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zú xià
  • you;sir
足下 [zú xià]
  • [you;sir] 对同辈、朋友的敬称,古时也用于对上

  • 大将军足下。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • 大王足下。

  • 足下事皆成。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 足下卜之鬼乎?

  • 恐伤先王之明,有害足下之义。--乐毅《报燕惠王书》

足下[zú xià]
  1. 千里之行,始于足下。

    A thousand-li journey begins with the first step .

  2. 足下以为如何?

    I wonder what you think of this .

  3. 生我者父母,知我者足下。

    My parents brought me up , but you alone have understood me .

  4. 方法对34例痉挛性足下垂患者小腿后部肌群分点注射BTX-A,注射前后分别给以康复治疗。

    Method injection of BTX - A at different points into the back muscle group of shanks of 34 sufferers of spastic foot drop ; rehabilitation cure should be given before and after the injection .

  5. 目的:观察和分析足下垂患者穿戴踝足支具(AFO)前后对下肢稳定性、负重能力、步行中膝、踝关节活动的影响。

    Objective : To observe and analysis the effect of ankle foot orthosis ( AFO ) on lower extremity stability , weight loading ability and range of joint motion ( ROM ) of the knee and ankle during walking .

  6. 为少有游览完整个明朝(1368-1644)长城的人来说,NorwegianRobertLoken知道千里之行始于足下,而且这是一段6千米的长途路程。

    As one of the first few persons to walk the entire Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) Great Wall , Norwegian Robert Loken knows that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step but in his case it was a sojourn of 6000 km .

  7. 手法治疗急性足下垂型腰椎间盘突出症

    Manipulative Orthopedic Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation with Acute Drop Foot

  8. 足下春秋&中国少数民族鞋文化(下)(英文)

    If the Shoe Fits & Chinese Ethnic Shoe Culture (ⅱ)

  9. 我愿是您足下大地,支撑您每一步履。

    Let me be Your ground , To support Your every step .

  10. 爱护草坪,足下留情。

    Take care of the grass , pull your feet .

  11. 花草有生命,请足下留情。

    Every plant has a life please spare each of its life .

  12. 承蒙足下推荐,我已获得这份工作

    I get the job on the strength of your recommendation

  13. 单纯足下垂患者后置弹性踝足矫形器的应用研究

    Application of posterior leaf spring AFO in patients with simple foot drop

  14. 手下留情花似锦,足下留情草如茵。

    Bright spent unsparing hand , foot criticism of grass .

  15. 也爱你坚持的位置,足下的土地

    But also your firm stand , the earth beneath you

  16. 千里之行始于足下。今天我们就将迈开英语学习之旅的第一步。

    Today is your first step towards Learning English .

  17. 信仰必将一切动机、理性和谅解踏于足下。

    Faith must trample under foot all reason , sense , and understanding .

  18. 千里之行始于足下

    A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step

  19. 伫立冰原之巅厚厚的冰雪在我足下

    The ice beneath me , up here on top of the ice cap ,

  20. 人行道上的碎玻璃,在我的足下。

    On the pavement under my shoe .

  21. 小草呀,你的足步虽小,但是你拥有你足下的土地。

    Tiny grass , your steps are small , but you possess the earth under your tread .

  22. 足下的文化与野草之美&中山歧江公园设计

    The Culture that Has Been Ignored , The Beauty of Weeds & Qijiang Park in Zhongshan City

  23. 老子曾说,千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理。

    As Lao Tzu said , even a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step .

  24. 足下垂型腰椎间盘突出症外科治疗11例分析

    Analysis of surgical treatment for 11 cases with foot prolapse caused by prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc

  25. 竹地板:来自足下的清幽高雅

    Elegance From Bamboo Floor

  26. 有一句谚语是这么说的:“千里之行,始于足下。”

    As one proverb goes : " A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step . "

  27. 像中国的古老谚语所说的,“千里之行始于足下。”

    As the old Chinese proverb says ," A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step . "

  28. 我必须以身作则,向您们展示我就是我所有奉献者足下的仆人。

    I must show you by my example that I am the servant of the feet of all my devotees .

  29. 结论BTX-A肌肉注射配合康复治疗对痉挛性足下垂患者有较好的治疗效果。

    Conclusion BTX - A intramuscular injection with rehabilitation cure offers better treatment results to sufferers of spastic foot drop .

  30. 千里之行始于足下&谈汽车轮胎的正确使用

    A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step & Talking about the Right Use of the Auto Tires