
  • 网络Financial expenses;FINANCE COST;fiscal charges;Monetary spending;Joint funding
  1. 也许是他惊动了财务支出室的小偷而被杀

    Couldn 't he have surprised the thief in the disbursing office and been murdered ?

  2. 但并不是所有的(广告公司)都有所收获:在7月2日,微软有一笔62亿的财务支出,其中大部分反映了aQuantive公司的贬值,而该公司则是微软在2007年用63亿收购的。

    Not all have flourished : on July 2nd Microsoft took a $ 6.2 billion accounting charge , most of which reflected a writedown of the value of aQuantive , which it bought in 2007 for $ 6.3 billion .

  3. 单靠选举不一定能增加村财务支出中公共投资的比例。

    Elections alone do not necessarily improve the allocation of public expenditures .

  4. 加强财务支出管理是深化部门预算改革的关键

    To Strengthen Financial Expenditure Management Is the Key for Deepening Departmental Budget Reform

  5. 他是艾森豪威尔号上的财务支出员。

    He was the disbursing officer on the eisenhower .

  6. 全国社区卫生服务现状调查&2000~2002年全国城市社区卫生服务中心财务支出状况分析

    Analysis on the Expense of the Community Health Service Centers in China from 2000 to 2002

  7. 制定财务支出一支笔审批制度须遵守的原则确定原则,形成原理

    Policies Must Be Stuck to in the One-pen Approving System of Financial Expenditures ; establish a principle

  8. 月供更高的话,就会消耗掉原本用于度假、退休储蓄、教育储备和其它财务支出的资金。

    Higher monthly payments eat into money available for vacations , retirement savings , educational nest eggs and other financial goals .

  9. 文章以《会计法》为依据,阐述了制定财务支出一支笔审批制度必须遵守的具体原则。

    Based on the Accounting Law ", this article has explained policies must be stuck to in the one-pen " approving system of financial expenditures .

  10. 该方法的引入有利于正确引导高校财政投资渠道、合理分配有限的资金以及提高财务支出效益。

    The introduction of the AHP is helpful to guiding the investment channels , reasonably distributing the limited capital and improving the finance expenditure performance .

  11. 对公司来说,这可是低风险高回报的事情,基本上不会产生财务支出,还能从干劲十足的人身上获取很多新的想法。

    It is low risk and high reward for firms , with almost no financial outlay and a number of fresh new ideas from eager up-and-comers .

  12. 然而,自2003年以来,中国企业扣除财务支出的自由现金流为负,它们主要通过借债获得融资。

    Nevertheless , since 2003 Chinese companies have generated negative free cash flows - after financial expenses - which they have financed mainly by taking on debt .

  13. 目的了解我国东、西、中部地区社区卫生服务站2002年度的财务支出情况。方法对全国不同地区61个市区所属的508个社区卫生服务站的财务支出进行问卷调查。

    Objective To find out the financial expense status in the community health service stations ( CHSS ) in east , west and middle regions of China in 2002.Methods A questionnaire survey on the expense in 508 CHSS in 61 cities was conducted .

  14. 另外,对于想要上市的公司来说有一点也很重要,摊平季度之间财务支出的起伏,使得财务报告从股票分析师和其他分析人员的角度更能够被理解,因为是他们对上市公司做出分析。

    As an aside , it is also important in this regard for private companies going public to flatten out expense variations between quarters to make the reporting more understandable from the perspective of stock analysts and others who analyze publicly traded companies .

  15. 查尔斯王子位于克劳伦斯宫的办公地,于上周五发布了年度回顾,清楚地揭示了查尔斯王子夫妇、威廉王子和哈利王子的财务支出情况,当然还包括皇室的最新成员凯瑟琳王妃,即剑桥公爵夫人的支出情况。

    Prince Charles ' office at Clarence House released its annual review Friday , shedding light on how money is spent on the couple , as well as Princes William and Harry and , of course , the newest addition to the family , Catherine , Duchess of Cambridge .

  16. 2005年第三季度,家庭财务赤字(支出超过收入)占到国内生产总值(GDP)的3.5%。

    Households ran a financial deficit ( an excess of spending over income ) of 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product in the third quarter of 2005 .

  17. 猪的营养是种财务上的支出。

    Pig nutrition is a financial exercise .

  18. 他们只有两种工具:政府和私人财务赤字(支出大于收入)。

    They have only two vehicles : government and private financial deficits ( excesses of spending over income ) .

  19. 与正常经营时期相比,危机时期下财务弹性对投资支出的影响更显著。

    And the positive effect of financial flexibility on investment becomes significantly stronger under financial crisis period than situation under normal business operation period .

  20. 本系统是针对用户要求用计算机,对自己的财务的收入、支出以及相关的各种信息,进行记录、修改、添加、删除而设计的一种现代化管理软件。

    This system is according to user requirements with the computer , for their financial income , expenditure and a variety of related information , records , modify , add , delete and design of a kind of modern management software .

  21. 本文从台湾健保的管理制度、财务收入制度和财务支出制度等方面对其财务危机进行了分析,并总结出它为完善我国大陆健康保险制度提供的借鉴意义。

    This paper analyzes financial crisis in the aspects of management system , financial receipts system and financial expenditure system of Taiwan 's health insurance and summarizes its learning significance for completing main-land health insurance system .

  22. 资本结构决策是现代企业最重要的财务政策之一,不仅对企业的资金成本、财务风险、税金支出、治理结构等具有影响,还会对企业在产品市场上的竞争行为产生重大影响。

    As one of the most important financial policies of the modern enterprises , capital structure decision has impact on not only enterprises ' cost of capital , financial risk , tax expenditures and governance structure , but also their competitive behaviors and performance in product markets .

  23. 财务管理系统对企业财务计划,财务控制,财务监督,财务运用等方面都起着巨大的作用,是每一个单位管理财务收入和支出的不可缺少的一个管理信息系统。

    Financial management system plays magnificent role in the cooperation financial plan , control , supervision and application . And this is indispensable management information system to every company in its income and expense .