
  • 网络Sparkling Wine;prosecco
  1. 不同酿酒酵母对起泡葡萄酒品质的影响

    Influence of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the quality of sparkling wine

  2. 天然的香槟酒可以通过在瓶中继续发酵制成一种天然起泡葡萄酒。

    Natural champagnes are produced by continuing the fermentation in bottles to produce a naturally sparkling wine .

  3. 特种葡萄酒:起泡葡萄酒、利口葡萄酒、葡萄白兰地。

    Special wines : sparkling wines , fortified ( aperitif ) wines , and brandy .

  4. 李子多的,葡萄干多的半干加气起泡葡萄酒

    Filled with plums . semi-dry carbonated wine

  5. 利用半定量方法对组分进行定量,该方法可较好地对起泡葡萄酒中挥发性物质进行提取与定量分析。

    The above methods could be applied for the extraction and the quantitative analysis of volatile substances in sparkling grape wine .

  6. 非常有特色的意大利微型起泡葡萄酒,来自优质法定产区的出品,入口甜美清新,富有苹果和水蜜桃的芳香。

    A traditional sparkling sweet white in Asti , with apple , juicy peach nose and fresh , good balance in mouth .

  7. 英格兰相对边缘的气候,对起泡葡萄酒酿造商而言是种植葡萄的有利条件,在许多较热的美洲葡萄酒产区,起泡葡萄酒就难以酿造。

    England 's relatively marginal climate for grape growing is a positive advantage for makers of sparkling wine , a product that can be difficult to make in many warmer New World wine regions .

  8. 我品尝了过去几周上市的许多英格兰葡萄酒,仍然觉得起泡葡萄酒要比无泡葡萄酒好,不过现在有些无泡干白葡萄酒我也可以推荐(见下)。

    I have tasted scores of English wine offerings in the past few weeks and still feel the sparkling wines are superior to the still ones but there are now some still , dry whites I can recommend too ( see below ) .

  9. 其他起泡的葡萄酒通常被认为较香槟酒为次。

    Other sparkling wines are often considered the poor relations of champagne .

  10. 爽口型(加气起泡)山葡萄酒的生产工艺研究

    Studies on processing technology of refreshing wild grape wine

  11. 起泡酒的代表简茨(Jansz)在葡萄酒行业被公认是塔斯马尼亚最好的起泡葡萄酒,它也是少数几个从朗塞斯顿附近的塔马谷(TamarValley)葡萄园区出口到美国的品牌之一。

    Bubble Rep Widely acknowledged among the wine industry as Tasmania 's premier sparkling wine , Jansz is one of the few marques imported to the U.S. from the swath of vineyards in the Tamar Valley , close to Launceston .