
zī jīn zhōu zhuǎn
  • Capital turnover;financing
  1. 一定程度上解决了企业的资金周转困难,扩大了对外贸易的扩展。

    Solved the financing of the business enterprise difficulty on the certain degree , extend the foreign trade of expand .

  2. 由于农业生产具有明显的季节性、有限的替代性、生产周期长、资金周转慢等特点,使得农业具有弱质性的特征,而政府农业补贴就成为弥补农业弱质性缺陷的重要财政政策工具。

    However , agriculture production bears some features as seasonality , limited alternatives , long production cycle and slowly financing , which make agriculture become a weak industry .

  3. 法国的一家制药公司陷入资金周转问题,面临清算的危机。

    A French-based pharmaceuticals company ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation .

  4. 正采取各种措施来维持公司的正常资金周转。

    A number of efforts were being made to keep the company afloat

  5. 为了维持资金周转,利润率已被降为最低。

    Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving .

  6. 基于PETRINET的资金周转周期对供应链绩效影响

    The Influence of Cash Cycle on Performance of Supply Chain Based on Petri Net

  7. 文章从利润率和资金周转率两个方面解释了RFID对资金回报率的影响。

    So in this essay , RFID 's impactions on profit and return on investment are discussed .

  8. MRPⅡ与TPS都能有效地降低库存,加速资金周转。

    Both MRP ⅱ and TPS can reduce inventory and speed up fund turnover effectively .

  9. 通过实施ABC分类管理,避免了缺货现象,库存结构趋于合理,资金周转天数由225天降为74天。

    Through the management of implementing ABC classification , we have avoided the phenomenon in short supply , and the stock structure tends towards rationally .

  10. MRPⅡ与JIT均是企业有效降低库存、加速资金周转、提高生产经营水平的现代化重要手段和工具。

    MRP ⅱ ( Manufacturing Resource planning ) and JIT ( Just In Time ) are important methods and tools of depressing stocks , accelerating the capital turnovers and enhancing the level of manufacturing operating .

  11. ICCS&航空公司优化资金周转的最新途径

    ICCS & the Latest Way for Airlines to Optimize Fund Revolving

  12. 传言说,他们有严重的资金周转问题。

    It is rumored that they have got serious cash-flow problems .

  13. 这造成资金周转问题在过去的每季度恶化。

    This created cash-flow issues that worsened with each passing season .

  14. 当前企业固定资金周转中的一个突出矛盾

    A Prominent Contradiction of Fixed Fund Turnover Presently in Enterprises

  15. 加快资金周转,并确保在递送前付款。

    Accelerates cash flow and assures that payment is made before delivery .

  16. 现行增值税制对企业资金周转的负面影响

    The Negative Impact of Current Added Value Tax on Turnover of Business Fund

  17. (七)清理拖欠货款,加快企业资金周转。

    Cleaning up Loans in Arrears and Quickening the Fund Turnover of Enterprise .

  18. 这件事情导致我们接下来的几个月都面临着严重的资金周转问题。

    It gave us quite serious cash flow problems for a few months .

  19. 试论加速企业流动资金周转

    Speeding up the revolving working funds of enterprises

  20. 它的增长表明格希望增加资金周转速度来降低通胀率。

    The increase showed that Mister Greenspan wanted to move quickly to fight inflation .

  21. 资金周转期的新算法

    A new algorithm on calculating capital turnover period

  22. 资金周转越快,获利越多。

    The faster your money is turned over , the more profit you make .

  23. 朋友:还没有,我现在资金周转遇上一些问题。

    A friend : not yet . I 've a problem in cash flow !

  24. 商业银行的流动性问题可以分为三个层次:第一,商业银行在日常经营活动中保持足够的流动性,防止资金周转出现问题。

    First , banks must hold enough funds to turn over in daily operations .

  25. 我们采用以下措施来监察我们的流动资金周转。

    We have the following systems to help us monitor our working capital flow .

  26. 流动资金周转率计算表

    Schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund

  27. 在此背景下,建筑施工企业深受其害,收益水平持续下滑,资金周转链时时中断,处于非常窘困的境地。

    On this background , construction enterprises suffer a lot during the process of operation .

  28. 目的:降低医院药品库存,加速库存药品资金周转。

    Objective : To reduce hospital drug stock and to speed up turnover of capital .

  29. 下面是另外几种缩短资金周转周期的策略。

    Here are some other strategies to make the cash conversion cycle work in your favor .

  30. 企业资金周转问题浅议

    Analysis on Enterprises ' Capital Turnover