
  • 网络financial environment
  1. 网络财务环境下会计模式的探讨

    Discussion on Network Accounting Accounting Model in Network Financial Environment

  2. 网络经济的发展导致财务环境的变革。

    The development of network economy leads to the change of financial environment .

  3. 企业所处的财务环境受整个经济环境的影响,也发生了较大的变革。

    Enterprises ' financial environment is also affected by the whole economy environment and has changed greatly .

  4. 网络财务环境下的会计风险与控制&兼论企业集团的网络财务

    On the Risk and Control of Accounting under the Network Finance System & A Discussion on the Network Finance of Enterprises

  5. 本文以财务环境为逻辑起点,试构我国新的环境导向型财务分析理论体系。

    In this essay , the financial environment is the logic starting point and the new environment financial analysis theory system is constructed .

  6. 企业的会计理论与会计实务也将从原有的经济环境中蜕变出来,重新形成与网络财务环境相适应的会计模式。

    The accounting theory and practice will be divorced from the traditional economic environment , and form a new accounting mode adaptable to the network financial environment .

  7. 企业首先需要识别内外部财务环境因素,对各种财务依存状态进行客观判别,进而选择与之相应的财务战略来确保企业财务目标实现。

    Firstly corporate financial strategy should identify internal and external environment factors and all sorts of financial status , then objectively select appropriate financial strategy to ensure financial goals .

  8. 为了让企业中的IT部门能够在这个受控制的财务环境中“幸免遇难”并适应这个环境,他们需要使自己与业务需求保持一致。

    In order for IT departments within an enterprise to survive in and adapt to this controlled financial environment , they need to align themselves with demands of the business .

  9. 但随着企业财务环境的不断变化,加强财务战略管理的基本理论的研究并将其落实到实践工作将越来越受到重视。

    With environment changing continuously along with the business enterprise financial , enhancing the basic and theoretical research how to put financial strategy practice into practice will be more and more valued .

  10. 但是在现实的资本市场上,由于企业的内外财务环境会不断地发生变化,上市公司的市值也会因此偏离其真实的内在价值,那么在整个证券市场上就会出现异常波动的现象。

    But with internal and external financial environment constantly changing , the market value of listed companies will deviate from its true intrinsic value in the real capital markets , which these phenomena are abnormal fluctuations in the stock market .

  11. 改善财务环境,提高合作社财务信息质量,需要从完善理事会和监事会的功能、加强政府监督、提升合作社财务会计人员素质等多方面进行。

    To improve the quality of financial information of cooperatives , need to improve the function of the Council and the Board of Supervisors to strengthen government oversight , improve the quality of co-operatives , and many other financial and accounting personnel were .

  12. 而知识经济时代生产力发展变化所引起的经济环境、财务环境的巨大变革导致信息需求的变化,由此产生了对会计报告变革的要求。

    It leads to the requirements that rules and regulations on financial reports should be revised and amended , because people demand more accounting information as the economic and financial environments change , which follow the great changes arisen from the development of social productive forces .

  13. 随着中国加入WTO,企业财务管理环境发生了重大的变化。

    With China ' entry into WTO , the financial management environment of enterprises has been a great change .

  14. 不过,在世界上的一些地方,阿加瓦尔及其名下的韦丹塔资源公司(VedantaResources)有着留下财务与环境问题的恶名。

    But Mr. Agarwal and his company , Vedanta Resources , are known in some parts of the world for having left financial and environmental problems in their wake .

  15. 我国高科技企业财务管理环境分析与完善

    Analysis and Improvement of the Finance Management Circumstance of High-Tech Companies

  16. 不同的企业或同一个企业在不同的时期,其所面临的财务管理环境是不同的。

    Different enterprises face different financial management situations at different stages .

  17. 财务管理环境的变迁及其发展趋势

    About the Vicissitudes of Financial Administration Circumstances and its Developing Tendency

  18. 企业由于所面临的财务管理环境存在着差异,因而其财务管理的目标也并非是完全一致。

    So it isn 't fully consistent to objective of financial management .

  19. 论企业财务管理环境与财务决策

    Enterprise 's Financial Management Environment and Financial Decisions

  20. 指出了铁路建设规模的扩大有赖于财务运作环境的合理配置;

    The extension of railway building scale depends on the rational arrangement of financial circumstance .

  21. 论企业财务管理环境浅议财务管理环境

    A Study on the Finance Administrative Environment of Enterprise A Tentative Discussion on Finance Management Environment

  22. 从财务管理环境角度谈我国企业融资模式

    A View of Enterprise Fund - raising Models in China from the Angle of Financial Administrative Environment

  23. 不同的财务管理环境,会产生不同的理财模式,也会产生不同的财务管理理论。

    Different financial management circumstance can bring about different management of money matters as well as different financial management theory .

  24. 国有企业财务管理环境和财务关系在财务管理理论结构中占据重要地位。

    The financial management circumstances of state enterprises and financial relationship are very important in the theoretical structure of financial management .

  25. 入世后企业财务管理环境的变化对财务管理产生极大的影响。

    After entering WTO , the change of the environment of the enterprise financial affairs management has very big influence to the financial affairs management .

  26. 本文针对会计人员如何适应新的会计电算化的财务管理环境问题进行了分析探索。

    What a environmental question of financial administration which meets the new accounting by EDP to accountant to been analysed and probes into this text .

  27. 当前财务管理环境的研究并未引起企业和理论界应有的重视。

    At present , the necessary importance has not been attached to the study on the finance administrative environment in the enterprise circles and theorist circle .

  28. 这些结论着重对问题的反映,本文结合民营上市公司的财务战略环境提出了个人的意见和建议,试图为民营上市公司提供借鉴。

    These conclusions focus on problems . Considering the financial strategy environment , the paper puts forward personal suggestions and attempts to offer reference for the private listed companies .

  29. 为了完善高科技企业的财务管理环境,提高其财务管理水平,政府部门应从宏观上为高科技企业提供良好的理财环境,高科技企业自身要完善财务管理的微观环境。

    To improve the finance management circumstance of high-tech companies , the government should offer good outside finance circumstance , and high-tech companies should perfect their own internal finance circumstance .

  30. 文章分析了财务报告环境发生的重大变化,并从理论与实践的角度论述了财务报告内容、模式和信息披露等几个方面的基本发展趋势。

    This paper analyzes the significant change of the circumstance of financial report , and discusses the basic developing trend of financial report , including its context , frame and information exposure .