
qǐ yì jūn
  • insurrectionary army;insurgent forces
  1. 起义军围攻京城。

    The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital .

  2. 起义军的首领们在新攻占的城里四出奔走,招募新兵。

    The leaders of the insurrectionary army beat up the newly captured town for recruits .

  3. 5..叛乱的,起事的n.叛乱分子经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。

    insurgent adj After a prolonged siege , the town was rendered up to the insurgents . bandit n rally n.

  4. 这个起义军士兵透露了关于死星计划的消息。

    This Rebel had the news of the Death Star operation .

  5. 反秦农民起义军的兵制

    The Military System of the Anti Qin Peasants Insurrectionary Army

  6. 起义军当时正沿着粤汉路逼近长沙。

    Rebels were approaching Changsha along the Canton-Hankow railway .

  7. 据报道,起义军在这个地区正向前推进。

    Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region .

  8. 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。

    The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents .

  9. 武昌起义军政府旧址

    Site of the Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising

  10. 经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。

    After a prolonged siege , the town was rendered up to the insurgents .

  11. 浙东的各支起义军到1122年以后也被镇压下去。

    Other uprisings were put out till 1122 .

  12. 起义军坚持了8个月。

    The insurrectionists held out for eight months .

  13. 但起义军们仍誓死抵抗。

    But the Rebels will stand and fight .

  14. 很自然地,起义军被秦军打得土崩瓦解,最终都被秦军杀害。

    Naturally , they were soundly defeated and eventually murdered by their own forces .

  15. 帕尔帕廷精心布置了一个陷阱,准备彻底消灭起义军。

    Palpatine crafted an elaborate trap that was to be the end of the Rebellion .

  16. 陈列于喀土穆哈里发博物馆的机枪。原属英军所有,被马赫迪的起义军缴获。

    A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces , now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum .

  17. 满洲军队又花了17年与反清复明者、伪政权以及起义军作战。

    The process took another seventeen years of battling Ming loyalists , pretenders and rebels .

  18. 直升飞机巡逻着山地,当地的报纸也在报道对抗起义军的胜利。

    Helicopters stretched the hillsides and there were daily newspaper reports of military triumph against the insurgents .

  19. 建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。

    After the establishment of peasant governments , the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords .

  20. 一个关于送信的故事:美西战争爆发后,美国总统麦金莱必须与起义军首领加西亚将军取得联系。

    A story about sending letter : After Spanish-American War broke out , McKinley , president of U.S.A.

  21. 新一轮的权利争夺在公元前206年的两个起义军首领间爆发。

    A new round of power struggle broke out in 206 BC between two leaders of rebellion army .

  22. 1644年5月27日,吴三桂与清军联军和李自成的起义军开战。

    Together the two armies met Li Zhicheng 's rebel forces in battle on May 27 , 1644 .

  23. 起义军后来以泰山地区为根据地,展开斗争。队伍很快发展到几万人。

    With its headquarters in Mountain Tai , his army quickly grew to be several tens of thousands .

  24. 起义军转战于河南、湖北、四川一带。

    The insurrectionary army fought from place to place in the areas of Henan , Hubei and Sichuan .

  25. 当北宋最高统治者接到方腊起义军逼近杭州的消息之后,立即派童贯率军南下,镇压起义。

    When the uprising threatened Hangzhou , the general Tong Guan was sent to fight against the peasant army .

  26. 明末农民起义军的重要将领李岩,崇祯十七年被李自成冤杀。

    Li Yan was the main general of peasant uprising troops in the last years of the Ming Dynasty .

  27. 波巴·费特将被碳凝的汉·索洛交给了赫特人贾巴,起义军英雄们也追踪而来。

    The Rebels eventually tracked down Boba Fett as the bounty hunter delivered Han 's carbon-frozen form to Jabba the Hutt .

  28. 1911年长江泛滥,而起义军就驻扎在江边。

    The Yangtze overflowed its banks in 1911 , and the revolting troops were , of course , situated near that river .

  29. 这里,一个有组织的间谍网正忙于向起义军传递情报,他们的领袖正是乔治·华盛顿本人。

    Here , a network of spies has been busy passing information to the Rebels . Their leader is George Washington himself .

  30. 纳赛尔支持阿拉伯起义军,因此法国和英国一样,急切的想摆脱纳赛尔的影响。

    Nasser backed the Arab insurgents , so the French were as eager as the British to see the back of him .