
  1. 结合SSL协议、PKI技术中的基本理论,本文提出了用安全代理来实现网上资金结算系统的安全的设计方案。

    Combining the basic theories in SSL agreement and PKI technology , this text has put forward safe design plan of closing system of the online fund of realizing by acting as security proxy .

  2. 银行的B2C网上支付平台是专门为拥有信用卡、灵通卡、贷记卡、国际卡等银行个人客户进行网上购物时与商城进行资金结算所开发的支付平台。

    Bank of B2C online payment system is designed to have credit cards , debit cards , international cards , personal bank customers with online shopping mall for capital settlement payment platform developed by .

  3. 从宏观角度,在基于Petri网的基础上,对政府采购流程从开始申报到最终资金结算进行形式化表示,直观易懂,同时也能够表示流程的静态特点和动态特性。

    From a macro point of view , based on Petri nets , it will gave formalized representation for government procurement process from the beginning to the final financial settlement , to give intuitive features , but also it can describe the static characteristics and dynamic flow characteristics .

  4. 介绍了XX省烟草公司推行全面预算管理机制、建立资金结算管理中心以及在国有资产监管上的努力和创新。

    This chapter is an introduction about the practice of a tobacco company in XX province . Such as the implementation of comprehensive budget management mechanism , establish a capital settlement and management center and the efforts and innovation for state-owned assets supervision .

  5. 武钢集团资金结算模式探讨

    Settlement Management Mode Discussion of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Corporation

  6. 浅谈高校资金结算中心的发展

    A discussion on the development of the University Settlement Center

  7. 证券资金结算通信网络安全系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Security System in Securities Settlement System Communication Network

  8. 网上资金结算系统安全代理的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Financial Account System Safety Agency on the Net

  9. 完善省级农业科研单位资金结算中心的探讨

    Discussion on perfecting capital settlement Centerof provincial agricultural research institutions

  10. 然后分析了资金结算中心存在的问题;

    It also analyzes the problems existing in the center .

  11. 资金结算中心应对金融危机的措施分析

    Analysis on measures of fund settlement center to cope with financial crisis

  12. 浅析建立资金结算中心的必要性

    Analysis on necessity of establishing found settlement center

  13. 论高校内部资金结算中心

    Centre of Settling Accounts Inside Colleges and Universities

  14. 对企业集团资金结算中心几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Funds Settlement Center of Business Group

  15. 建立全新的资金结算管理系统,加强资金控制的监督与评价。

    Set up brand-new fund administrative system , strengthen supervision and appraisal of fund controlling .

  16. 对铁道资金结算中心会计主体和利息计算问题的探讨

    Discussion on Railway Fund Settlement Cente

  17. 成立资金结算中心对省级农业科研单位经济的发展具有重要的意义。

    It is of important significance to establish capital settlement center for provincial agricultural research institutions .

  18. 清算代理行代理券款对付的资金结算时,应通过其在支付系统的清算账户进行。

    DVP settlement through clearing agents should be made via the agents'clearing accounts in the Payment System .

  19. 因此,对网上资金结算中安全问题的研究非常必要。

    So , the study on safe problem while settling account of the online fund is very essential .

  20. 在港口企业集团成立资金结算中心的探讨与实践

    Probing on Establishing the Center of Fund 's Settling Accounts in Port 's Enterprise Group and its Practice

  21. 以支付密码系统和安全代理作为安全支付和保密通讯的基础,为企业提供完整的集团资金结算管理系统解决方案。

    Basing on payment password system and security proxy , the system offers complete group fund settle accounts proposals .

  22. 1994年,铁道部成立了铁路资金结算中心,以内部银行的模式运行。

    In 1994 , the Ministry of Railways established the Railway Settlement Center , which has played the role of internal bank .

  23. 经过探索,江铜成立了资金结算中心,通过搭建结算平台,集中结算,彻底清算了集团内部三角债,提高了集团资金运行效率和对所属单位资金控制力度。

    After the establishment of JCC 's cash settlement center , the capital utilization and control on unit members are greatly improved .

  24. 办理境内机构投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;

    Handling the settlement , sales , collection and payment of foreign exchange as well as the Renminbi settlement business for the QDII ;

  25. (二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;开盘汇率与收盘汇率

    Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement , sales , receipt , payment and RMB settlement businesses ; opening rate & closing rate

  26. 提出了建立资金结算体系、房地产项目融资管理体系及资金管理风险控制体系三方面措施。

    Proposed the establishment of fund settlement system , real estate , project finance and fund management system , risk management control system , three-pronged .

  27. 而现实中的业务是动态的,是变化的。因此,目前的政府采购流程难以满足现实业务的要求,很难实现政府采购流程从申报到资金结算的集成以及参与者之间的通信与合作。

    The reality of the business is dynamic , changing , and therefore , the current government procurement process is difficult to meet real business requirements .

  28. 贝宝于2000年由彼得•西尔和埃伦•马斯克等IT明星一手创建,为零售商和消费者提供了一个迅捷的资金结算平台。

    Founded in 2000 by Tech stars , including Peter Thiel and Elon Musk , the company offered merchants and consumers an easy way to transfer money .

  29. 文中分析了网上资金结算系统的结构,提出了数据传输过程中加密和解密的流程。

    The essay analyses the structure of financial account system on the net , put forward the course of encipher and declassify in the data transmission course .

  30. 副主任:配合主任工作,主要工作为:市场开发、学术交流、与院方资金结算、后勤保障。

    Deputy director : assisting director in work , with the main task of market development , academic exchange , fund settlement with the hospital and logistical support .