
  • 网络fiscal transparency
  1. 我国财政透明度的度量及改进策略

    Measures of Fiscal Transparency and Improvement Strategies in China

  2. 第4章财政透明度的保障机制。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the security mechanism of fiscal transparency .

  3. 财政透明度的国际比较与中国选择

    An International Comparison of Financial Transparence and the Choice of China

  4. 全球视野中的财政透明度:中国的差距与努力方向?

    Transparency in public finance : where are we and what to do ?

  5. 运用经济学分析工具,对财政透明度作了相关理论分析;

    The relevant theoretical analysis of fiscal transparency was analyzed by economics analytical tools .

  6. 分析了财政透明度与一致同意之间的逻辑;

    We analyzing the logic relationship between the fiscal transparency and " consistent agreement ";

  7. 第2章财政透明度的基础&政府及其财政的职责。

    Chapter 2 covers the foundation of fiscal transparency : the role of government and public finance .

  8. 中国财政透明度同发达国家相比存在很大的差距,甚至落后于许多发展中国家。

    The financial transparence of China is far behind many developed country and even some developing countries .

  9. 财政透明度研究

    A Study on Fiscal Transparency

  10. 我国财政透明度研究

    The Study of Financial Transparency

  11. 借鉴国际规范,阐述了如何提高财政透明度;我国财政透明度研究

    We interpreted how to improve fiscal transparency according to the international norms . The Study of Financial Transparency

  12. 正因为如此,国际社会在最近30多年来加快了推进财政透明度进程。

    Because of this , the international communities expedite the course of fiscal transparency in the last 20 years .

  13. 为了提高财政透明度,必须要建立和完善政府财务报告制度。

    In order to improve fiscal transparency in China , it is vital to construct government financial reporting system .

  14. 对我国现阶段财政透明度的调查结果综合分析原因和给出相应的对策。

    The findings of the present stage of fiscal transparency comprehensive analysis of the causes and make recommendations accordingly .

  15. 为了推动各成员国提高财政透明度的工作,国际货币基金组织推出了《财政透明度》手册和财政透明度问卷,为各成员国提供行动指引。

    For improving financial transparency , the International Monetary Fund prints financial transparency and makes questionnaire on financial transparency .

  16. 如果政府期望增值比索或者提高财政透明度,这个规定已经起了反作用。

    If the government hoped to strengthen the peso or improve financial transparency , it has accomplished the opposite .

  17. 本章首先明确了财政透明度的定义,强调财政透明度问题所应探究的信息内容,并突出信息公开机制在财政透明度中的地位。

    It makes the definition of fiscal transparency at first , which stresses the status of mechanism of information publicity .

  18. 摘要政府向公众提供政府财务报告,是提高财政透明度、强化政府公共受托责任的内在要求。

    Providing government financial report to the public is an implicit requirement of fiscal transparency and the public accountability of government .

  19. 上个世纪90年代以来,随着经济和金融全球化加速发展的趋势,财政透明度问题首先在西方发达国家中得到广泛关注。

    With the increasing improvement of economy and financial globalization since 1990s last century , fiscal transparency first gained wide attention among the western developed country .

  20. 有关财政透明度的国际性规范对于各国虽然不具强制性,但中国显然无法(也没必要)游离于这一进程之外。

    Although the international criterions of fiscal transparency do not constrain the Chinese government but it is appearance that China can not dissociate from this course .

  21. 全球性和区域性的不透明的预算过程事件在财政透明度的问责明确中才能更好的被管理。

    A melange of global and regional events discourage opaque budgeting processes , by supporting fiscal transparency and accountability specifically and better economic management in general .

  22. 借鉴他们的先进经验的同时结合我国目前的特殊形式及情况,提出我国财政透明度提升的具体可行路径。

    Learn from their advanced experience , combined with our special form and circumstances , put forward a feasible path to enhance the fiscal transparency of China .

  23. 《中国省级财政透明度评估》研究项目对我国各省、直辖市、自治区2006年度的财政信息向公众公开的程度进行了调查研究。

    The project of Evaluation on Fiscal Transparency at Provincial Level in China makes a study on fiscal transparency of China's31 provincial governments in the year of2006 .

  24. 其次,将财政透明度的基本内容体系归纳为信息的产生、信息的公开披露和公开信息的形成机制等三大内容。

    And then , it surveys three elements of fiscal transparency : the production of information , the publicity of information and the forming mechanism of open information .

  25. 世界上许多国家都把财政透明度视为提高公共治理效率的重要方面,并通过专门的立法规定政府必须披露公众所需要的财政信息。

    In the world , many countries take the financial transparence as an important way to improve the efficiency of public management , and set up relevant laws about it .

  26. 这与政治家们关于提高财政透明度的要求背道而驰,也可能破坏社会对正义感——以及有始有终的感觉——的追求。

    That flies in the face of politicians " demands for finance to become more open . It also risks undermining the search for a sense of justice - and closure .

  27. 在克服数据缺陷、提高财政透明度、打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资以及遏制跨境逃税和避税等方面,需取得进一步的进展。

    Further progress is needed to close data gaps , enhance fiscal transparency , combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism , and fight cross-border tax evasion and tax avoidance .

  28. 财政透明度主要是指政府向公众公开政府的结构与职能、财政政策目标、公共部门账户、财政筹划和预算信息的程度。

    The fiscal transparency mainly refers to the government publicize government 's structure and function , the financial policy goal , the public department account , the financial preparation and the budget information degree .

  29. 征税体制和财政透明度是我们的技术援助以及持续开展的经济分析和政策咨询的重要内容,包括采取措施促进公平和高效的税收制度以及更强的税收征管。

    Taxation regimes and fiscal transparency figure prominently in our technical assistance and ongoing economic analysis and policy advice , including measures that promote equitable and efficient tax systems as well as stronger tax administration .

  30. 根据促进财政透明度的多种力量和因素提出了财政透明度的四种动力机制&引力模型、压力模型、推力模型和耦合模型;

    According to the multiple forces and factors which improve the fiscal transparence , four kinds of motive system ( gravitation model , press model , thrust model and coupling model ) were figured out ;