
  1. 基于Kano模型的专业实习教学质量满意度测评

    Satisfaction Evaluation of the Quality of Professional Practice Teaching Based on Kano Model

  2. 高校图书馆服务质量满意度提升的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Enhancement of University Library Service Satisfactory Rate

  3. 台湾地区旅游质量满意度的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of Satisfaction Survey of Travel Quality in Taiwan

  4. 人居环境质量满意度评价指标体系初探

    Research on evaluation index system for satisfaction of residential environment

  5. 手术患者对手术室护理质量满意度及其影响因素研究

    Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Quality of Operating Room and Its Influencing Factors

  6. 住院肿瘤患者症状控制及生活质量满意度调查

    Investigation on Symptom Control and Quality of Life of Hospitalized Tumor Patients

  7. 外籍住院病人对医护服务质量满意度调查

    Investigation on degree of satisfaction among foreign hospitalized patients to nursing service quality

  8. 结果:三级甲等医院与私立医院的服务质量满意度有较大的差异。

    Result There was a little high difference between public hospital and private hospital .

  9. 河南移动提高服务质量满意度及降低升级投诉率研究

    Approach Research on Improving Service Quality Satisfaction and Decreasing Surpassed Complaints for Henan Mobile

  10. 2002年1~4月住院的同类患者41例应用传统健康教育为传统教育组,分析两组健康教育效果和护理质量满意度。

    The effects of health education as well as the satisfaction degrees between the groups were compared .

  11. 手术室专科护理分组后配合质量满意度调查分析

    Investigation analysis that cooperation satisfaction degree of surgeon and nursing after specific nursing division in operating room

  12. 灾区转移伤员生活质量满意度的调查分析

    Analysis of Survey on Living Quality Satisfaction Degree of the Injured Victims in the Aftermath of Sichuan Earthquake

  13. 部队与地方医院手术病人对手术室护理质量满意度比较

    A comparative study on satisfaction degree toward nursing quality in operating room of patients between in military and local hospitals

  14. 通过对服务质量满意度测评研究,实现公共服务资源更为合理的分配与利用。

    Through the evaluation of the quality of service satisfaction research , we can achieve more reasonable distribution and utilization in the public service .

  15. 物流设施选址问题中时间满意度函数的定义及应用军区医院医疗服务质量满意度信函调查分析

    Definition and Application of Time Satisfaction Function in Logistics Facility Location ; Analysis of the questionnaire survey results for the degree of satisfaction among the inpatients in military hospitals

  16. 发生过生活突发事件的学生在生活质量满意度、生活状况4个方面及生活质量总分均低于正常学生,差异有显著性意义。

    Satisfaction of life quality , life status and the total score of life quality in students with emergent life event were lower than those of the normal students , which had significant difference .

  17. 目的探讨劳动合同关系和工作强度对幼儿教师生存质量满意度、安全感的影响,为维护幼儿教师的心理健康提供参考。

    Objective To explore the effect of employ contract relation and labor intensity on kindergarten teachers ' satisfaction with life quality and sense of security , and to provide reference for their mental health .

  18. 通过某医院对临床科与医技科相互间服务质量满意度的调查,发现二者之间在工作配合协调方面,均不同程度的存在着一些不被人们所重视的问题。

    Through investigating satisfaction of mutual service quality between clinical departments and medical technologic departments in a hospital , we find out some ignored problems , such as cooperation between the two kinds of departments .

  19. 从满意度理论出发,分析了满意度指标体系的发展前景,阐述了建立人居环境质量满意度指标体系的现实需要,介绍了指标体系的建立及研究内容,阐明了其建立的实际意义。

    It analyzes developing foreground of satisfaction index system from theory , illustrates practical need to establish residential environment satisfaction index system , and introduces its establishment and content researched , then illustrates its practical meaning .

  20. 城市居民农产品质量满意度的下降,对市场经济秩序、社会稳定、城市居民的归属感等带来不利的影响。

    City residents of the satisfaction degree of the quality of agricultural products down , to the order of the market economy , social stability , urban residents of the belonging of the negative impact of the .

  21. 结果实验组护生的临床综合能力测评成绩、中西医理论知识及技能考核成绩及对临床教学质量满意度均高于对照组(P<0·05或者P<0·01)。

    [ WTHZ ] Result [ WTBZ ] The students in the experimental group got higher scores and had more clinical comprehensive ability , Traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and skill and higher satisfactory degree to the teaching quality significantly .

  22. 当今,几乎每一所高校都面临着高等教育市场竞争加剧、资金缺乏、学生对现行的高等教育质量满意度不高以及培养的毕业生与社会需求不符等问题。

    Today , almost every university and college will face many problems , such as fierce competition , lack of funds , unsatisfactory of the current education situations , the education of students unfit for the society , and so on .

  23. 第四章进行定量研究,通过设计相应的调查问卷和进行问卷的数据收集、整理分析工作,对网上银行服务质量满意度进行了实证研究。

    Chapter IV carry out a quantitative research , through the design of the corresponding questionnaire and a questionnaire for data collection , collation , analysis work , the quality of service satisfaction with online banking to conduct an empirical study .

  24. 现场调查法:通过设计与指标体系相配套的调查表进行现场调查,教学管理人员填写学院基本情况调查表、学生填写教学质量满意度调查表、教师填写教学管理满意度调查表。

    Design questionnaire matched with Index system for on-site investigation . The teaching administrative staffs fill in institute basic questionnaire . The students complete questionnaire of teaching satisfaction quality . The teachers fill questionnaire of teaching management satisfaction ( 4 ) Researchers interview method .

  25. 在对居民整体满意度分析的基础上,本文从性别、年龄、受教育程度、收入水平四个方面对不同消费群体对农产品质量满意度的差异化评价进行了对比分析。

    For residents in overall satisfaction on the basis of analysis , this dissertation , from gender , age , education , income level by level four aspects to different consumer groups produce quality satisfaction to the difference of the evaluation of a comparative analysis .

  26. 该校的在线MBA课程已经吸引了一批出类拔萃经验丰富的专业人士,其中一部分学员的年收入已经超过25万美元,他们对教学质量的满意度非常高。

    The program has drawn an exceptional group of working professionals some of them already earning more than $ 250,000 and their satisfaction with the experience has been high .

  27. 高校教学质量顾客满意度测评研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation on University 's Teaching Qualities

  28. 目的提高病人对服务质量的满意度。

    Objection To improve the satisfactory rates of service quality for patients .

  29. 建筑工程设计质量顾客满意度测评

    The Measure on the Customer Approval of Design Quality of Construction Engineering

  30. 从而提升客户对网络质量的满意度。

    So as to enhance the quality of customer satisfaction with the network .