
hè cí
  • congratulations;greetings;speech of congratulation
贺词 [hè cí]
  • [speech of congratulation] 祝贺的词语

贺词[hè cí]
  1. 中国高等教育学会贺词

    Speech of Congratulation of China Society for Higher Education

  2. 亨特在致完贺词后又补了一句:“奈杰尔干得棒极了。”

    Hunt added his congratulations , saying ' Nigel has made a cracking job of it ' .

  3. 全日航空将提供现场音乐表演,客舱乘务员将像读飞行广播那样宣读贺词。

    ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .

  4. 它是独立财务顾问公司Sesame负责人写的圣诞贺词。

    It is a Christmas message from the head of Sesame , an independent financial adviser .

  5. 国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)主席戴安妮·孟斯给中国风景园林学会及《中国园林》学刊的新年贺词

    New Year Message of Dr. Diane Menzies , President of IFLA , to the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  6. 英国《卫报》(Guardian)的一名记者记录下了这艘俄罗斯船上一个公共休息室内举办的派对上一些乘客即兴唱起的新年贺词:全世界都在热烈欢呼。

    ' All the world is making a fuss , ' some passengers sang in an impromptu New Year 's message recorded at a party in a common room on board the Russian ship by a journalist from Britain 's Guardian newspaper .

  7. 布朗在贺词中说,对中国来说,鼠年是具有里程碑意义的一年。

    The year for rat will be a momentous one for China .

  8. 英国首相卡梅伦2013年春节贺词

    Message from Prime Minister David Cameron to mark the Chinese New Year

  9. 他生日那天礼品和贺词纷纷飞来。

    Gifts and congratulations snowed in on his birthday .

  10. 快乐中国牛年!广济寺方丈演觉法师题新年贺词。

    Happy Chinese New OX Year ! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple .

  11. 新时期,新机遇,新珠海&第92届广交会贺词

    New Period , New Opportunities and New Zhuhai-speech of congratulation on the 92nd Canton Fair

  12. 港督尤德爵士在新总部揭幕礼中致贺词。

    Sir Edward Youde officiated at the grand opening of the new headquarters of the guides .

  13. 伯莎不断地接受来自周围地主乡绅们的贺词,他们称赞爱德华用于管理这地方的良好方式。

    Bertha constantly received congratulations from the surrounding squires on the admirable way in which Edward managed .

  14. 会议一开始是地方领导先发表贺词,然后陆青开始讲话。

    Meeting local leaders start of the first message released , and then began his speech , Lu qing .

  15. 全球各国际组织领导人及各国政要纷纷向中国人民送上春节贺词。

    Leaders of international organizations and politicians across the globe have sent Lunar New Year greetings to the Chinese people .

  16. 讲完毕业贺词,我再依照传统给你们一些充满睿智的忠告。

    Now that the congratulations have been made , I 'm obliged by tradition to give you some sagely advice .

  17. 献上我的祝福,贺词和良好愿望,愿你俩万事如意,永远幸福。

    My Blessing , congratulations and good wishes . I wish you the Best of everything for all the years ahead .

  18. 易厨网李总也发来贺词,再次感谢各位对湖南厨师网的支持!

    Li Yi kitchen network also made to the message , once again thank you for the support network Hunan chefs !

  19. 等贵宾全部就座之后,大家彼此举杯祝福,互致贺词,然后晚宴便正式开始。

    After all had been seated , toasts were made , thanks were given and returned , and then the feasting began .

  20. 祝全体读者圣诞快乐!(如报刊、图书馆等的贺词)

    Happy Christmas to all our readers ! ( eg as a notice in a newspaper , magazine , library , etc )

  21. 圣诞节期间,人们购买或制作贺卡,并在贺卡上写上圣诞贺词,寄给亲朋好友。

    People purchase or make Christmas cards with Christmas greetings inside ; to send to their friends and relatives during the holiday season .

  22. 在庆祝仪式上还宣读了教皇的贺词,他指出,食物是人类普遍享有的权利,没有区别或歧视。

    In a message read during the ceremony , Pope Benedict XVI said that food is a universal right for humankind , without distinction or discrimination .

  23. 联合国秘书长安南为大会发来贺词,并要求工业化国家加快向发展中国家转让资金和技术的步伐。

    In a message to the conference , UN secretary-general Kofi Annan urged industrialised countries to speed up the transfer of technologies and funding to developing nations .

  24. 国际扶社长施当恒非常支持青少年交换计画,但是因为同时间国际扶召开理事会议,他无法前,但是送一分书面贺词。

    RI President Carl-Wilhelm stenhammar , an enthusiastic youth exchange supporter , was unable to attend due to a concurrent RI Board meeting , but sent a written statement .

  25. 2019年《终局之战》票房超过《阿凡达》后,卡梅隆在推特上发了一张复仇者钢铁侠站在《阿凡达》中虚构的潘多拉星球上的图片,并附上了贺词。

    When Endgame passed Avatar in 2019 , Mr Cameron tweeted a picture of Avenger 's Iron Man on the fictional Avatar universe of Pandora along with a congratulatory note .

  26. 奥巴马在提前录制的新年贺词中说:米歇尔和我谨向所有亚裔美国人、太平洋岛国的人民以及全美欢度农历新年的人们送上最诚挚的祝愿。

    Michelle and I want to send our best wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year , including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders , the president said in a prerecorded message .

  27. 载有新人的轿车往往要被兴致勃勃的朋友们用口红和剃须泡沫涂上几句贺词,并挂上汽球、洋铁罐和旧靴子。

    The going - away car is often decorated by high - spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam , and tied about with balloons , tin cans , and old boots . The " old boot "

  28. 贺电;通常表示祝贺的人明显都是心不在焉的;贺词。

    Congratulations came snowing in . a congratulatory telegram ; the usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent ; a gratulatory address . When the natal day arrived , there was my letter or telegram . What a hit it made !

  29. 2012年即将到来之际,美国总统奥巴马发表新年贺词称,新的一年将迎来艰难的争论和困难的斗争,但他真心希望美国人民会团结一心发展经济,并加强中产阶级的力量。

    With the New Year just around the corner , President Obama said there will be difficult debates and tough fights ahead but that he 's hopeful the American people will come together to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class .