
  • 网络property risk
  1. 根据风险损失作用对象的不同,将体育赛事面临的主要风险分为财产风险、人身风险、责任风险、赛事取消风险和财务风险。

    The risks of the sports competitions were categorized into property risk , life risk , liability risk , competition cancel risk and financial risk .

  2. 也面临着宝贵的财产风险&那些风险只会与日俱增。

    There is also valuable property at risk – and those risks will only grow .

  3. 但在没有财产风险责任的制约下,经理的经营行为和决策亦易于短期化,这也是晋商对经营者激励机制上的不足。

    But without resposibility for property , the managers ' operation and their decision-making were short-term .

  4. 一人有限责任公司财产信用风险防范的法律思考

    On Precaution Against the Property and Credit Risk of One-Person Liability Company

  5. 工业企业财产保险风险查勘(评估)模型研究

    Research on risk assessment model of industry corporation property insurance

  6. 离世前不分割财产的风险是显而易见的。

    The risks of not dividing the spoils before you go are obvious .

  7. 该政策应与香港航空公司财产和风险管理政策共同理解。

    This policy should be read in conjunction with HKAC Treasury and risk management policies .

  8. 资产负债表或资本目的的资金的使用方法需要“财产和风险管理”的批准。

    Usage of funds for balance sheet or capital purposes requires Treasury and risk management approval .

  9. 雇员不忠诚导致财产损失风险的大量存在是雇员忠诚保险得以存续的基础。

    The risk of employee dishonesty occurs in magnitude , which forms the basis of employee loyalty insurance .

  10. 如果每样东西都平均地给每个人,为什么人们还需要冒着生命和财产的风险去博取更多的收入?

    If everything is equally given to people , why do people risk their lives or fortune for more income ?

  11. 对他们来说,在这个火山频发的地带,经济上的丰收远远大于失去生命与财产的风险。

    For them , the economic benefit they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano 's frequent eruptions .

  12. 本公司的代表有权在任何适当的时候对保险财产的风险情况进行现场查验。

    The representative of the Company shall at any suitable time be entitled to attend the site and inspect or examine the risk of the property insured .

  13. 本文讨论适用于一类人寿保险和财产保险的风险过程,其中保单到达服从Poisson过程,而描述索赔发生的计数过程为保单到达过程的p-稀疏过程。

    In this paper we introduce a risk process that can be used to describe a class of life or non-life risk models , where the arrival of term policies follows a Poisson process and the arrival of the claims follows a p-thinning process of the arrival process .

  14. 财产保险火灾风险评估标准框架研究

    Study on Standard Frame of Fire Risk Assessment for Property Insurance

  15. 中、韩两国财产保险业风险管理比较研究

    Comparative research on property and casualty insurance industry in China and Korea

  16. 保险在企业财产和责任风险管理中的应用研究

    Investigation on Risk Management in Property and Liability Insurance

  17. 持票人同时还承担在场馆内丢失财产的所有风险。

    The ticket holder will further undertake all risks of loss of properties in the stadium .

  18. 加强财产免受政治风险的保障,避免资产被临时冻结或限制使用;

    Increased protection of assets from political risk which could otherwise result in freezing , limitation on use or even confiscation ;

  19. 三是深入分析了我国财产保险公司风险管理的现状,以及面临的风险分析。

    The paper deeply analyzes the current situation of property insurance companies ' risk management , and the risk that they face .

  20. 国内外学者在管理创新方面已经取得了众多研究成果,可以用其指导财产保险承保风险控制工作管理创新。

    The results of exploration on the management innovation can be used to conduct the management innovation about underwriting property risk control working .

  21. 个人意外伤害保险、公共责任保险、意外事故保险与财产保险等风险转移和市场化是处理风险的主要策略。

    The risk transference and marketization of personal accident injury insurance , public liability insurance , accident insurance and property insurance were the main strategy .

  22. 完善的游艇保险规划,来保障游艇活动所面临之人身、财产及责任风险。

    It required excellent management system to protect the safety in sailing and adequate yacht insurance to protect the personal , property , and liability risks faced by yachting .

  23. 人居安全是保障良好人居环境的前提,通过对人居环境持续的危险识别和风险管理过程,将人员伤害和财产损失的风险尽可能降低至最低水平。

    Human security is a precondition for making a good human settlement , which aims to reduce economic losses and personnel casualties by continuing hazard identification and risk management process .

  24. 有必要对我国财产保险公司风险管理进行深入研究,建立全面风险评价模型,制定有针对性的管理办法,提高财险公司风险管理能力,促进我国财产保险市场稳健发展。

    In-depth study is necessary on our property and casualty insurance company risk management , establishment of a comprehensive risk assessment model to develop targeted management approach to improve the ability of property insurance companies .

  25. 由于海上强制责任保险是对保险领域契约自由的一种限制,因此只能适度推行,只有涉及公共利益以及公众生命财产安全的风险较大的行业才能纳入法定责任保险范畴。

    As maritime compulsory liability insurance is free for a limited field of insurance contract and therefore only appropriate to only involve public interest and public safety risks can be incorporated into the statutory liability insurance areas .

  26. 财产保险公司负债风险资本金的确定

    An Acknowledgement Issue on Liability Risk Capital of Property Insurance Company

  27. 财产保险公司全面风险预警指标体系研究

    Premonition Index System of Property Insurance Company in China

  28. 财产所有权转移与风险责任的研究

    Comparison between Transference of Ownership and Risk Responsibility

  29. 财产保险是经营风险的产业,风险管理能力是其核心竞争力。

    Property and casualty insurance industry is a risk management one , whose key competitive factor is the ( ability ) of risk management .

  30. 昨日公布的一项报告称,由于财产遭征用的风险不断上升、监管充满不确定性以及信贷前景日益恶化,新兴市场的政治风险已急剧上升。

    Political risk in emerging markets has risen sharply amid rising expropriation risks , regulatory uncertainty and a worsening credit outlook , according to a report out today .