
zàn bǐ yà
  • Zambia
赞比亚[zàn bǐ yà]
  1. 他曾在赞比亚生活过。

    He once lived in Zambia .

  2. 赞比亚北部铜矿带的矿工已经罢工了。

    Miners in Zambia 's northern copper belt have gone on strike

  3. 赞比亚的这种运动比欧式足球要激烈得多。

    The Zambian game is much more aggressive than European soccer .

  4. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  5. 他说该党的创立是赞比亚历史上的一个里程碑。

    He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history

  6. 赞比亚是撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区城市化程度最高的国家。

    Zambia is black Africa 's most urbanised country

  7. 中国承诺促进赞比亚经济繁荣发展就是幻想之一。

    Among all that disillusionment are Chinese promises of economic growth and prosperity .

  8. 于是葡萄牙人加入其贸易,将这种果实和其他商品一起沿海岸线运出,但直到1620年英国探险家理查德·乔布森来到赞比亚时,可乐果在他看来依然十分稀奇。

    And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .

  9. 赞比亚发展署(ZambiaDevelopmentAgency)说,单是中国有色集团就在赞比亚投资了大约20亿美元。

    The Zambia Development Agency says China Nonferrous alone has invested some $ 2 billion in the country .

  10. 尼日利亚和赞比亚等资源富有国家面临的资金缺口较小,占其GDP的4%。

    Resource-rich countries like Nigeria and Zambia face a more manageable funding gap of4 percent of GDP .

  11. 近几个月,谦比希炼铜厂的保安曾数次向涉嫌盗窃铜的赞比亚人开枪。谦比希炼铜厂由中国有色矿业集团有限公司(ChinaNonferrous)所有。

    In recent months , security guards at CCS , owned by China Nonferrous , have shot locals suspected of stealing copper .

  12. 世界银行(worldbank)最新的《营商环境报告》显示,意大利在全球排名第87位,在过去一年期间又下降了4位,甚至还比不上蒙古和赞比亚。

    Even Mongolia and Zambia ranked higher in the latest World Bank " ease of doing business survey " which placed Italy 87th in its global ranking , down another four notches over the past year .

  13. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  14. 目的:识别艾滋病在耳鼻咽喉-头颈部的临床表现,探讨其治疗方法。方法:回顾性总结赞比亚68例HIV阳性患者的临床资料。

    Objective : To identify the clinic features of HIV infection on ENT-Head and neck area and to explore its treatment-Method : 68 HIV cases in zambia were analysed .

  15. 但BBC驻赞比亚的记者肯尼迪·贡德韦表示,大学里的学生往往穿着更时尚。

    But students at the university tend to dress more fashionably , says the BBC 's Kennedy Gondwe in Zambia .

  16. 扎克伯格还大力推行他的“FreeBasics”计划,这计划旨在为服务欠发达的国家如赞比亚、坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚等的手机用户提供免费互联网接入。

    Zuckerberg has also put his weight behind a program called " Free Basics , " which provides free internet access to cellphone users in under-served countries , including Zambia , Tanzania and Kenya .

  17. 有政府背景的五矿资源有限公司(MinmetalsResourcesLtd.)尽管有着雄厚政府资金的支持,却退出了竞购。巴里克于是斥资73亿加元收购了这家业务主要集中在赞比亚的铜矿企业。

    State-backed Minmetals Resources Ltd. stepped away from that deal , despite its deep government pockets , leaving Barrick to fork out 7.3 billion Canadian dollars for the Zambia-focused copper producer .

  18. 赞比亚技术教育以及职业和创业培训(TechnicalEducation,VocationalandEntrepreneurshipTraining,TEVET)的改革与发展深受国内政治、经济因素影响,每个阶段的改革均与时代背景密切相关。

    The reform and development of Technical Education , Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training ( TEVET ) is influenced by domestic political and economic factors , and each phase of its reform is closely related to the historical background .

