
tī tà wǔ
  • tap dance;step dance
踢踏舞[tī tà wǔ]
  1. 他边跳踢踏舞一边给自己伴唱

    Going through the tap dance , he sang his own accompaniment

  2. 从此,爱尔兰踢踏舞风靡全球。

    The Irish tap dance has been sweeping the whole world .

  3. 3.tabdance:踢踏舞踢踏舞并不像看上去得那么简单。我不会跳舞。

    Tab dance is not as easy as it seems .

  4. 苏格兰踢踏舞既可以单独进行,也可以在一个小的“set”中群体进行。在群体舞蹈中,较慢和较快的舞步会通过简单的舞蹈排列结合起来。

    Scottish step-dancing is a traditional Scottish form of hard-shoe dancing which can be danced solo , or in a small'set'where steps in slow and quick time are combined with simple dance patterns .

  5. 鲍勃·迪伦(BobDylan)成为金牌音乐家之前,在高中达人秀比赛中输给了一个踢踏舞表演。

    Bob Dylan 's band , the Golden Chords , lost a high-school talent competition to a tap dancing act .

  6. WebTV(1995):在1995年让Web显示在一般的电视上就像是观看大象跳踢踏舞&让你惊奇的不是它会做的很好,而是那根本就不行。

    WebTV ( 1995 ): Getting the Web to display on a typical TV in1995 was like watching an elephant tap-dance & you were amazed not that it could do it well but that it could do it at all .

  7. 如果你的另一半一直想学跳踢踏舞、想去跳伞或独自旅游但又缺乏勇气或是怕花钱的话,你就要表示出你的支持和鼓励,为TA创造条件帮助TA完成自己的心愿。

    Give empowering gifts . If you partner has always wanted to learn tap dancing or go sky diving or travel solo but is too scared to take the leap or spend the money , show them your support and encouragement by gifting them the experiences they want .

  8. 如果你是银行家,就学一学跳踢踏舞;

    If you 're a banker , take up tap dancing ;

  9. 它生来就会跳舞,可它跳的是自己一个人&踢踏舞。

    He is born dancing to his own * tap dancing .

  10. 问题1鸣鸟在什么时候会表演“踢踏舞”?

    Question 1.When does the songbird perform a tap dance ?

  11. 问题2怎样才能看到鸣鸟表演“踢踏舞”?

    Question 2.How can songbirds ' tap dance be seen ?

  12. 我看到她在厨房的地板上跳踢踏舞;

    I saw her tap dancing on our kitchen floor .

  13. 好吧,我其实不知道怎么跳踢踏舞。

    Okay , I don 't really know how to tap dance .

  14. 那不会让他能起来跳踢踏舞。

    They 're not gonna get him up tap dancing .

  15. 我一直想要学跳踢踏舞。

    I always wanted to learn to tap dance .

  16. 他称之为“踢踏舞工作”。

    He calls it " tap-dancing to work " .

  17. 他把这个称之为“跳着踢踏舞去工作”。

    He calls it " tap-dancing to work . "

  18. 直到19世纪以前,硬鞋踢踏舞在整个苏格兰广受欢迎。

    Up until the19th century , hard-shoe step-dancing was enjoyed all over Scotland .

  19. 跳踢踏舞赚不了钱

    You can 't make no money tap dancing .

  20. 或许他可以跳个爱尔兰踢踏舞。

    Maybe you do a Riverdance . Maybe .

  21. 我们这辈子就像是在跳踢踏舞。

    We spend our whole lives tap dancing .

  22. 我享受我做的事情,我每天都跳着踢踏舞去工作。

    I enjoy what I do , I tap dance to work every day .

  23. 出于好奇,她学习了踢踏舞、艺术及摄影。

    She took courses in tap dancing , art and photography out of curiosity .

  24. 有交际舞、迪斯科舞、踢踏舞、爵士舞…还有探戈。

    There 's ballroom dancing , disco , tap , jazz ... and tango .

  25. 早年她就开始跟随姑姑学习踢踏舞及芭蕾舞。

    Early , she began to learn both tap and ballet from an aunt .

  26. 你应该看我跳踢踏舞。

    You should see me tap dance .

  27. 我要去上踢踏舞课。

    I 'm going to tap class .

  28. “这正是我从前跳踢踏舞时踩过的旧地板。”她说。

    " It 's the same old floor that I tapped on ," she said .

  29. 他是个拉皮条的,他是个喜欢半夜起来跳踢踏舞的拉皮条的。

    Yes , he 's a pimp . He 's a big , tap dancing pimp !

  30. 就得跳踢踏舞

    you had to tap dance .