骑自行车一定要保持头脑清醒,因为路面车多,路况复杂。

    You have to keep your wits about you when riding a bike in the city ! The roads are busy and unpredictable !

  2. 基于第5章建立的全地形车多体动力学模型,利用MATLAB/Simulink建立了包含天棚阻尼控制、模糊控制和模糊PID控制的悬架控制联合仿真系统模型。

    In order to control the vibration , united simulation model of suspension control system , including sky-hook control , fuzzy control and fuzzy PID control , is built by using MATLAB / Simulink .

  3. 基于标杆的多车多品种货物装载优化算法

    Optimization algorithm of multi-truck multi-category goods loading based on benchmark methods

  4. 某牵引车多体系统动力学建模与仿真

    Dynamic Modeling and Simulation for a Towing Tractor Based on the Multi-Body Theory

  5. 飞机牵引车多功能转向特性分析

    Analysis of the Multifunction Steering Feature on Aircraft Tractor

  6. 消防车多节直臂举升同步伸缩系统的设计

    Design of Synchronous Telescopic System of Multi-Section Straight Boom Lifting on Fire Engines

  7. 尼克尔森住在洛杉矶,这个城市出了名的车多。

    Nicholson lives in Los Angeles , a city that is notoriously car-focused .

  8. 海底采矿车多自由度铰接机构设计与优化

    Design and optimization of a multi-degree-of-freedom articulated mechanism

  9. 一个原因是美国人车多,而且他们也必须为车买保险。

    One reason is that Americans have more cars and they must get car insurance .

  10. 瞧这山地车多酷

    Look at this cool BMX bike .

  11. 改善交通问题对于一个人多车多的城市来说真的是一项挑战。

    It is a real challenge in a city with so many people and cars .

  12. 多棘海盘车多糖的提取及体外抑菌活性初探

    Extraction of polysaccharides from Asterias amurensis and preliminary study on their antibiotic activities in vitro

  13. 对重型车辆来说,煞车距离可能要比私家车多出一倍。

    For a heavy vehicle the distance may be twice the distance needed by a car .

  14. 由于车多,我跑在公路边,突然踢到一个石头,摔了一跤。

    As the cars , and I ran side of the road and suddenly kicked a stone , a fall .

  15. 是名副其实的一车多用,还可达到代步的目的。

    It is a toll to ride instead of walk , worthy of the name of'one car for multipurpose ' .

  16. 如果我们持续投资跟以前一样的城市基础设施,这只会造成一样的车多,路多,油多。

    while we keep investing in the same kind of infrastructure , more cars , more roads , more oil .

  17. 本文讨论电子控制汽油机负荷信息的间接和直接传感方法的原理和特性,单点喷射常用α-n法,多点喷射中,豪华车多用热线热膜传感器。

    The Principles and features of indirect and direct sensing load information in electronic control gasoline engine are discussed in this paper .

  18. 在我国路少车多的情况就更为明显和严重,但道路质量并没有很好的发展。

    In our country , fewer cars much is more obvious and serious , but the road quality is not very good development .

  19. 我喜欢这区,因为这里比较宁静,我不太喜欢人多车多的地方,我需要空间去创作。

    I love this place because it is not so crowded with people and cars , and it gives me sense of peace and time for creation .

  20. 进一步把一车多件货物装载模型推广到多车多件装载的情形,构造了多车多件货物装载布局优化模型;

    The paper generalizes loading models on a single vehicle and multiple goods into conditions of multiple vehicles and multiple goods further so as to construct goods loading layout optimizing model on multiple vehicles and multiple goods .

  21. 你只要小心开车,你的车就能多跑很多里程。

    If you drive carefully you can get better mileage from your car .

  22. 在建立农用运输车整车多体动力学模型的基础上,借助于软件ADAMS和笔者编制的软件研究了农用运输车平顺性仿真的方法。

    Based on an established multibody dynamics model of farm transport vehicles , with the help of the code ADAMS , the ride comfort simulation method was studied .

  23. 在ADAMS软件系统基础上,建立了该车整车多体系统动力学的仿真模型,验证了应用该模型模拟仿真整车操纵稳定性的准确性;

    Modeling of the mini - bus with dynamics of multi - body systems was researched into by using the ADAMS software , and then validity of the vehicle model was verified .

  24. 整个10月,通用售出了20万台克鲁兹,比本田思域(Civic)、福特Fusion和现代伊兰特(Elantra)这三款长期畅销的小型车都多。

    Through October , GM ( GM , Fortune 500 ) sold over 200,000 units , more than the Honda ( HMC ) civic , Ford Fusion and Hyundai Elantra & three popular small cars with long track records .

  25. 我想些别克车快多了。

    B : Much faster than a Buick , I think .

  26. 内燃机车用多流程散热器的研究与应用

    Study and application of multiple flow pathes radiator for diesel locomotive

  27. 混凝土泵车柔性多体动力学建模与分析

    Flexible multiplex - dynamical modeling and analysis for truck-mounted concrete pump

  28. 我觉得哥本哈根的车太多了。

    I think there are too many cars in Copenhagen .

  29. 无论你的车开多快,和你在一起我总是觉得很安全。

    However fast you drive , I always feel safe with you .

  30. 深海底履带机器车的多神经网络预测控制

    Multi-neural Predictive Control for a Deep Seabed Tracked Robot Vehicle