  19. 另一组为赞比亚儿童,选用氟烷麻醉,为HLT组。

    The group with Zambian children were used halothane anesthesia ( HLT group ) .

  20. 多元化经营的印度塔塔集团(TataGroup)在非洲进行了多项投资,从赞比亚的TajPamodzi酒店到莫桑比克的有轨电车和钢筋厂等等。

    India 's sprawling Tata Group has African investments ranging from the Taj Pamodzi hotel in Zambia , to a railroad-car and steel-fabrication plant in Mozambique .

  21. 瑞银(ubs)认为,来自智利和巴西的赞许声将鼓励澳大利亚政府,而刚果、赞比亚和蒙古等国也可能效仿澳大利亚的举动。

    The Australian government will have been encouraged by appreciative noises from Chile and Brazil ; Congo , Zambia and Mongolia are also likely to follow suit , says UBS .

  22. 花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家沈明高表示,世界上少数几个准备金率更高的国家包括赞比亚、克罗地亚和塔吉克斯坦,中国的准备金率不能再提高了。

    Minggao Shen at Citigroup says that the only countries in the world with higher reserve ratios are Zambia , Croatia and Tajikistan and that Chinese levels cannot go much higher .

  23. 赞比亚政府正在调查发生在8月4日的最新一起冲突。当天赞比亚南部科蓝煤矿(CollumCoalMine)的矿工发生暴动,期间用手推车辗死了一名50岁的中国籍监工。

    The Zambian government is investigating the latest clash , on Aug. 4 , when rioting workers at a coal mine in southern Zambia killed a 50-year old Chinese supervisor , running him over with a mining cart .

  24. 我十几岁的时候,我妈妈觉得带我们走出波士顿看看很重要,我觉得,我和我兄弟2006年成为ONE运动的一份子,走进赞比亚也是出于同样的动力。ONE运动这一组织力求在发展中国家战胜贫穷、预防疾病。

    When I was a teenager , Mom thought it was important for us to see the world outside of Boston . I think it was that same impulse that took my brother and me to Zambia in 2006 , as part of the ONE Campaign - the organization to fight poverty and preventable disease in the developing world .

  25. 在赞比亚,总统候选人迈克尔•萨塔(MichaelSata)去年曾威胁称,如果他当选,将赶走中国投资者。中国在赞比亚铜矿资产中有着重大利益。

    In Zambia , where China has significant copper mining interests , Michael Sata , a presidential candidate , last year threatened to chase away Chinese investors if elected . He lost the election .

  26. 在赞比亚,创办一个企业需消耗掉人均国民总收入(GNI)的6%,而在乍得,这一数字为19%;

    It takes six percent of GNI per capita to start a business in Zambia and19 percent to start one in Chad .

  27. 在赞比亚Macha疟疾研究所,研究人员发现了鉴别疟疾更简单的方法。

    And at the Malaria Institute at Macha in Zambia , researchers are developing an easier way to identify malaria .

  28. 迪戴莫斯说,我应该写上赞比亚前总统肯尼思卡翁达(KennethKaunda)在该国缩减开支多年后所说的话:药力太强也会害死病人。

    Didymus said I must write what Kenneth Kaunda said after years of cuts in Zambia : The medicine was so strong it killed the patient .

  29. 赞比亚矿业部下属矿山安全处首席机械监察员卡特卡(BrightonKateka)说,早期,矿工缺少防护靴、护目镜及护耳等劳保设备。

    Early on , miners lacked boots , goggles and ear protection , according to Brighton Kateka , chief inspector of machinery at the Mines Safety Department , under Zambia 's Ministry of Mines .

  30. 但是种植转基因作物的影响很大程度上依情况而定:比如AndhraPradesh的生态环境和种植方式和赞比亚非常不同。

    But the consequences of cultivating a GM crop depend heavily on context : the ecology and farming practices of Andhra Pradesh are very different from those of , say , Zambia .