- 网络Internet of Vehicle

Nowadays , the system architecture of Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork ( VANET ) and is mainly divided into four parts : Sensor Networks ( WSN ), wireless communication network , cloud computing platforms and users of vehicle terminal system .
On-line Toll System Based on Electronic Police 's Technology for the Nonlocal Cars
First , the paper analyzed the system of EPC . We can promote thedevelopment of the entire car networking by reduce the cost of the system of EFC .
The main work of this paper is design of an intelligent terminal system for Internet of Vehicles in highway .
Intelligent transport system that based on Internet of Vehicles is regarded as effective measure to guarantee the safety of highway transport .
MANET is a typical application of intelligent transportation system , services covering the entire road system , MANET have to collect road conditions , monitor air exhaust content , track moving vehicles , recover stolen vehicle , manage road congestion , give the best route proposal and other functions .