
  1. 中小民企群落整理&民营经济起飞之路寻探集群中企业的纵向分解

    To Manage Small or Middle Personal Enterprises in Clusters & research of way of private business ' promising

  2. 当我不想在早上骑马的时候,我和我的老师就会在早餐后去森林里散步。我们让自己完全迷失在藤萝绿树之间,除了被牛儿马儿踩出的小径,我们无路可寻。

    On mornings when I did not care for the ride , my teacher and I would start after breakfast for a ramble in the woods , and allow ourselves to get lost amid the trees and vines , with no road to follow except the paths made by cows and horses .

  3. 在中世纪,有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。

    During the Middle Ages , large amounts of silk were brought to the Middle East and Europe from China along the ancient silk Road , which is still traceable nowadays .