
  • 网络Negative benefits;adverse benefit
  1. 洪水频率区域综合法中正、负效益的识别

    Identification of Positive and Negative Gains in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis

  2. 水电工程的规模和特点决定了它对环境的影响特别重大,这种影响有正效益和负效益两个方面。

    The environmental impacts of hydropower projects are generally large due to project scale and characteristics .

  3. 论诉讼的负效益

    On the Negative Benefits of Lawsuits

  4. 高速公路水土流失损失是一个带状区域人为加速土壤侵蚀所产生的生态环境负效益。

    Economic loss of soil and water loss in highway has negative benefit by man-made accelerated erosion in zonal region .

  5. Q-学习方法是一种特殊的增强学习方法,可以通过多次迭代计算正/负效益进行主动学习。

    Q-learning approach is a specialized type of reinforcement learning that learns actively by determining iteratively the positive and / or negative rewards .

  6. 在目前环保电价未落实的情况下,电厂烟气脱硫仍为负效益。

    It is found that the economic benefits are still negative in the case of environmental protection price has not been set up .

  7. 诉讼本身的特性以及不适度的诉讼率都会产生诉讼负效益,因此,当代中国应对诉讼的功能持理性的态度,采取适当的措施,使诉讼保持适度的发展比率。

    So in modern China a rational attitude towards lawsuits and reasonable measures should be held to keep a rational development rate of lawsuits .

  8. 当正效益大于负效益时,增装元件改善了系统可靠性,元件为同调元件;反之,为非同调元件。

    If the positive effect is larger than the negative effect , adding a component can improve the system reliability and the component is the reliability coherence component .

  9. 因为过度放牧的效果由全体牛郎承担,所以任何一位牛郎作出决定,负效益只是-1的小部份。

    Since , however , the effects of overgrazing are shared by all the herdsmen , the negative utility for any particular decision-making herdsman is only a fraction of-1 .

  10. 即使矿井水源热泵系统本身为零效益或负效益,在污水治理和环境保护方面也具有显著的社会和经济效益。

    Even if the mine water-source heat pump system itself has zero or negative benefits effective in sewage treatment and environmental protection , it also has significant social and economic benefits .

  11. 环境价值明显表现出八个特点,整体有用性、不确定性、时效性、空间差异性、多样性、共享性(外部性)、人为创造性和负效益性。

    Then environmental value shows obviously eight characteristic : whole use , not determined , time benefit , space difference , diversity , shared ( diseconomy ), created and negative benefit .

  12. 但是,在取得巨大效益的同时,引黄泥沙带来的负效益也很大,如引黄清淤的问题、沙化区的问题、人均耕地减少的问题等。

    However , negative results caused by the Yellow River sediment is also great , such as the Yellow River dredging issue , the desertification problems , the decrease of cultivated land and so on .

  13. 虽然7岁以后接种产生负效益,但由于仍可获得相当可观的净效果,因此建议,在适当时机应扩大疫苗接种对象。

    Although vaccination would result in negative benefit in the population aged 7 and over , certain net utility was also gained , Therefore we suggest that the subjects to be vaccinated be extended in due course .

  14. 分析了简单串并联系统以及复杂系统中可靠性非同调现象的产生机理,即将增装元件对系统可靠性的影响分为正效益和负效益两方面。

    The RN mechanism of the simple series , parallel systems and complex systems is analyzed , and the impact of adding a component on the system reliability is divided into two parts : positive effect and negative effect .

  15. 同时,工程开发引发的负效益占到了正效益的63%,说明该工程开发对东江河流生态系统的负面影响是不容忽视的。

    In addition , the negative benefit of the hydro project accounts for 63 % of the positive benefit , which makes it clear that the negative effects of the hydro project on river ecological function should not be neglected .

  16. 首次从全生命周期角度对小麦燃料乙醇能量收益进行了详尽的评价,研究结果表明:①如果不考虑副产品能量价值,无论是旧工艺还是新工艺能量收益均为负效益。

    Energy benefit about wheat fuel ethanol estimated in the full lifecycle for the first time , the results of research show ① The energy values of new and old technology are both negative , if the energy value of byproduct is not considered .

  17. 本文以土地利用变化为纽带,对该区土地利用特征、动态变化进行了研究,研究表明:岷江上游1986~2000年间土地利用变化引起的生态效益变化正负并存,但负效益大于正效益。

    This research studies the land use characteristics and the dynamic changes , taking the land utilization changes as link . The results show that : positive and negative eco-efficiency caused by land use changes co-exists . But , the negative eco-efficiency is greater than the positive eco-efficiency .

  18. 各项工程措施的实施对生态系统形成外部干扰,打破土地生态系统的动态平衡,形成负向效益,从而反作用于人类社会。

    The implementation of engineering measures for the ecological system have caused external disturbance , and break the land ecological system dynamic balance , forming negative efficiency , thus reaction in human society .

  19. 而另一方面,公众的不理解、相关法律上的漏洞、社会整体的信任危机和道德危机以及行业协会自身所具有的负外部效益又进一步降低了行业协会的公信力。

    On the other hand , the public does not understand , legal loopholes and the crisis of confidence of the community as a whole and moral crisis , as well as the trade associations may negative external benefit further reduces the credibility of the trade associations .

  20. 将原本为负的生态效益扭亏为盈,湿地生态效益大幅度改善,对土地的可持续利用具有积极作用。

    A significant improvement in ecological benefits of wetlands has a positive effect on the sustainable use of land .

  21. 整体来看,样本县退耕还林工程综合效益呈现上升趋势,并于2004年由负转正,后续效益仍有较大提升空间。

    On the whole , the comprehensive benefit of Cropland Conversion to Forest Project show the ascendant trend , changing from the negative to the positive , and then which yet have the greater increase .