
  1. EVA指标衡量的是企业经营产生的剩余经济价值,即经营利润与资本占用成本之间的差距。

    EVA index is to measure the economic value of surplus generated by enterprise production .

  2. 在本文定价模型中,将贷款的权益资本占用成本与贷款的目标利润有机结合起来;

    In the model for fixing a price in this article , the engrossed cost of capital is well combined with the objective profits ;

  3. 然而,我国发展信用衍生产品市场仍存在诸多局限,如存在认识误区、市场参与者较少、投资者类型同质化、资本减让不明确、资本占用成本较高、定价基础比较薄弱等。

    However , there are still many limitations , such as the existence of misunderstanding , few market participants , homogenization of investors , vague capital reduction ratio , the high cost of capital , weak pricing ability .