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  1. 贺铸是北宋中后期著名词人。

    He Zhu , a famous poet in late Northern Song dynasty .

  2. 贺铸感伤心态形成的原因除了官场的不得志外,还与词人的任侠却多情的特殊个性气质有关。

    The reason of the sentimental beauty being formed is the writer 's special heroic character .

  3. 贺铸从风格和手法方面,对诗歌创作提出自己的要求。并且身体力行,进行创作。

    He Zhu put forward his own requirements on poems writing from writing style and writing technique , and earnestly practices .

  4. 贺铸和辛弃疾少年时的行侠经历,以及所具有的侠义人格,是他们创作侠士词的直接动因。

    The experience of being knight-errant in their youth and the chivalrous personality was their directly motivation to create Knight-errant Ci .

  5. 贺铸和辛弃疾是宋代创作侠士词的两位代表人物,他们在个人经历上有相似之处,创作风格也有承接关系。

    He Zhu and Xin Qiji were two representative personages who wrote Knight-errant Ci in Song Dynasty , they had similar personal experiences , the writing style also had successive inherits in time .

  6. 贺铸渴望摆脱侠士身份使得侠士词风格沉郁悲凉,辛弃疾因为对侠士身份的坚持而使侠士词风格遒劲狂放。

    He Zhu was eager to get rid of the knight-errant identity , which made his Knight-errant Ci style gloomy and sadness . Xin Qiji persisted in his knight-errant identity , which made his Knight-errant Ci style vigorous and unrestrained .