
chāo jì liànɡ
  • overdose;overdosage
  1. 但是一二写人可能会没有反应在服用超剂量药2到3天后。

    But these may not develop for2 or3 days after an overdose .

  2. 超剂量细辛对SD大鼠肺组织和呼吸功能影响的实验研究

    The Empirical Study of Overdose Asiasarum on SD Rats Lung Tissue and Respiratory Function

  3. 超剂量受照人员医学处理&急性放射损伤的诊断与治疗

    Medical treatment of overexposed person & diagnosis and therapy of acute radiation damage

  4. 目的探讨超剂量红细胞输注在小儿急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the action of super-dose transfusion of RBC in children ALL .

  5. 55名原子反应堆超剂量照射人员晶体20年动态观察

    Dynamic Observation on Over-radiated Lens with Atom Reactor

  6. 超剂量黄连素甲氧苄胺嘧啶治疗慢性菌痢

    Curative Effect Observation on Curing Chronic Bacterial Dysentery with Transnormal Dosages of Berberine Associated with TMP

  7. 呼吸性碱中毒可能超剂量的氯雷他定有关,应当注意病人的这种并发症。

    Respiratory alkalosis may be associated with loratadine overdosage and patients should be monitored for this complication .

  8. 目的了解核工业超剂量受照人员的健康状况,探求辐射危害所致早期改变指标。

    Objective To understand the health status of the overexposed workers in nuclear industry and to explore the early indices caused by radiation risk .

  9. 前言:目的:观察超剂量儿茶酚胺对去甲肾上腺素性心肌病动物模型病理生理指标的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of over dosage catecholamine on animal models of congestive cardiomyopathy made by noradrenalin in pathology and physiology .

  10. 虽然国家临床最佳研究所建议尝试谈话治疗,但大多数患者仅仅服用超剂量药物。

    Although the National Institute for Clinical Excellence recommends talking therapies should be tried , most patients are given only heavy-duty drugs , the experts said .

  11. 超剂量可能引起下列体征和症状:震颤、兴奋、痉挛、血压改变、意识损害及昏迷。

    Overdosage may give rise to the following signs and symptoms : tremor , xcitation , convulsions , changes in blood pressure impairment of consciousness , and coma .

  12. 若按说明书使用合适剂量,发生不良反应的风险低;但若超剂量使用参麦注射液,其发生不良反应的风险较高。

    When it was used according to the instructions , the proper dosage , the incidence of adverse reactions to low risk ; but if not , the occurrence of adverse reactions to higher risk .

  13. 目前各种兽药的大范围应用,虽然给养殖业带来了巨大的经济效益,但长期超剂量违规使用兽药会使食品动物的体内产生多种兽药残留。

    Nowadays the wide utilization of diversified veterinary drugs brings tremendous economic benefits for animal breeding . However , it can also cause many kinds of drug residues in animal food after a long-time over-dosage utilization of veterinary drugs .

  14. 超生理剂量维生素D3致小鼠动脉硬化及机制

    Large Dose of Vitamin D3 Inducing Arteriosclerosis in Mouse

  15. 目的:以生精细胞凋亡作为指标探讨超生理剂量十一酸睾酮(TU)抑制精子发生的机制。

    Objectives : To study the mechanism of spermatogenicsuppressive effect of supraphysiological doses of testosterone undecanoate ( TU ) .

  16. 结果超生理剂量地塞米松可抑制骨骼肌细胞的增殖,降低其SOD水平,提高MDA水平,并造成细胞的损伤与钙超载。

    Results Dexamethasone beyond physical dosage could suppress cells proliferation , reduce SOD level , increase MDA , and cause cells injury and Ca 2 + overloading .

  17. 超化学剂量Sb2Se3的Sb对Sb-Se系统非晶半导体晶化行为的影响

    Effects of Extra Sb in Sb_2 Se_3 Stoichiometry on the Crystallization Behavior of Amorphous Semiconductor of Sb-Se System

  18. 超常规剂量碘油超选择TAE与常规TAE后Ⅱ期肝癌切除&27例手术病理及随访研究

    Resection of hepatocellular carcinoma following superselective TAE with ultra-routine dose iodized oil versus routine TAE : Follow-up and pathological correlation

  19. 结论应用超常规剂量碘油超选择TAE治疗原发性肝癌效果明显好于常规TAE。

    Conclusions Superselective TAE with ultra routine dose iodized oil shows more significant clinical effect than routine TAE does in the treatment of primary hepatic carcinoma .

  20. 目的评价术前应用超常规剂量碘油超选择TAE与常规TAE治疗原发性肝癌的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of superselective transcatheter arterial embolization ( TAE ) with ultra routine dose iodized oil versus routine TAE before liver resection in primary hepatic carcinoma .

  21. 结论:SARS患者长时间、超生理剂量应用糖皮质激素,将产生骨代谢失衡,钙吸收减少,骨转换加速,导致骨量丢失。

    Conclusion : It will result in bone metabolism disturbance in SARS patients after using large dose of glucocorticoid for a long time . Calcium intake will reduce and bone turnover will speed up , that will induce bone loss .

  22. 超允许剂量γ线照射后眼晶状体混浊观察

    Observation on lenticular opacity by over dose γ - ray radiation

  23. 受超容许剂量照射人员外周淋巴细胞染色体的观察

    Observation on peripheral lymphocyte chromosomes of persons received doses higher than permissible

  24. 超常规剂量碘油超选择栓塞肝动脉治疗原发性肝癌

    Superselective TAE with Hypernormal Dosage Iodized Oil in Treatment of Primary Hepatic Carcinoma

  25. 小鼠受三种超致死剂量照射后小脑的超微结构变化

    The Ultrastructural changes in Cerebellum of Mice Exposed to 3 Ultra-lethal Doses of Irradiation

  26. 腹腔镜手术联合超小剂量米非司酮治疗46例子宫内膜异位症的临床探讨

    Clinical Discussion on 46 Cases of Endometriosis Treated with Laparoscopic Surgery and Ultra-low-dose Mifepristone

  27. 头部屏蔽对大鼠超致死剂量γ线照射后失能的防护作用

    Protective effects of head shielding on incapacitation after supralethal γ - irradiation in rats

  28. 经皮补充超低剂量雌二醇对骨质密度的影响:一项随机临床试验

    Effects of ultralow-dose transdermal estradiol on bone mineral density : A randomized clinical trial

  29. 超小剂量肝素预防儿童过敏性紫癜肾损害临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Micro-dose Heparinum on Preventing Hypersensitive Purpura Nephropathy ( HSPN ) of Children

  30. 超常规剂量肾上腺素与氨茶碱在心跳骤停的应用

    Clinical application of ultra-routine dose epinephrine associated with aminophylline in the patients with cardiac arrest