
  • 网络Financial allocation;fiscal distribution;finance distribution
  1. 财政分配模式视野中的高校师生关系简论

    On the Relationship Between Teachers and Students in Higher Education in Finance Distribution

  2. 财政分配的数量界限

    Quantitative limits of finance distribution

  3. 中央与地方财政分配关系研究

    Study on Financial Distribution Relation between the Higher and Lower Governments

  4. 对财政分配与价格分配关系的研究

    Researches into the Relationship in Financial Distribution and Price Distribution

  5. 财政分配失衡的思考与选择

    Reconsideration and Approaches to Imbalance of Allocation in Public Finance

  6. 试论价格上涨背景下的财政分配

    On the Fiscal Allocation Under the Background of Price Inflation

  7. 论财政分配机制的重构

    The Restructure of the Distribution Mechanism of the Public Finance

  8. 我国财政分配模型研究

    A Model and Research on Financial Distribution in China

  9. 建立规范的政府间财政分配关系制度;

    Build up a public finance of government allotment relation system of norm ;

  10. 公共财政分配规模结构研究

    Study on Allocation Scale and Structure of Public Finance

  11. 一种有效的城市建设投资财政分配模型

    An Efficient Model of Financial Allocation of Infrastructure Investment

  12. 对中央和地方财政分配关系的重新思考

    ^ Reconsideration on the Central and Local Financial Distribution

  13. 财政分配无偿性新议

    A New Discourse on the Noncompensatory Financial Allocation

  14. 从根源上说,它受我国中央和地方间的财政分配模式的影响。

    Fiscal redistribution between central and provincial governments plays important role in off-budget inflation .

  15. 论社会主义财政分配秩序

    On the Socialist Financial Distribution Order

  16. 清代中央与地方财政分配关系的研究与借鉴

    Study and Reference of Financial Distribution Relation between Central Government and Local Government in Qing Dynasty

  17. 现行的财政分配体制是导致我国法院地方化的主要经济动因。

    The existing financial distribution system led to localization of the courts of the main economic driving forces .

  18. 分税制是市场经济下处理政府间财政分配关系的一种较为理想的体制模式。

    Tax-sharing system is a quite ideal pattern to deal with fiscal distributive relationship of governments in the market economy .

  19. 马克思关于两种权力的学说对社会主义财政分配具有重大理论和现实指导意义。

    Marx 's theory on two kinds of powers is of great theoretical and practical guiding significance in socialist public finance distribution .

  20. 产业结构比例的严重不平衡和财政分配体制的制约,是影响大庆市生态城市发展的主要因素。

    Deviation of industrial structure and distribution limit of state finance is the main influence factor of development of eco-city in Daqing .

  21. 指出马克思再生产理论是一个重要的财政分配规模观,社会扣除理论则为财政分配规模作出了原则规定。

    It points out that Marx 's theory of social reproduction is a very important view about the scale of financial distribution .

  22. 对上下级财政分配关系作适当调整,也能保证省以下政府的财政利益。

    And appropriate adjustment in fiscal distribution between the higher and lower governments can also guarantee the lower governments ' fiscal interests .

  23. 第一章对政府储蓄的内涵进行界定,并联系政府的财政分配活动分别从财政收入和财政支出方面就政府储蓄的形成作了考察。

    In chapter one , the author defines government savings and analyzes its formation in two aspects of fiscal revenue and expenditure .

  24. 这种财政分配的基本目标是公共需要,财政支出行为实质上一种公共开支行为。

    The basic goal of in a public finance system is public need , and fiscal expenditure is mainly only for public need .

  25. 因此,新时期有效财政分配的重点应该放在质量的增长而不单纯是数量的增加上面。

    Therefore , the effective distribution in the new era should not simply focus on the increase the quantity but on the quality .

  26. 实践证明,在市场经济条件下用分税制来科学规范、公平合理地确定各级政府的财政分配关系,是行之有效的。

    It is effective to standardize and ensure fiscal distributive relationship of governments at different levels by tax-sharing system in the market economy .

  27. 财政分配与价格分配两者之间存在着相互制约的关系,即财政分配制约着价格分配;

    Abstracts Financial distribution and price distribution restrict each other . That is , financial distribution restricts price distribution , and vice versa .

  28. 从教育财政分配模式视角考察高校师生关系,分析了三种不同教育财政分配模式影响下的师生关系表现形态。

    In this paper , the author discusses the relationship between teachers and students in higher education from the perspective of finance distribution .

  29. 采用横向分配与纵向分配相结合、税收分配与财政分配相结合的模式进行税收利益分配。

    The second , revenue distribution uses the model which combines with horizontal distribution and vertical distribution , revenue distribution and finance distribution .

  30. 主要是立足现实,从财政分配管理、政治管理体制、法律关系规范三个方面对中央与地方关系上的现实问题进行分析。

    It mainly emphatically in to realistic question analysis based the reality . The third part is in the base of the second part .